Random Shopping System

Chapter 257: The satellite was successfully deployed!

"Master, you have reached the high seas, and now there is no one within a thousand kilometers. Will you start launching rockets?"

   Two hours later, the sound of Stardust Machinery came out of the speakers, making Zhu Yuanyuan who was watching the development of other companies in the group stunned. Unexpectedly, two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

  From the display of Zhu Yuan, you can see that the underwater aircraft carrier is parked in a submarine plain, which is specially selected by Stardust.

The place where the underwater aircraft carrier stops is in the Pacific Ocean, between Asia and North America. This location is very good, and the choice is also very remote, not in the channel, the sea is vast, and there is a thousand kilometers of no man’s land. , Enough to launch the rocket without being discovered.

As for why it is said to be a no-man’s land, it’s because Stardust has specially controlled the satellites passing by here to scan. There is no signal here. It must be a no-man’s land. Even if someone is on a small island, it is a wild man. Or is it a tribe that has no contact with modern society and ignores it at all, because these people do not have communication facilities.

"Stardust, let's start." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard that there was no one, he let him start. Now the position of the underwater aircraft carrier is very coincidental. It is daytime, and if you continue to stay away from the direction of the Huaxia Empire, you can't estimate it. Thousands of kilometers, you will reach the night of North America.

   "Yes, master."

   Stardust took action after answering Zhu Yuanyuan.

   Zhu Yuanyi immediately saw the movement of the underwater aircraft carrier on the display, after seeing it started.


Zhu Yuanyuan opened the personal terminal in his hand. This is a holographic projection personal terminal made by Stardust, which can project the holographic state of virtual reality, making people feel immersive and making calls at the same time, and it is also a holographic video phone. .

Now after Zhu Yuanyuan uses the virtual reality holographic projection of his personal terminal, the entire office has become a deep seabed of the vast ocean, which makes people feel like a dream, with the sea scenery outside the window on one side and the projection in the office on the other. Isn’t the depth of the seabed coming out like a dream?

   Not only the ocean floor, but also a huge submarine appears on the projection. Of course, the projected scene is broadcast live from a distance, so what is displayed is not a close picture.

   This projection is still very real, even if it is underwater, there are sounds coming out, I don’t know how this technology was formed.

   "哐啷! Buzz!"

   The upward deck of the underwater aircraft carrier shrank into the hull of the ship, and then a platform slowly rose up. There was a metal shelf on the platform, and a huge rocket was lying horizontally on the metal shelf.

The rocket is 200 meters long. Fortunately, the underwater aircraft carrier is even bigger. This underwater aircraft carrier was originally used for mining on the seabed, so it is very big. It is 500 meters long and 100 meters wide. It is said to be huge, and it is easy to install a rocket.

   Wait until the rack on which the rocket is placed has risen to the deck of the underwater aircraft carrier.


Slowly, a hydraulic device used to fix the rocket on the shelf rose slowly, and the tip of the rocket slowly lifted up. After a while, the entire rocket was erected, and then adjusted to a horizontal angle, so as not to wait. It would be embarrassing if the rocket suddenly fell down when the buckle was released.

   "Master, the final inspection is underway, and the rocket will be launched immediately."

   "Boom! The rocket is detected, everything is normal, countdown starts, ignition, .7...6...5...4...3...2...1...launch!"

   "Boom!" A huge air current spouted from the rocket, and the blue flames could also be seen in the deep sea.

When the rocket starts to move, it is very slow. It will not increase until it leaves the underwater carrier. This is also because the power is too strong and the underwater carrier will be damaged. Stardust has always sought perfection. It is imperfect in its eyes, and the mistake should be corrected.

After    was far away from the underwater aircraft carrier, the speed of the rocket suddenly increased, and the speed in the water reached a certain limit, but due to the resistance of the water, although it was very fast, it still did not exceed the speed of sound.

   Although it was several kilometers under the sea, in less than a minute, the rocket broke through the sea surface and appeared in the air of Aqua Blue Star, and its speed suddenly increased.

After appearing in the water blue starry sky, the stardust accelerated. The rocket that was still several hundred meters above the Pacific Ocean in the next moment broke through the speed of sound with a "boom", a sonic burst cloud was produced, and a circle of clouds was covered by the rocket. I was left behind in an instant.

   "Yes, the speed of this rocket has reached fifty times the speed of sound, and it is still accelerating. It seems that this cold fusion reactor, coupled with superparticle thrusters and engines, is really extraordinary!"

   Yes, the technology used on this rocket is all from the technology in Iron Man and the technology on the alien flying saucer. Logically speaking, Zhu Yuanyuan should have built an interstellar spacecraft.

   But when the rocket was manufactured, it was already finalized. When the flying saucer was obtained, the rocket was half manufactured and it was impossible to change it.

More than one rocket was built in the base~www.ltnovel.com~ The others were rebuilt. At the beginning, 20 rockets were built together in order to launch more satellites into the universe. , A rocket can carry ten satellites, but now with flying saucers, Zhu Yuanyuan changed his plan.

   The rockets currently being rebuilt in the base are all made into spaceships, using technology from flying saucers.

   A few minutes later, the rocket penetrated the atmosphere and then began to decelerate. Zhu Yuanyuan’s rocket did not need to break away from slowing down. The rocket on Aquamarine had to lose some fuel tanks.

   Zhu Origin’s rocket doesn’t need it. You can directly use remote control to slow down and at the same time change the flight direction. This time the rocket will have a mission in space, not only arranging satellites, but also flying to the moon.

   After exiting the atmosphere, the rocket circled the aquamarine star, and then entered the orbit planned by the stardust. The hatches around the rocket opened, and then one manipulator appeared, grabbing a circular satellite from it.

   After the round satellite came out, it did not unfold, but after it came out, it flew away. When the engine moved, it sprayed blue fire. The satellite also uses a cold fusion reactor, and there is no need to deploy any solar power devices.

   On the water blue star side, five satellites are placed in a row.

Only five satellites are needed, and the signal can cover the entire Aqua Blue Star. The technology of this satellite is very black. Even if you are in the mountains and forests, or on an island deep in the sea, as long as your mobile phone has electricity, There is a full range of signals, which is completely abnormal signal coverage.

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