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Chapter 237: Open auditions to select actors!

   "Director Chen, Director Zhang, long admiring the name." Zhu Yuanyuan said with a slight smile on his face, looking at the two great directors Chen Zhenyi and Zhang Hanzhi.

   "Boss Zhu, you have a good reputation. You are young and promising. Having owned such a large group company at such a young age, I can't compare to you."

   "Haha, Director Chen won the prize." Zhu Yuanyuan laughed and replied modestly.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Chen Zhenyi grows thin and weak, making people look a little malnourished. In fact, this is all because of long-term work. He wants to make Huaxia Movies go abroad, so he works very hard. It is common for him to eat or not on time. Up. First release https://https://

Looking at Zhu Yuanyuan, Chen Zhenyi was a little bit emotional. He did not expect that the boss of Suiji Group would be so young, and he did not look down on their directors. He came to receive them personally. He was really flattered. Chen Zhenyi also thought Zhu Yuanyuan belonged to a big family. Heir, otherwise he would not believe in such a big industry from scratch!

   "Boss Zhu, hello, hello, Suiji Group is a big company, especially the hx series of mobile phones, I am using Lao Zhang, haha."

   Zhang Hanzhi is a big-hearted person. He looks a little fat and is probably over fifty years old. He has a beard all over his face. People in the circle call him a big beard.

On the other hand, Zhang Hanzhi also took out his own mobile phone. Sure enough, his mobile phone is a hx series dragon phone. In fact, the configuration is similar, but the micro-engraving is different. There is a small Milky Way logo on the back of the shell. On the front of the phone case is a looming dragon, this is the hx series of dragon phones.

   "Oh? Thank you, Director Zhang, for your support. With the support of big directors like you, but invisibly advertised the mobile phone of the season."

   Zhu’s origin is not surprising, now the seasonal mobile phones are the representative of domestic mobile phones, with good configuration, and all of them are self-developed mobile phones. Huaxia Chinese people have always supported domestic production, nothing said.


   One day passed unconsciously.

After having lunch with the two directors yesterday, I asked Yu Xianhui to arrange to go. He didn’t need his boss to greet him, and Zhu Yuanyuan went back to the company to be busy. He wanted to accelerate the development of the group, although he didn’t need to do anything by himself. , But some things can only be done after he agrees.

Basically, what kind of decisions the company's senior management made, and where the money was spent, these should be reviewed by Zhu Yuanyuan. Some minor things were done directly by the general manager, and some major things were either agreed by Li Qingyan or If Li Qingyan couldn't make up his mind, it would be passed to Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Two days have passed, and the prestige value has increased a bit. It seems that I can't save it. Who knows when the people in the Xu Fu family will kill the Aquastar."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the data on the system and the balance in the column of reputation value.

   "Prestige value: 786.5 million."

   "Boom boom boom!"

   At this moment, the office door was knocked.

   "Please come in."

   Zhang Xinya came in.

   "Boss, Mr. Yu from Suiji Entertainment asked if you want to attend Luna's press conference. They are ready on the second floor."

   Yu Xianhui and the others felt that this press conference could not go to the large terraced conference room on the 66th floor, which was the meeting place of the company. After thinking about it, they prepared tables and soft chairs on the second floor, and then brought the reporter to the second floor.

Why did you choose the second floor? It’s because above the second floor is the office of the group, it’s not good to let reporters rush through and disturb the employees of the group. The bosses of other companies will have to make fun of him. Yu Xianhui is useless. , It would be embarrassing if a press conference is not good.

   "Oh? Is the press conference on the second floor? Tell Mr. Yu that I won't go, just let President Li take me down to show up.

   Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, and felt that he himself didn’t need to show up. For such a thing, he is the boss of a company, and he is not a leading role, and he won’t get any prestige when he shows up.

"Okay, boss, I will inform President Li now." Zhang Xinya nodded. She knew that her boss was not reliable anymore. It was not once or twice. Tens of billions of investment were lazy to show up. There is no one.


In the morning, Suiji Entertainment held a press conference. Of course, every reporter invited gave a red envelope. After all, this was Suiji Entertainment’s first big move. How could it be better for the first TV series and movie he shot? Propaganda, so these reporters all received a big red envelope, just to use these reporters to publicize the hype.

The red envelopes are also given to let these reporters remember not to talk nonsense. You don’t need to give propaganda, but you can’t discredit Suiji Entertainment, just in case. Yu Xianhui doesn’t think these reporters dare to discredit Suiji Entertainment behind their backs. Season Entertainment is not a single entertainment company, but an entire Season Group exists behind it.

   Li Qingyan came forward at the press conference, but he didn't stay long, but simply said a few words on behalf of Zhu Yuan.

   Then, Yu Xianhui introduced the situation of the novel Luna to the two great directors, and said that Seasonal Entertainment will invest tens of billions of funds to shoot TV shows and movies.

   All the reporters all of a sudden were assaulted. Looking at Yu Xianhui, Chen Zhenyi and Zhang Hanzhi, it was like a tiger looking at a piece of fat~www.ltnovel.com~ All of them rushed to ask questions.

   For example, when will filming start, for example, what kind of actors will be invited?

   Yu Xianhui didn't reveal too much, he said so in the end.

"Dear friends from reporters, our Season Entertainment will fully and publicly select actors, and it will be a full-scale public selection of actors in China, and even the whole world, regardless of whether you are a star or what occupation you are, as long as it meets our requirements. , It is possible to be selected as one of the actors of the Luna crew."

"What's the requirement? It's very simple. There are only two points. Those who meet these two requirements are likely to be selected. According to the requirements of the script, the first one needs acting skills, and those who are not good at acting cannot be selected. It is worthwhile to look good. Both men and women are required to look good, and those who are not good will not be selected.

   "The above two requirements must be met by those who participate in the audition, and even if one of them is missing, they will be eliminated."

   "As for why it is necessary for both acting and appearance to meet the standard, everyone should be able to read the novel Luna. If you see the protagonist, you will understand why we have to emphasize these two requirements."

   "Secondly, at the request of the author of the novel Luna, TV series and movies will be shot in accordance with the original, and the plot will not be changed."

"Magic novels are generally rarely filmed because they are too expensive to shoot. This is a limitation. The second limitation is that the current special effects are not up to the technology for shooting big scenes. However, the special effects we have It can be done. Our Suiji Group only produces high-quality goods. Please wait and see."

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