Random Shopping System

Chapter 202: Xiao Yuan was assassinated!

   The first two items are very good, and Zhu Yuanyuan thinks the things I bought are really good.

   The latter three are useless.

  "Yellow wine: from the parallel world of the Song Dynasty, it is the wine that the famous poet Su Shi of the Song Dynasty wrote when he was enjoying the moon, and then he drank it. (PS: The wine of the famous poet is invaluable to many people.

  ...Zhu Yuanyuan thought he was possessed by Ou Shen, and the third thing turned out to be ordinary rice wine. Well, maybe the rice wine that Su Shi drank was also a famous wine in ancient times.

   But this cannot increase the value of this jar of rice wine, it is just ordinary rice wine.

   Could it be that Zhu Yuanyuan took it out and shouted everywhere outside to see if it was the wine that Su Shi drank when he was watching the moon. Isn’t he stupid?

   It might be regarded as a lunatic, or a fool.

   The fourth item is also useless.

"Nut kernel moon cakes: from the parallel world of the Tang Dynasty, they were the moon cakes that the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai ate when he was appreciating the moon. After eating the moon cakes, Li Bai wrote "Drinking Alone under the Moon." (PS: ordinary moon cakes.) "

   "I'll go, the moon cake Li Bai ate. If this is not a moon cake bought at random, whoever takes a moon cake and says that it was the moon cake that Li Bai ate when he was watching the moon. See if I don't slap him to death."

   Zhu Origin is a bit speechless.

   What's not good about buying? Buying moon cakes and rice wine is just buying the manuscripts of the two moon-appreciating poems written by Su Shi and Li Bai. They are also worth some money.

   The last item.

   "A crossword puzzle: Type a word, the evening and the sun will turn a little red. There will be a mysterious reward for guessing."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at this last item and frowned. What does this mean? And where did you buy it? He looked at it and didn't show where he bought it. It was strange.

   "Guess, I guess your sister, why is Xiriwanwan a little red, don’t understand. Each? It doesn’t seem to be, the name? Missing a horizontal line..."

   After thinking for a long time, his head was about to explode, Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head, forget it, don't want to, let it go, I will talk about it later.

   "Master, master..."

   Suddenly a voice came from Zhu Yuanyuan's mind.

   "Is it a little wolf?"

   This is the ability to control the gods. After the 6th level of the gods control, the controlled person can actively contact the master, and they can be contacted within a planet.

  When the control magic skill was low, Zhu Yuanyuan could actively contact the controlled people, but those people could not actively contact him. Now, after the control magic skill level 6, those controlled people can actively contact him.

   But Wu Dajun and the others didn't know that they were controlled, and Zhu Yuanyuan didn't use such abilities.

   Only the little wolf and the dark wolf of the dark blood killer organization know this ability.

   "Little wolf, what's the matter?" Zhu Yuanyuan was a bit strange. It is said that the little wolf followed Chen Ziyuan back to the capital. Why did he contact him at this time for no reason?

   "Master, I was shopping with the hostess just now. Someone wanted to kidnap the hostess and I killed it."

   The little wolf's voice was nonchalant, and a few things like ants dared to be fierce in front of it, and then let them go.

   "What? Who dared to attack Xiao Yuan, have you left alive?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Xiaolang said, his eyes instantly turned red. Unexpectedly, someone really dared to attack Xiaoyuan. Now he exudes a chill. Why is it that the tiger does not show his might? Is the cat sick?

  The reason why I don’t want to kill you is to give you a little bit of survival. I didn’t expect you people to toast and not eat fine wine. Okay, good, good, wait.

  Zhu Yuanyuan has cold eyes in his eyes. Wait, don't let me know who did it. If you don't kill you, Xiaoye won't be named Zhu.

   "Master, there are eight people in total, and four are left alive. The hostess's bodyguard has taken them all back."

   "Well, yes, I see, you protect Chen Ziyuan, I will go to Beijing this afternoon."

   Zhu Yuanyuan is full of anger now, and people dare to move Xiaoyuan, and they feel impatient with their lives, right? Okay, the little master will see you for a ride.

   "Okay, Master, I will protect the hostess."

   The immature and firm voice of the little wolf echoed in Zhu Yuanyuan's mind.

   "Jarvis, mobilize a hundred armored steel armors." Zhu Yuanyuan is really annoyed now, and he has set him on fire. Don't think about it.

   "Yes, Master, the steel armor will be in front of you soon."

   In less than a minute, a hundred steel armors stood in front of Zhu Yuanyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say much, and directly waved his hands to collect these steel armors into the space ring.

   This time in the capital, he didn't plan to take Wu Dajun and the others. The security personnel were too conspicuous, and those people must be directed at him Zhu Yuanyuan, Chen Ziyuan was just tired by him.

   In this case, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't mind coming to a snake out of the cave, and he went straight to the capital without a person. He wanted to see who was behind it.

   After Zhu Yuanwen walked out of the villa quickly, he remembered that Xiao Zhang had already gone back for the festival. Now there is no helicopter on the island, even if he can drive it himself.

   After thinking for a while, Zhu Yuanyuan turned back to the base~www.ltnovel.com~ and then released a steel armor to wear on his body, and flew out directly from the mouth of the sea.

"Huhuhu..." A lacquered black line flew out from the base's entrance to the sea. This is the seabed mode of steel armor. The speed is also very fast under the water. If under the water, the speed cannot reach supersonic speed. Up.

   The speed in the sky can reach supersonic speed.

Now there are no helicopters on Feiyu Island. Zhu Yuanyuan only flies directly to the capital wearing steel armor. The black coating on the steel armor is an invisible coating that can be seen by the naked eye, but it cannot be scanned by radar. Signal scanning is useless, and the radar on Aquamarine is simply useless.

This is not like in the Iron Man 1 movie, where the radar can still monitor. Zhu Yuanyuan is not so stupid. If you want to hide, there are more ways to do it. Even if you don’t need an invisible coating, you can let Jarvis shield the surveillance equipment passing by. And radar.

  Those radars are all networked. They use satellites. Even if they don’t use satellites, there are signal towers. As long as there is a signal, Jarvis can invade.

   Zhu Origin first controlled the steel armor to swim a distance in the sea. After scanning for no one around, he flew directly from the deep sea toward the sky.

   "Sure enough, it doesn't feel like looking down from the sky."

   Standing volley in the sky, Zhu Yuanyuan feels very refreshing. The blue sea below and the distant land and islands are all in sight. This feeling, um, is very cold from above.

   However, these scenery and other things were all left behind. He went to the capital to check who was behind the scenes, but he didn't come to see the scenery.

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