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Chapter 270: Azure Dragon Mecha! !

"Okay, okay, okay, origin. I know about this. Be careful. These monsters look very powerful. If the country cannot stop them, you must hide in the basement and don’t come out. At that time, I will definitely I will find a way to save you."

Mr. Chen didn’t hide it at all. He knew that if this goes on, the Empire will not be able to stop it. Although there are a lot of missiles in stock and there is too much time to manufacture them immediately, it’s impossible to manufacture them and launch them, and they have to be shipped to the missile base. It can only be launched in the middle, which will waste time.

"Grandpa, I will protect Xiaoyuan. We have the ability to protect ourselves. You don't know that we are very strong after using gene enhancers."

Zhu Yuanyuan knew that Mr. Chen was concerned about their safety and could only answer repeatedly.

"Well, okay, then I don't worry, hang up, contact me if I have something to do." At the end, Mr. Chen had nothing to tell, he was going to arrange for someone to collect the flesh and blood of the Three Demon Crow.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Yuanyuan also asked Stardust to collect the flesh and blood of some three-headed monsters and freeze them. This thing is still very useful. Although he has gene enhancers and perfect cells, it will increase the life span of these three-headed monsters. The effect is even stronger, but isn't this a resource that comes automatically? Don't do it for nothing.

"Xiao Yuan, you are waiting for me in the base. I will come back as soon as I go." These three-headed magic crows rushed into the Aqua Blue Star, and he was also ready to set off. The Aqua Star cannot be destroyed by these monsters in a mess. .

"Origin, how are you going to destroy these three-headed monsters? In the case of steel armor, the number is too small? Are you going to fight by yourself?"

Chen Ziyuan was still a little dazed. She had already seen all the places in the base last time when she came over. She didn't find any powerful thermal weapons that could be used to kill so many three-headed monsters.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, you'll see it on the holographic projection later." Zhu Yuanyuan sold it on purpose.

"Hey... it will be sold off, then, be careful, and you must come back safely."

Chen Ziyuan had a smile on her face, but she was still a little worried. After all, there were too many monsters, and there were billions of billions on the road, not even those who had been killed.

"Well, I will go back as soon as I go. It's just these garbage monsters, but I can't help it." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't feel any danger from the three-headed monster, so he would say that. Otherwise, according to his usual character , May be waiting in secret for the opportunity, so that the trick is also not hesitate.

After Zhu Yuanyuan got out of the base's command room, he drove a nuclear power vehicle to the base's exit.

There is a lounge in the command room of the undersea base, and it is also equipped with a living room, dining room, recreation room, kitchen, and other settings.

Zhu Yuanyuan arrived at the undersea exit of the base. The quarantine area here is very large. There is no problem with accommodating the mecha, and it is an upward exit.

There are surveillances everywhere in the base, and there are no dead ends at all. However, Zhu Yuanyuan generally does not project the situation in the stardust projection base, so now Chen Ziyuan does not know what Zhu Yuanyuan is doing.

"Boom!" There was a huge sound, and then a 500-meter-high mech stood in the base's exit isolation room.

This is a blue mecha with a dragon head, yes, it is a blue dragon mecha.

Well, there is no cool background to appear on the scene. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan is directly taken out of the system inventory. There will be no magic circle like in cartoons or novels and mechas will appear such exaggerated cool methods. .

However, although there is no magic circle, this mecha really has its own space. It is a mecha badge. The Azure Dragon mecha can be placed directly in it, and it is also a control badge. Only those who hold this mecha badge Only humans can use this mecha, otherwise, the mecha cannot be used.

"Om!" Zhu Yuanyuan took out a dragon-shaped badge and touched it with mental power, and then instantly the mecha emitted a white light covering him. Zhu Yuanyuan's figure disappeared in place and was directly teleported to the machine. In the cockpit.

"Huh? This cockpit is really sci-fi!" This is the first time Zhu Yuanyuan has piloted a mecha. Xu Fu's mecha has been seen before. Although it is fifty meters high, it is far from the Qinglong mecha. The cockpit of A’s cockpit is completely a piece of blue crystal. Yes, there are no seats and no buttons. This mecha is completely synchronized with mental power and has an intelligent system, so nothing is needed, as long as the driver confirms After driving, the body will be suspended and fixed in this blue crystal cockpit, and then the driver's consciousness will take over the entire mecha.

"Consciousness take over!" After Zhu Yuanyuan pinned the mecha badge on his chest, he let the mecha intelligently activate the mecha's consciousness control system, and in a blink of an eye the blue crystal-like ground in the cockpit and the surrounding walls and ceilings , All the circuit diagrams with the same pattern appeared, and they all lit up.

"Kaka!" The arm of the Azure Dragon Mecha first moved, causing a violent noise. Fortunately, the isolation room of the base is made of a new type of alloy, with a thickness of hundreds of meters and a height of thousands of meters, with a space of tens of thousands of meters. , So there is no harm to this isolation room.

The Azure Dragon Mecha is now in human form ~www.ltnovel.com~ Except for the dragon-shaped head, everything else is in human form.

"Haha! Yes, I feel very good, this power is too powerful." After Zhu Yuanyuan's consciousness controlled the mecha, his senses were all on the mecha. He immediately grasped all the conditions of the mecha.

"Stardust, open the exit of the isolation room to the sea." After Zhu Yuanyuan grasped the situation of the Azure Dragon Mecha, he let Stardust open the closed door of the isolation room to the sea.

"Yes, master."

"Ang, Ka Ka Ka!" After Stardust replied, the door of the isolation room opened slowly. In an instant, sea water rushed into the isolation room frantically from above. As the door slowly opened, sea water poured in. The more anxious he got, the sea water submerged the isolation room after a minute. Fortunately, there was no vortex on the seabed several kilometers below the sea surface.

"Okay, let's go!" With a move of Zhu Yuanyuan's thoughts, the Azure Dragon Mecha slowly floated up, and then flew out towards the base.

After the Azure Dragon Mecha got out of the base, it appeared on the holographic projection of Stardust in an instant.

"Wow! Is this a mecha? There is such a big mecha? The origin is talking about relying on this mecha? Such a huge mecha, and why the head is a dragon's head, strange, and it's still blue." Chen Zi Yuan saw the mecha suddenly appearing on the holographic projection, she was very surprised, how powerful such a huge mecha should be.

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