Random Shopping System

Chapter 118: trivia

   "The technical content of this industrial host machine can't be matched by Aquastar after thousands of years of shooting! This is very similar to a 3D printer, a machine that can be made of anything."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the machine tool data entered by him, including the original machine tool data and the optimized machine tool data.

   Although he didn't understand the formula on these materials and the ratio of some materials, he still understood the efficiency of the final output.

  The optimized machine tool is at least several times stronger than the unoptimized machine. This does not change the shape of the original machine, nor does it add anything. It is just optimized and improved on the original basis.

   Zhu Yuanyuan opened the material inlet on the console, and after looking at the materials required by various machine tools, he selected it among the space rings before putting the material into the material inlet.

   After putting in the materials, a process appeared on the holographic image, which was obtained by Zhu Yuanyuan to take a look. It can be closed or opened.

  The holographic projection image clearly shows how a machine tool was manufactured.

Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that there was no sound at all after the industrial machine was started, and it was not used electric energy. There was a nuclear fusion reactor in the industrial machine. The energy rod in this machine was made of a nuclear energy mine. Basically The industrial master machine can be used for 100 years at full power.

   The process of manufacturing the machine tool is very sci-fi. Although it is manufactured in the machine, Zhu Yuanyuan can see it clearly through the holographic projection.

  The first input material is not melted, but directly through a device of the industrial master machine, all the materials are broken down into the size of nuclei at once, and then fused, and after the fusion is shaping, this is completely a seamless casting process.

   And what makes Zhu Yuanyuan feel most incredible is that this industrial mother machine contains space technology. I don't know how this machine was made. The space in it is huge.

   Zhu Origin just put all the tens of thousands of tons of materials into the material warehouse of the industrial mother machine, the space in it is still very large, and now many machines can be manufactured at the same time.

   After tens of thousands of tons of materials are used up, a total of hundreds of machines can be manufactured, but it takes time. Industrial master machine manufacturing machines are still very fast. As long as the materials are sufficient, hundreds of machines a day are no problem.

   After looking at the completion time, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't plan to return to the villa today, and he would just stay in this warehouse overnight.

   When the industrial master machine is manufacturing the machine, it cannot be moved, otherwise no one knows what will happen.


   In a blink of an eye, the night passed.

   Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this might be the worst night he slept. He was very uncomfortable in the sports car. Although he could lie down, he was still uncomfortable to the extreme.

   If it weren't for his body already very strong, it is estimated that his whole body hurts terribly in the morning.

   Zhu originated like this when he was on the earth. The most disliked thing is to take trains and cars, um, long-distance trains and cars are deadly.

   "Huh, it's finally finished, this Nima is too tiring, and I will find someone to replace me in the future, otherwise I have to die."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the production task bar in the industrial master machine, which showed that all the work was completed. He was very happy. This batch of machines is considered complete. The machine tools in the machine factory are complete. A lot more.

The six workshops of the    Machinery Factory can’t contain many machines, at most a hundred or ten.

   Fortunately, now that Zhu Yuanyuan has a space ring, he is not afraid that there is no place to put the extra machines. As I said, he also plans to continue to expand the machinery factory. He wants to develop his own mobile phone and sell it. It must be his own production of parts.

Zhu Yuanyuan did not intend to make parts for others. First, the quality cannot be guaranteed. Second, if he wants diversified development, he must have his own one-stop production line, even if he wants to establish a pharmaceutical company in the future. Similarly, he has to contract a large piece of land to grow medicinal materials.

After putting out a warehouse of machine tools, Zhu Yuanyuan put away the industrial base machine. Of course, he received the space ring. There were also manufactured machines in the industrial base machine. They couldn't be put in the inventory, they could only be thrown in. Go inside the space ring.

"Hey, Mr. Feng? It's me Zhu Yuanyuan. I just got a batch of top high-precision machine tools, and they have arrived in the deep sea city. You send someone to the machine factory. I will arrange the security company employees to go to the machine factory. On duty, you order to go down."

   Zhu Yuanyuan called Feng Bing, the general manager of Random Machinery, and then sent a location, telling him to find more cars and pull the machine back.

"Okay, boss, I will immediately arrange for someone to pull the machine to the machine factory." Feng Bing quickly took action after receiving the call. Seeing that Suiji Games and Suiji Entertainment's projects were launched, he acted as The general manager of Suiji Machinery, of course, does not want to slow down~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan just ordered breakfast and was brought over by the takeaway brother. The company’s people came here. Feng Bing is not bad, very A pragmatic person pays attention to efficiency in everything, but while he pays attention to efficiency, he also focuses on quality. He is a person who knows how to do things.

   "President Feng, since you are here, these machines will be handed over to you, take them all to the machinery factory, remember, these things cannot be touched by outsiders."

   Zhu Yuanyuan solemnly warned that he didn't want the machines he had built and ran to others in a blink of an eye. Although others could not imitate these machines, it was disgusting.

"Yes, boss, I'll be careful. There are employees from Sui Ji Anbao following, and nothing can happen." Feng Bing has a confident expression. He knows who the employees of Sui Ji Anbao are, and all of them are veterans. , And there are some soldiers who are still elite troops. They are absolutely powerful, and ordinary people can't help them.

"Ah That's good."


   After Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the Huaxing Building, he had nothing to do and looked at his system panel. The reputation value has increased a bit, now it is more than 30 million.

   "Prestige value: 32.85 million."

   However, it is really not a long-term thing for this song to earn prestige points. The first day of hitting the charts has more than 10 million prestige points, the second day has more than 20 million, and the third day is still only more than 20 million.

   It seems that Zhu Yuanyuan’s songs are on the chart. Many people really like the songs recorded by Zhu Yuanyuan, but they like it. People are fickle. After listening to them, they may forget them in the next moment.

   He was mentally prepared for a long time, but he was not surprised.

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