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Chapter 233: Mid-autumn event follow-up

   Moon God’s TV series and movies, of course, are not divided into seasons and seasons, one by one.

Rather, they were launched together at the same time. There is only one crew for the TV series, and there will be no changes in personnel. It will not be like other TV series on the market today. The first season is a group of actors and actresses, which have just become popular, and the second season has changed. A group of actors and actresses is simply nonsense.

   Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't like this, so the TV series and movies are all the original crew, and there will be no such thing as changing actors halfway.

   First of all, inviting the famous top celebrities of China is definitely to negotiate a good contract, and there is still a sky-high default fee. If you change your mind halfway, those celebrities will compensate for the huge loss of 10 billion Chinese currency. I am afraid that no celebrity will dare to breach the contract.

Secondly, Zhu Yuanyuan's plan is to divide the storyline into one for the filming of the Moon God. It will definitely not wait, but arrange all the stories to be filmed at the same time. Except for the leading actors, those supporting roles must be changed. It is impossible to follow the protagonist in every story.

  It may be very hard to star in this way, but once it is filmed, it will definitely be a classic epic magical blockbuster, and it is likely to have a huge international influence.

   Yu Xianhui felt that as long as this news was released, all the stars of the entire China Empire would boil, and it was estimated that they would desperately find relationships and squeeze into the crew.

   But this crew is not so easy to enter. Without acting skills, no beauty, you will definitely not be allowed to join the crew.

   There must be first-class stars, but also superb acting skills and good looks. It can be said that a single item must not be selected into the crew.

Yu Xianhui feels that Moon God is a book written by his boss. He definitely does not want the content of the original work to be changed. Moreover, he has studied the content of the original work. It is very rigorous and can be used as a script. There is no need to change any messy things. , So just follow the content of the novel directly.

Of course, if you don’t change the plot in the novel, it doesn’t mean you don’t need a screenwriter. The screenwriter still needs them. Some things such as the diversity of the content in the novel also need them, especially the movie. The movie should condense the essence of the novel. , It is impossible to make a long episode of a TV series, so some plots still need to be cut off, which requires a screenwriter.

To shoot an epic-level magical blockbuster, there are too many things needed. Although Zhu Yuanyuan said that special effects should be handled by the technical group behind it, um, it can’t be said that it is unnecessary. He is going to let Stardust do it, although he himself will do it. He did special effects, but he couldn't get so much content alone, and he was too tired. It would not take long for the artificial intelligence of Stardust to get it. It is estimated that all the special effects of the film will be completed in less than a day. First release https://https://

   This means that after all the films have been shot, it does not take a day to bring them for special effects. Well, five hundred episodes of TV series, plus more than 20 movies.

   These TV shows and movies will not be released immediately after they are filmed. Instead, they will be divided into one season and one film a year, so as to make more money. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   However, for the fans' desire to watch the next film, Zhu Yuanyuan also made a bolder plan.

   That is to prepay the movie tickets for the next season of TV series or the next movie or be a member of the official website of Suiji Film and Television, and specify Luna. In this case, as long as the number of people prepaid, the sooner the Luna movie will be released.

Seasonal film and television, this is the task that Zhu Origin gave Yu Xianhui to complete. This subsidiary company is under the management of Seasonal Entertainment. As long as it is included in the entertainment section, it is under the Seasonal Entertainment Company, such as In other words, bars, KTV, billiards, amusement parks, and other things for fun can all be included in the entertainment company.

Therefore, Yu Xianhui’s task is to build its own cinema belonging to the Suiji Group. Not only does the Huaxia Empire have to build Suiji cinemas in every town in the country, but also to build Suiji cinemas all over the world. You can not be controlled by other theaters. If you accept to play our movie, you can also cooperate. If you don't accept it, it will be played in your own theater.


   Such a big thing happened during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The calmest country in the world is the Huaxia Empire, because the Huaxia Empire prohibits ordinary people from holding firearms, and it also strictly controls knives and the like.

But other countries are different. Except for the Huaxia Empire, although some countries have stated that private gun ownership is prohibited, the control is not strict at all, especially the proliferation of gangs. The gangs of the Huaxia Empire will not be on the bright side. It is not as arrogant as foreign countries.

   The gangs in some countries are justified, and they are still forces recognized by the government, such as the Sun Country, the United States, etc. Some countries have gangs.

  In the Huaxia Empire, the gangs are evil forces and must be eradicated. If there is no evil and no case, it is better. If there is a case and it is particularly arrogant, then it must be the target of the government to eradicate.

   Steel armors, flying saucers and mechas appeared during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with the shadow of aliens inside, so the whole world that was provoked was the theory of alien invasion.

The Huaxia Empire is probably the calmest country on the Aqua Blue Star. The people don’t have much waves and seem to be very calm. The first day I heard about UFOs and mechas, I went to work peacefully the next day, as if it had nothing to do with them. same.

   This is the normal state of China, because it has nothing to do with them. The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it. What if they, ordinary people, know it? Can you still fight the aliens with your bare hands? What's more, if they are really aliens whose technology is higher than that of Aquastar, is it necessary to fight? There is no need at all, it must be impossible.

   So the people in the China Empire are very plain. Those who should go to school ~ www.ltnovel.com~ those who should go to work continue to work, and those who farm to continue farming are very calm.

Foreign countries are completely different. Gunshots can be heard on the streets from time to time. Some policemen are catching rioters, some rioters rushed into the shops and robbed them. These rioters did not dare to rob the bank. There were more than half of the banks. Guns, they didn't want to risk their lives for some money, they were looking for shop robberies.

   This makes those countries very annoyed. If there are special flying saucers and mechas that care about civilians, they know the riots, and they know that they take advantage of the fire, and there is not too much rat **** among humans.

  Especially the United States, Luo, the Sun, and the Bangzi. The gangs in the countries have led to riots when the civilians are upset, and in order to obtain certain benefits, the whole country is disturbed.

Fortunately, although the Sun Kingdom was bombed last time at the Joka Shrine and the Imperial Palace, neither the emperor nor the prime minister was killed. This is a blessing in misfortune, but it was still overwhelmed by some restless gangs. .

  The same is true in the United States. Certain terrorist organizations have carried out terrorist attacks in the United States one after another, making the US police and army exhausted.

  The country is also full of gangs, and the guns and ammunition owned by the people are huge. Now there are riots in many places throughout the country, and a certain car can be seen on the street from time to time.

  Bangzi Country, not to mention, especially the places where civilians live, it is completely chaotic.

   There are conflicts everywhere, and all kinds of crimes are endless. Compared with the Huaxia Empire, it is completely two extremes.


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