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Chapter 216: The origin of Xu Fu

   "Are you Xu Fu? Xu Fu, the gas refiner of the China Great Qin Empire?" The steel robot asked in a mechanical voice.

Few people hear what they are saying now. The mecha on the opposite side is now flying in the air. There is no sound on the satellite video, and the two machines talk to each other without opening their mouths, that is, the sound is spreading. Know what this steel armor and mecha are talking about.

When he knew that this guy was Xu Fu, Zhu Yuanyuan quickly put on the steel armor, and then flew directly into the sky from Anlin Bieyuan and flew towards the direction of the Sun Country. Fortunately, it was dark and no one could see it. .

   "Oh? I don't know what galaxy civilization your Excellency is? I even know that I am the gas refiner Xu Fu of the Great Qin Empire.

   Xu Fu’s tone is a bit strange. It doesn’t look like an armor made by Aquastar Technology. How can he know it so clearly? Could it be that this civilized person just came to Aquastar to check history?

   "It's Xu Fu, **** it, hell, how come Xu Fu has become an alien, and he has lived for so long, MMP!"

  Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he really saw a ghost, my sister, isn't it just a little devil? How come an old ghost who has lived for thousands of years came out.

"Jarvis, try to hold this guy as much as possible. I want to know what Xu Fu is doing after hiding in Aquastar for so long." After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he could only let Jarvis drag this guy. Live, I had known that Xu Fu would come, he would not come back, this change caught him off guard.

   "Yes, master."

   "I am not an alien civilization, I am a native of Aquastar."

   Zhu Yuan continued to let Jarvis pass on his own words.

"What? Impossible, your small mechanical armor is obviously not Aquastar's technology, who are you? Why did you attack my descendants? Otherwise, I would be rude to you." Xu Fu's words are full of I didn't believe it, and was a little angry.

   "Xu Fu, don't care who I am, are you an alien? What are you doing on Aquastar?"

   Zhu Origin continues to let Jarvis drag time.

   "Haha, you killed so many descendants of me, and are still messing around here, you guys are looking for death, right?"

   Xu Fu was angry all at once.

   "Xu Fu, it seems that you really are plotting to kill me on the water blue star? Come and see who will die first."

   The steel armor that was talking to Xu Fu hooked his hand, and he said that he wanted to do it. Don’t compare it.

   "Okay, okay, okay." Xu Fu is no longer talking nonsense. Since this guy wants to die, what else can I say? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://


   A laser cannon burst out from Xu Fu's mecha shoulder without a sound, and fired at the steel armor that was talking.

With this laser cannon, the auxiliary intelligent response of the steel armor is very fast. It directly fires energy cannons with both hands, but it is useless. The 50-meter-high mecha and the laser cannon are more than one meter thick, and they are about to catch up with the steel armor It's so big. Fortunately, they were fighting in the sky and didn't shoot a shot on the ground, otherwise the mecha would be gone after one shot.


   As expected, the steel armor did not block the laser cannon. The steel armor was blasted out by the laser cannon, and it was directly shot hundreds of meters away.

But although it hits, the steel armor is a new type of alloy developed by Jarvis using the alloys in the Weiman world and the special alloy on the Aquastar, so the laser cannon did not explode the steel armor. , But the steel armor had also been melted into a tattered look, and it was easy to see that it was empty and no one was driving.

   "What? There is no one inside? Is it a remote control system? Or is it smart?"

Xu Fu was shocked at once. He originally thought it was manned. The mechas in the Great Black Empire were all manned. He couldn't do unmanned driving. He definitely didn't believe it was on the Aqua Blue Star. Technology creation.

  All the countries that watched by satellites are also surprised now, but they are not too surprised. After all, there are drones on Mercury Star now, and this armor can be controlled remotely, which is not surprising.

   Then why is Xu Fu, a man from interstellar civilization, so surprised?

You know that Xu Fu fired a laser cannon at the steel armor just now, but the steel armor can still react. This is not something human can react to. The speed of the laser cannon is infinitely close to the speed of light. You can respond like this. Is it possible to be manipulated by humans? Anyway, Xu Fu said he had never seen such a person.

However, the steel armor has not fallen apart and can fly. Fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan added a thick layer of glass fiber reinforced plastic to the chest to protect the reactor. This laser cannon will not explode. This is very good. It is completely at high temperature. Against the enemy, instantly pierce and melt the opponent.

Otherwise, if the nuclear fusion reactor explodes, hehe, Zhu Yuanyuan said that this Tokyo city is estimated to be blown up by a quarter. This is not a joke. Although it is cold fusion and it is not easy to explode, Zhu Yuanyuan wants to To prevent the outflow of the cold fusion reactor, so if Jarvis is installed with steel armor and cannot be controlled, the cold fusion reactor will automatically explode. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Who are you? You are definitely not a native of Aqua Blue Star." Xu Fu looked at the dozens of steel armors around him. He is a bit dignified now, and no one knows where he is. Can he not be dignified? In addition, my mech doesn't actually have much energy ~www.ltnovel.com~ the time to fight at full power, not much.

   Of course, Xu Fu can be sure whether the person talking to him is a human being. It cannot be an artificial intelligence. He is quite sure that if artificial intelligence has such wisdom, ordinary civilization will be destroyed directly.

   At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan had quietly mixed into a group of steel armor at this time.

   And when Xu Fu didn't know it, more than a thousand steel armors faintly surrounded him at 50,000 meters above him.

   "Xu Fu, I will ask you one last time, why are you here on the water blue star?"

   At this time, Zhu Yuanyuan stood up and said, he is not afraid of Xu Fu's laser cannon.

   Xu Fu dare not act rashly now, these small mechas in his eyes are still a bit threatening, and these small mechas are unmanned, which makes him unable to lose the energy of the mechas.

   The Great Black Empire where Xu Fu is located is a three-level cosmic civilization. They are not using nuclear energy, nor have they developed a nuclear fusion reactor. The theoretical perpetual motion machine does not exist.

   Space battleships and mechas of the Great Black Empire are generally used energy blocks, which are common throughout the universe. It can be said that the technology on the Aqua Star is unique, and the cosmic civilization has not been invented.

   This is a difference between civilizations. The things invented are different for different planets, and the difference is more than a little bit.

   Of course, if the technology of Aquastar’s nuclear fission reactor is good, or the technology of this **** empire energy block is good, this is all relative.


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