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Chapter 114: Royal relatives?

   Lin Tingting feels that the past few days are really unlucky. I ran into this guy named Yu Feng a few days ago, and he took a fancy to it, that's all.

   This Yu Feng even threatened her father. If he didn't marry his daughter, Lin Tingting's company would close down. After knowing Yu Feng's identity, Lin Tingting's father was really frightened.

   And today I came to Yushan Treasure House for dinner. Yu Feng's actions on Lin Tingting made Lin Tingting very disgusted, so I escaped, otherwise I don’t know what will happen!

   "Big brother, save me, please, save me, they are going to catch me." Lin Tingting saw Zhu Yuanyuan on the side as if she had caught the savior.

Zhu Yuanyuan frowned when he looked at the woman who asked him for help. If the woman didn't ask for help, he was really going to save her, but now this woman does not care whether she can save her or not, but grabs him. Don't let go, what a stupid woman is this.

Zhu Yuanyuan is very disgusted with such a woman. If this woman is not catching Zhu Yuanyuan, but an ordinary person with no money and power to ask for help, this will definitely kill people, not only because she is not saved. It would drag another one to death, which is utterly stupid.

   Zhu Yuanyuan always hates this kind of woman.

   I want to save this woman's heart suddenly cold, planning to ignore it, leave directly, let this woman think about her mistake!

   "Boy, one word of advice, immediately get out of me without seeing who the master is. If you want a hero to save the beauty, you are afraid that you think too much. Get out of here, or you will be killed."

   Zhu Yuanyuan originally planned to leave, but a young man with a morbidly pale face and a vain footstep came with a group of 7-8 bodyguards, and he was arrogant.

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard this, his original pace of leaving stopped, and an unnamed anger rose in his heart. People were asking for trouble over and over again. See if you are a bully, right? Let you know today. , The strong can not be insulted.

"You only have two choices, one, kneel and walk away. Second, go out from here sideways. Choose one." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know where these two products came from. How come they were met by himself, could it be today? Didn't you read the almanac when you went out?

   "What? Damn brat, you are so arrogant. You **** up this young master and beating him to death."

   Yu Feng became angry all of a sudden, his original morbidly white face was red, as if he had been hit with chicken blood in an instant, and he directed his bodyguard to teach Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Huh, you want to beat me with these things like chicken dogs? Thinking too much."

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the bodyguards around him with disdain. These people were weaker than Wu Dajun before they did not use the enhancer.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense. With his footsteps, Zhu Yuanyuan took the lead in attacking, and he rushed into the group of bodyguards and punched down. The first bodyguard wailed and covered his stomach and turned to the ground. The bodyguard felt his own. Has the intestines been interrupted?


   With the screams, Zhu Yuanyuan punched one, another kicked, and these bodyguards were beaten to the ground and wailed.

   "You...you...what do you want?" Yu Feng's lips trembled, with a scared expression on his face, stammering at Zhu Yuanyuan who was slowly approaching.

   "Oh? Isn't it what you want to do? Why did you ask me instead? Come, tell me, what do you want?" Zhu Yuanyuan patted Yu Feng's scared face.

"Don't dare, I don't dare, please let me go." The resentment in Yu Feng's heart doesn't want to be seen by Zhu Yuanyuan. Now he shrunk into a quail appearance, making people look pitiful and pitiful. There must be something hateful, this sentence seems to be quite correct, the wicked still need the wicked to grind!

   But when Zhu Yuanyuan was preparing to teach Yu Feng, his mental power suddenly sensed a wave of joy and a wave of malice.

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked back and saw that Lin Tingting was still standing there, and a glimmer of joy flashed in her eyes, as if something was successful.

   A trace of bad news flashed in Zhu Yuanyuan's heart. This woman had problems, there were big problems, but he couldn't think of any problems for a while.

   "Oh, oh, two young masters, what are you doing? What are the contradictions, everyone sit down and say slowly, don’t do it."

  The people from Yushan Zhenpinju finally came out. Zhu Yuanyuan didn't catch a cold. When Ma De was in a conflict and fight, he didn't come out to stop him. Now that the fight is over, he has come out to be a peacemaker. Why did you go early?

   Zhu Yuanyi ignored this person, but said to Yu Feng: "Boy, today I will let you go for a while, don't make trouble, otherwise, hehe."

   "Click!" With a sound, Zhu Yuanyuan snapped the corner of a stone table with his hand, and threw it on the ground with a "bang" sound.

   Not only did Yu Feng’s face become white again~www.ltnovel.com~, it also shocked the few people watching the show. Is this still a human? That was a table made of marble, which was broken by hand.

   After leaving the Yushan Treasure House, Zhu Yuanyuan was just about to drive away, and a person came after him, it was Lin Tingting.

   "Sir, sir, wait a minute." Lin Tingting yelled as she walked over quickly.

   Zhu Yuanyuan was thoughtful. He felt that something was wrong with this woman just now, but he wanted to see what the woman had to say.

"what's the matter?"

   "Sir, thank you for helping me out. But you have to be careful, the young master belongs to the Yu family." Lin Tingting said with gratitude on her face.

   "Oh? Yujia? Which Yujia?" Zhu Yuanyuan said with a cold light in his eyes, looking at the woman in front of him.

   "Which other Yu's family? It is the famous Yu's family in Deep Sea City. The eldest lady of Yu's family is the emperor's concubine, and they are relatives of the emperor. You should be careful that they trouble you." Lin Tingting seemed to be a kind reminder.

   "Well, I see. Is it all right? I'm leaving."

   Zhu Yuanyuan has no good feelings about this woman, especially since he feels that this woman seems to have a big problem, but he can't figure out where the problem is, which is really strange.

   Lin Tingting stood there watching Zhu Yuanyuan's car go away, the expression on her face also changed, becoming cold with a vicious expression.

   "Today I must have gone out without reading the almanac, and I stepped on shit, I encountered this kind of thing, and also offended a family that is obviously not small. It is really a dog."

   Zhu Origin is a bit depressed. Why did you encounter this kind of thing today? I don’t know if the Yu family will cause trouble in the future!

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