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Chapter 295: Pet mutation

Zhu Yuanyi asked Stardust to monitor the pets in the city before. He didn't care about his business, but he didn't want his compatriots to be bitten to death by these pets without any protection. Compatriots of China There cannot be too much damage.

  I don’t want to let my compatriots die innocently, and there are too many deaths. Where does Zhu Yuanyuan go to make money?

He has not forgotten that if there is no one, there is no way to earn prestige points, and if people are threatened, they will not really worship others. He can't live anymore and he still worships someone. This It's the rhythm that I don't want to live anymore. In troubled times, idols and celebrities will become worthless.

   So, although Zhu Yuanyuan does not want to be a Virgin, he still has to save the people on the water blue star. The more people there are, the more his reputation.

   "Stardust, do pets after evolution have a tendency to attack humans?" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the image projected by Stardust. These pets did not become strange, just like the wolf on the grassland, but their bodies became larger.

From the projection point of view, Zhu Yuanyi now shows that a few cats and dogs have grown bigger. These cats and dogs are not raised by humans, but wild cats and wild dogs in the city. Zhu Yuan also thought that these wild cats and wild dogs are generally more physique than domestic ones. It’s not surprising that he should be stronger and evolve ahead of time.

For the time being, the changes of these wild cats and wild dogs have not been discovered by the people in the city, because after all, they have just experienced the baptism of the invasion of the three-headed magic black in the past few days, and some people are still in shock, and these wild dogs are in remote areas. Most of the places are in the suburbs or near some garbage dumps, but there are also a few people who have discovered these huge cats and dogs, they have not approached these cats and dogs, and these wild dogs and wild cats may be afraid that humans have been deeply embedded in their genes, so Watching people also detour.

   "Master, for the time being, there has been no case of an evolved pet attacking humans."

Stardust’s answer, Zhu Yuanyi also realized that feelings are slowly cultivated. Domestic pets, as long as they are docile types, will not attack their owners even after evolution. The loyalty of animals to their owners is worthy of trust. of. First release https://https://

   "How lucky to be at the most beautiful age..."

   Zhu Yuan is watching the situation of pets in Deep Sea City on the projection, and the personal terminal rang. This ringtone is only available when Chen Ziyuan calls. As for why it is not a mobile phone ringtone, the personal terminal is more convenient and can be projected to speak face to face.

   "Xiaoyuan, I will go to the capital tomorrow." After Zhu Yuanyuan answered the phone, he looked at Chen Ziyuan tenderly, and the miss in his heart was not seen in a day.

"Origin, I'll wait for you to come over." Chen Ziyuan's eyes were also moisturized, and then he thought of what happened here and quickly said: "Origin, my dog ​​has grown so big all night, bigger than a cow. Did you say that it evolved?"

   Zhu Yuanyi's face changed when he heard it, but suddenly remembered that Chen Ziyuan is now on the second level of Qi Refining. The big dog that has just evolved does not threaten Xiaoyuan at all, and he easily hits the ground with one hand.

"Yes, it's evolved, Xiaoyuan, don't worry, I have let Stardust monitor the evolution of Chinese animals these days. For the time being, I haven't found any evolved animals hurting people. After people have used enhancers, I believe Not to worry about animals after evolution.

   Xiaoyuan, you now have the second level of Qi refining, and you don’t have to be afraid of the evolved animals, they are not as good as you! "

  The reason why Zhu Origin sells boosters is to prevent animals from hurting people after evolution.

Moreover, after the evolution of the animal, the combat power is only more than 10 points. After people use the enhancer, the combat power will also have 10 points. If you eat the flesh and blood of the three-headed magic black, the combat power will be further increased. Of course, it will last for a year. To achieve the effect of increasing combat effectiveness.

   "Well, um, I'm not afraid, I am also a superman now, hehe." Chen Ziyuan smiled and looked at Zhu Yuanyuan's face with a happy expression. It's great to have you in this life.

   "Haha, yes, my little kite, now she is a heroine, no, she is a fairy, you are now much better than the martial arts masters among those martial arts."

   Zhu Origin nodded repeatedly.

   "Xiao Yuan, I will go to the capital tomorrow, the steel armor will be exposed on the surface in the future, uncles and aunts will also be protected by robots, you can rest assured."

   Zhu Origin also knows Chen Ziyuan’s thoughts. She may not be afraid that she is in danger, but that her own family is in danger.

   "Well, yes, origin, I am waiting for you."


  Although most people have not discovered evolutionary animals, a small number of people have discovered this strange change. Now the Internet of the Empire has exploded, and people everywhere are discussing this situation.

"My God, look at what this is (big dog picture), what happened to my dog? It grew so big in one night. I don’t know. I thought I was fed hormones, like blowing a balloon. It became like a cow at night, and almost broke the balcony. Now my dog ​​can't even get out of the house."

   A netizen posted a picture of Jiugongge. The first picture is an Erha that has become as big as a cow. It is now squeezed on the balcony, unable to advance or retreat, and is circling randomly.

   In the second picture, the owner removed the floor-to-ceiling glass on the balcony, and in the third picture, Erha, who was finally liberated, threw his owner to the ground and licked randomly.

The fourth picture is too funny. A sofa was dismantled by Erha and turned into a wreck. The fifth picture of Erha, which is as big as a cow, is completely destroyed by the demolition expert. It was death that liberated a demolition expert who was engaged with the city management.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   The next few pictures show that Erha wants to get out of the owner's house, but the cow-sized body can't be squeezed out at all. What should I do? In the last picture, the owner actually called the police and asked a crane like a cloud cart to hang the dog down. Is the owner going to abandon Erha?

"Haha! Upstairs, are you dying? After liberating Erha, the house was demolished, and the LCD TV was demolished." A netizen ran in after seeing this post. The drink in my mouth was squirting out just laughing.

"On the second floor, are you gloating for misfortune? If so, please add me, wow hahaha...the pain of others is my happiness." There are many people who gloat for misfortune, and it is estimated that they have never kept pets. People.

"The host is silent, is this the legendary aura resurrected? The host, your dog has evolved, has it evolved into a monster? You won a battle pet for nothing. Ah, I want to buy a pet too. "An online game who seemed to be a fan of novels was immediately excited.

   "I suggest that you don't die, look, my side is the end, hey, let's not talk about it, it will be tears! The picture above (the always huge cat).

This netizen uploaded a set of pictures. This is a white cat. The first picture is normal, but the owner went home after going out. All the things in the house were broken into pieces, and all on the wall and floor were scratched by the cat's paws. The scars are so full that it is simply unsightly.


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