Random Shopping System

Chapter 239: The nationwide audition officially begins!

In the blink of an eye, one day passed, and the entire season entertainment was extremely busy. First, many employees were arranged to set up sea election locations in the capital cities of each province of the China Empire. Due to the reasons that the employees could not be arranged, the judges were also required. These judges In fact, they are all the teachers of Suiji Entertainment. This is what Yu Xianhui suggested. You can't just use academic artists, but also folk artists.

The quality of folk artists is good, especially some of them have very good temperaments. Such people are very suitable for actors.

Today is the first day of the audition.

Zhu Yuanyuan arrived at the company with Chen Ziyuan early, and took her to see the audition place, which was really good.

The place selected for the audit is not in the Huaxing Building, but outside of another building. The building was just purchased and belongs to the Suiji Group, but it is not on the Huangpu River. The place chosen is also very partial. It is a building. The fifty-story building, especially the bottom of the building is not the same as the Huaxing Building. There is a square, which belongs to the building.

This building was prepared for Suiji Communication Company. It is not that Zhu Yuanyuan is partial, but the communication company needs a lot of equipment. The place is small and I really can’t put it down, and it also needs a lot of telephone customer service.

Yes, this telecommunications company is the same as China’s domestic telecommunications and China Unicom. Private individuals are not allowed to set up telecommunications companies, but Zhu Yuanyuan is different. His identity is here, even though he only called the Chen family. Hello, but both the Zhu family and the Long family tried their best behind them.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan did not recognize the Zhu Family and the Long Family, both the Zhu Family's elders and Long Zhenjun regarded Zhu Yuanyuan as relatives, and they all provided help if they should support them, which can be regarded as compensation for so many years.


Today, Zhu Yuanyuan found that his prestige value has increased a lot. It seems that after the adaptation of the Moon God novel was spread, he has gained a lot of prestige value.

"Prestige value: 911.3 million."

After arriving at the company, Zhu Yuanyuan took Chen Ziyuan to the audition location in Deep Sea City, Suiji Communication Building.

Now there is a sea of ​​people under the Suiji Communication Building. Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan came by helicopter, standing on the top of the building and looking down. The square below is full of people, densely packed and black, from the fifty floor. Looking down from upstairs, it looks like a dense cluster of ants, which makes the scalp numb.

"Origin, there are too many people, right? When is this going to be chosen?" Chen Ziyuan leaned on the railing and looked at the crowd below. She couldn't help but be a little bit stunned, and the whole little face was a little surprised.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, it's normal. In fact, these people are just ordinary people who come to the audition. The celebrities have different words. They are all auditioned by several directors. The reason why the world audition is needed is to find out. The most suitable actor is nothing, otherwise, I would rather not shoot than to ruin my novel."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crowd below and said happily, even though he said it was an audition, in fact, how many of the ordinary people really shine?

At the same time, this audition is to select artists for seasonal entertainment. Some people are buried in the crowd. Now they can be selected and cultivated. In the future, seasonal entertainment will have a steady stream of entertainers.

"Hehe, origin, you hide so deeply, when will you write a novel, even I don't know."

Chen Ziyuan showed a grinning expression on her face, but how could her little hand pinch the soft flesh behind Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, good Xiaoyuan, let go, let go, isn't this the novel I just wrote? I haven't had time to tell you."

Zhu Yuanyuan's physical strength is more than 10,000 combat power, how could it be pinched, he just pretended to shout.

"Hmph, this kind of public secret is kept from me, it will make you look good next time." Chen Ziyuan had a proud expression on her face, but then she changed her expression and rubbed the soft flesh of Zhu Origin with her hands: "Does it still hurt?"

"Haha, it doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore." Zhu Yuanyuan squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

"I hate it, I don't have a right line every day." Chen Ziyuan looked at Zhu Yuanyuan's rippling look, her small face blushed, and she pushed Zhu Yuanyuan away.


Zhu Yuanyuan and the couple flirted upstairs, while downstairs are conducting auditions one after another.

This time the audition takes five minutes for each contestant. The first is to fill in the information. This time there is nothing to sign up for in the audition. As long as you come, you can fill in the information and join the audition right away, but there are too many people. It takes about a week.

One week later, the audition was completed, and the candidates who passed were eliminated and further selected.

In the end, only one hundred people from each province will be selected, and then they will gather in Deep Sea City for the final audition to select the best people among them to participate in the shooting of Luna.

It can be said that the whole audition is very cruel. After all, only so few people from all over the world can be selected.

Moreover, those who are selected by the sea will eventually have to compete with those stars for the final spot, which seems unfair, but this is also their chance.

"Hello teachers, my name is Zheng Bin and I am from Ande District, Shenzhen City..."

"Okay, time is limited, you can perform a tiger." Fang Jinyi looked at a young man who came in. He was pretty good. He was sloppy about 1.7 meters tall and had a good appearance. But why did he talk so much~www.ltnovel.com ~ This is an audition, and it is not a big stage. Then let him perform.

In fact, this audition is also a talent show, it's just a show for selecting actors, so that everyone in the Chinese Empire can see exactly what the audition is.

So some people want to spend time, it is also predictable.

This time, Deep Sea Satellite TV bought a two-hour time slot in the afternoon to broadcast the audition.

The TV will only be broadcast live for two hours, but the audition will not stop all day. It starts at 7:00 in the morning, with a lunch break in the middle. It starts at 2:00 pm and stops at 6:00 pm.

"Oh! Ooh!" This Zheng Bin acted like that.

"Yeah, okay, Zheng Bin, right? Your performance is still like that, but the charm is not performed. The tiger is a domineering animal and the king of beasts. I hope you You can go back to the zoo more or see the tigers in the animal world. To imitate, you must observe carefully."

Fang Jinyi shook his head and pointed out the mistakes and omissions of Zheng Bin. In fact, Zheng Bin is not bad, but this is a sea election. If it fails to meet the standards, it can only be eliminated. It is cruel and has to accept reality.

"Thank you for the teacher's advice, I will work harder." Zheng Bin did not yell into anger, but was a little depressed, but after being encouraged by Fang Jinyi, he was determined to hone himself even harder.

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