Random Shopping System

Chapter 260: Is it a black hole? Wormhole? Is it an alien?

After these robots came down, four robots flew into the sky at once, and then flew out toward the moon. This is Stardust arranged for the robots to scan the entire moon map.

   Then a hatch was opened above the rocket, and a spherical satellite floated out, flew out of the moon, and then turned around the moon. This is a surveillance satellite and a communication satellite of the moon.

   Of course, this kind of satellite also has a name, and was named "Arbiter!" by Zhu Yuanyuan.

   As for why they are called "arbiters", this is because these satellites are not only equipped with laser cannons, but also equipped with electromagnetic catapults, or railguns, which are more appropriate.

The most important thing is that these satellites all have a space-based weapon, which is also launched by catapult, just like the rod of God in the movie Special Forces. They are all a metal stick and rely on powerful kinetic energy. Destroying everything on the ground can be regarded as a destructive weapon.

Only after these weapons are these satellites will they be called "arbiters." Zhu Yuanyuan made these weapons not to deal with the gringos on the water blue star, but to guard against aliens. He did not know how many aliens there were. The fleet will come to Aquastar, and the armed satellites prepared are also preliminary preparations.

"Xiao Yuan, there are huge pits on the moon, but the moon is really a guardian of the earth. Look at so many pits, if all these meteorites hit the water blue star, the water blue star would have been It's riddled with holes!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan watched the flight of the steel robot showing the picture on the moon. Flying in the sky, you can clearly see what the moon indicated. It turned out to be craters, all of which were craters hit by meteorites.

   "Yes, the moon is so beautiful when you look at the water blue star, and you won't find it until you get closer. It's really ugly."

Chen Ziyuan also has a look of disgust. The moon looks like a bright moon shining on the river when viewed from the water blue star. It looks like a lot of pits on the face when you look away from it. This is what the saying goes, look at the goddess from afar. So, take a closer look at the dinosaurs!

On the holographic projection, there were actions again. Four robots went to explore the moon map, and there were 46 robots left. Yes, the rocket transported 46 robots to the moon. This is also to make it easier to build a base. It is not easy in the early stage, so get more robots to do things well.

   After the remaining 46 robots came out, the manipulators on the rocket began to throw things outside.

  There are large excavators and bulldozers, as well as vibrators for drilling holes, and splitters.

   There is nothing to say about the excavator, just like that on Aquastar.

The oscillating machine used to make the hole is different. There is something like a huge cannon barrel. When it is close to the mountain wall, after it is activated, the cannon barrel will produce a huge shock. It can break through the mountain wall at once, thus making a huge When the deep hole came out, the barrel had all the stones taken out.

The splitting machine is different from the one on the Aquamarine. It is not a splitting stick, but a whole machine. It starts to split directly when you get close. Everything you use is laser cutting. The stone walls are easy to use. It can be split.

   Of course, these things are not all installed in the rocket, but individual parts. Now all the parts taken out are boxes of parts, all installed separately.

After the rocket’s manipulator took out everything, the robot outside began to do its work, and started to assemble it directly. The robot moves very fast, and it does not stop, and the strength is great. It is useless to assemble a machine for five minutes. To.

"Origin, it is really convenient to have stardust. If these parts are assembled by people, I am afraid it will be a whole day without talking about a machine, and there will be various programs and various tests later, I am afraid it will not cost Can’t handle it for a week, right?"

   Chen Ziyuan looked at the dazzling assembly progress, she was a little emotional, this robot is too convenient, especially the robot with artificial intelligence command, it is too powerful, a machine in five minutes, shouldn't it be so fast?

"Xiaoyuan, artificial intelligence, it seems that these robots are very simple and fast to assemble machines, but the calculation data in them is very scary, and these robots have auxiliary intelligence, which is not entirely the work done by Stardust. ."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded. Stardust is of course very powerful, but not all of it is stardust. Steel robots have auxiliary intelligence. As long as one order goes on, they will work according to the order. Of course, work. The data of is in the database of the robot. If the thing you order is not in the database of the robot, they will not be able to work, but generally speaking, there will be no such problem. The database of these robots It is unified, Stardust has built a huge database in the submarine base, in which various data of Aquastar are stored.

   I am afraid that apart from giving birth, eating, drinking, urinating and defecate, and various adult activities, there is really nothing that the robot can not order to do.

   After half an hour, all the machines were assembled. There were fifty machines in total. Fortunately, they were assembled with only parts. The rocket could bring so many things to the moon.

   Of course, these machines are not only excavators, splitters, mining trucks, and transport vehicles.


A loud noise spread throughout the villa. Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan looked at the machines that started to operate. All of these machines began to dig the base. Next to the rocket landing was a bare mountain range, which is very suitable for building a base. . UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   "Huh! Origin, what's going on here? Why did a hole appear?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan was still watching the big development on the moon, but suddenly he heard Chen Ziyuan's exclamation sound beside him.

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan, and saw her pointing at a place where the projection was, looking at it in surprise.

   This projection was originally not only projected on the moon, but now there are many projections, some are projections from satellites around Aquastar, and some are projections from satellites around the moon.

   And the place Chen Ziyuan pointed to was just not far from the Aqua Star, and there happened to be a satellite passing by.

   Zhu Yuanyuan frowned and looked at the dark void that had just appeared. What is the situation?

   Is it a black hole?

  Impossible, the appearance of black holes will not be so abrupt, and I have never heard that black holes can move, is it a space crack?

   No, the crack in space is not in the shape of a black hole!

   Is it a wormhole?

  Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly sharpened, Nima, could it be said that this is the fleet of aliens that went directly to Aquamarine through the wormhole?

It is not impossible. After all, although Zhu Yuanyuan intercepted the information sent by Xu Fu, it did not stop the transmitted signal. Therefore, the great son of Aquastar has been exposed. If Xu Fu has been in the mouth for thousands of years, The technology of the Black Empire is developing rapidly, and it is not impossible that the technology that can open the wormhole has been developed.

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