Random Shopping System

Chapter 284: Season Pharmaceutical Company!

   "Well, I taught this exercise to Mr. Wu from the security company. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him after you go down."

   Zhu Origin did not introduce too much, just pointed to Wu Dajun.

Everyone looked at Wu Dajun. They didn’t expect this guy to be the first person to practice this technique. It seems that he needs to ask for advice. Moreover, Wu Dajun, the general manager of a security company, seems to have a good relationship with his boss. , Everyone thought this in their hearts. If they knew that they were controlled by Zhu Yuanyuan, they wouldn't think so much.

   "I see, boss." Li Qingyan and the others nodded. It is best if someone instructs the practice, so that if you don't get in touch, if you make a mistake, then the good will turn into the bad!

"Okay, we're going to talk about business next." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, then sorted out his thoughts and said: "You have also learned these past few days. This monster from the interstellar is called the Three Demon. Wu, this monster is very similar to the crow on the Aqua Blue Star, but it has three heads and is very large. The smallest one is more than ten meters in size, and the largest one is more than thirty meters in size. Well, of course, the last one is nine. Don’t count the head monster. The head may be several hundred meters in size, and it may even use some kind of energy to attack, much like the magic in foreign myths."

"I'm mainly talking about the three-headed magic black this time. If its flesh and blood continue to be eaten for a year, it can be subtly and continuously strengthened. It can achieve the same physical fitness as your current use of gene enhancers, and it can also double the lifespan. In other words, if the average human life span is 80 years old, if you eat the meat of these three magic blacks for a year, your life span will reach 160 years."

"The point is here. The gene enhancer I gave you will not increase your lifespan. It simply strengthens your body, and one thing is very important. There is no conflict between the flesh of the three-headed monster and the gene enhancer, so you will also Eat more flesh and blood of the Three-Headed Demon Crow. If this is the case, the physical quality will still be greatly improved, and it will also increase your lifespan."

   Zhu Yuanyuan said that, he stopped and took a sip of tea from the teacup in front of him, and looked at the thoughtful person in the conference room to continue the following words.

   "Speaking of which, the effect of these three demonic black flesh and blood, I told the empire, this was detected by my research team, there is no error."

   "Next, our Suiji Group will launch the gene enhancer you used just now. First, we must form a Suiji Pharmaceutical Company. President Li, do you have a person who can manage one party who can be the general manager of the pharmaceutical company?"

   "Suiji Pharmaceutical Company can be said to be the most important company of our Suiji Group for the time being, so in terms of employment, President Li, you must think clearly about this matter. Do you have any confidence?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan’s original plan was to establish a pharmaceutical company. What I said earlier was to let everyone know that this matter is very important.

   "Yes, boss, I am confident that I can do well. Our head office has always cultivated talents. There are several vice presidents below, all of whom are capable of being the general manager of a pharmaceutical company." First issue https://https://

Li Qingyan nodded, she is fine. Since knowing that her boss is unreliable, and she likes to spread stalls everywhere, and even if she does, she also likes to be a shopkeeper. After that, she left the stalls here and left them a group of subordinates After getting used to it, Li Qingyan hired a lot of deputy general managers. In addition to dealing with the company's affairs, this is also a storage of high-level talents, which can be arranged as an executive at any time.

"But, boss, do you really want to sell this gene enhancer?" Li Qingyan has a trace of worry in her eyes. This gene enhancer is now a double-edged sword, which might hurt others and ourselves. And she was also a little worried about what the Empire would think of the Suiji Group. She didn't know the relationship between Zhu Yuanyuan and the Long Family.

Not only Li Qingyan has this concern, but other group executives in the conference room also have such concerns. This enhancer is not a joke. It strengthens the body within minutes of drinking it. This is almost an instant ten times the physical fitness. Now the office The people among them are very good, neither fat nor thin, otherwise they can enjoy the chance to lose weight for free. This is a side effect of the booster.

"Well, yes, this gene booster must be sold. I know what you are worried about. I have already said about the empire. It will be supplied to the military first, and then it will be sold in the entire empire. But when it is sold, It’s a handy one, and it’s definitely not sold more, and it must be used in our specialty stores, not take away."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Li Qingyan, then looked at the employees present, he knew what these people were thinking, but now in this situation, he has to sell if he doesn't sell it, or if there are too many people in Huaxia's compatriots who died, How can it affect his mood, yes, it is the mood. He doesn't need a state of mind in his cultivation. He is completely out of touch with him. However, his compatriots have died too much, and he must be unable to make it in his heart. After all, he has this ability, why not help?

   "And ~www.ltnovel.com~ this gene fortification liquid must also be sold, and within a week it must be sold across the empire."

   "President Li, you may not know that the flesh and blood of these three-headed demons are not only humans that can strengthen their bodies if they are eaten. Those animals have also begun to evolve after eating. Let me show you a video first."

Zhu Yuanyuan turned on the LCD monitor on the wall of the conference room, and then played a picture through his personal terminal, which was a picture of the wolves on the Tibetan plain. Now these wolves can be said to be invincible on this grassland. The bison, Wild horses and wild donkeys are not rivals at all and can only flee desperately.

"Have you seen that these wild wolves are wolves on a plain in Tibet. They all have evolved successfully. They are as big as a cow. I am afraid that these wolves can only be dealt with with tanks, even with pistols. , The machine gun, if it is not hit to the point, it will be difficult to kill.

If these herders encounter this, everyone may be able to think of what the end will be. Therefore, this gene fortification liquid must be sold, and it must be used by all the people of the empire as soon as possible. Otherwise, after all the animals have evolved, we The compatriots will be threatened by animals. Starting

   And there are more pets in the city, those cats and dogs. There are even more rats in the sewers. "

After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan’s words, Li Qingyan, Zhang Xinya, and Shen Huifang didn’t react much, but after thinking of countless rats that became bigger than large dogs running on the road, they shuddered collectively. Mar's is too scary, and the mouse is too scary.


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