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Chapter 273: A 500-meter high mech?

After the people across the Chinese Empire learned about the effects of the three-headed demonic black flesh and blood, they really boiled over. They all forgot about life and death crises and doomsday. There are advantages, but they still remember those disadvantages.

However, it is not those big cities that act first. There are too many people in big cities, and most of them live in high-rise buildings. These people can go downstairs, but they only dare to stay in the first floor or underground garage. I didn't dare to run out, otherwise, it would be death. Even people with cars would not dare to drive, because those vehicles had only one layer of iron skin, and they couldn't stop the crushing of fallen corpses.

"Xiao'an, Xiao'an, you stinky boy, don't run around. How many times have you said it to make you pay attention to the sky. Although these meats are precious, if your life is gone, there will be nothing." A middle-aged man stood by. Inside the steel-welded cart, this is a square-shaped thing, much like an ancient chariot, with people inside, and a thick steel plate blocking the sky. This middle-aged man lives in the countryside, so I get One such thing came out.

He yelled to the outside to be his son. His son is 18 years old this year. He is in high school. Now something like this has happened and the school is closed. And today, after knowing the effect of the three-headed monster, he rushed Made such a cart to pick up meat.

From time to time, the middle-aged man glances anxiously at whether there are any monster corpses falling towards this side in the sky. He is also afraid. You must know that the invading monsters have hundreds of millions. The monsters are huge, even if they are bombed. The carcass fell and the weight was terrible.

"Dad, I know, I'm watching, don't worry, there will be no problem." Xiao An ran to a piece of three-headed magic black meat weighing more than 100 kilograms and dragged it towards the car that his father was pushing. When he walked, there was blood all over his body, and now the sky was still raining blood, and the whole world turned red and looked terrifying.

Moreover, the river in the small village was also dyed red, but the fish, shrimp and crabs inside were all very active. They liked the blood very much, and they were all devouring the flesh and blood.

Since the flesh and blood of the three-headed Demon Crow can strengthen the body, I am afraid that these creatures in the water, as well as the animals in the forest, can be strengthened, and this is a bit unpleasant.

Of course, although these three-headed magic black bodies are very large and numerous, they are not so large that the bodies can spread over all the water blue stars. They still fall in batches, and some places will not be affected. There is still a safety gap, as long as the people below pay attention to the sky and take shelter in time, it is completely too late.

Many people in the entire Chinese Empire have come out to collect the corpses and blood of the Three-Headed Demon Crow. The blood is very easy to collect. Just take a few basins and buckets at the door, and you can easily receive a full basin. Or a bucket of blood.

At the same time, the sky was bright, and everyone found the strangeness above the sky.

"I'm going..." A young man stood by the **** window looking at the scene in the sky, shouting from his mouth, and then his eyes widened, his mouth was open and unable to close, as if he saw something very Surprised.

"What is that? It seems, it seems to be..."

"Damn, how could it be, how could it happen, how could it appear..."

After people saw the situation in the sky, a piece of exclamation came out. This is what the people of China Empire saw. Other countries are too far away, but they didn't see anything.

.. time... between........line...

Back to the time, Zhu Yuanyuan drove the Azure Dragon Mecha out of the base. After saying hello to Chen Ziyuan, he quickly headed towards the sea. After more than ten seconds, the surface of this sea area seemed to be raging and rough.

"Boom!" The sea that was dyed red by the three-headed demon black suddenly rolled over. Zhu Yuanyuan drove the blue dragon mech to break through the sea and appeared in mid-air. As soon as the blue dragon mech appeared, he was sprayed with the blood of the three demon black. It's blood red, but this blue dragon mecha is made of very special metal, so the blood is not contaminated on the mecha, but it runs smoothly along the mecha towards the sea below It dripped down.

"Azure Dragon Battle Armor, when we play for the first time, let us bring a different style to the entire Aqua Star, haha, let the entire universe see. Our Aqua Star can also make different sounds, let them see , Aquastar is not the ant in their eyes."

Zhu Yuanyuan controlled the mecha to hover on the sea, and said in his heart, this time it was his own glory and glory, um, everything, for reputation.

"Choke! Let's go, fight!" The Azure Dragon Mech's right hand held the hilt behind the sword and quickly pulled out a sword hung on the Mecha. This sword is also the only cold weapon on the Azure Dragon Mech. This sword can be broken. Opening the outer shell of a Tier 4 space battleship, of course, if the battleship turns on the energy shield, it will take a few more cuts to tear the shield of the battleship.

"Shoo!" The Azure Dragon Mecha turned into a cyan light, leaving a sonic boom in place, and the sea water under the air pressure splashed around, forming a huge wave of tens of meters high.

Zhu Yuanyuan did not deform the blue dragon mecha, and still maintained the human form. The combat effectiveness of the blue dragon form is stronger, but the human form can use swords~www.ltnovel.com~ Now these three-headed magic blacks are actually water blue stars. The country could resist, and Zhu Yuanyuan sent out to relieve the pressure on the Chinese Empire.

Over hundreds of thousands of meters above the Chinese Empire, the three-headed magic crows are taking orders to charge among the Aqua Stars, and the Chinese Empire successively launched missiles to resist these three-headed magic crows, and blow up the three-headed magic crows that rushed over. Stumps, blood rain, and stumps fell down randomly.

A few minutes later, on the edge of this battlefield, the Azure Dragon Mecha stopped there.

"Tsk tsk, these three-headed magic crows are really miserable. But how come these things are not afraid of death, they are all used to rush to the water blue star, there will be nothing behind this to direct them? And it is an absolute Something that can control these three-headed demons."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan's mind is now synchronized to the Azure Dragon Mecha, he still frowns and looks at everything in front of him. It's weird and so weird. Why are these three-headed magic crows rushing toward the water blue star as if they are desperate?

Is there something on the Aqua Star that is not attracting them?

After the Azure Dragon Mech appeared, the first to discover it was the China Empire.

"Your Majesty, this.... This is a mecha? My God, how come there is such a huge mecha?"

"Yeah, Your Majesty, what should I do? This mecha is probably hundreds of meters high. How powerful is such a big mecha, it is not something we can resist at all, if it is the enemy."

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