Random Shopping System

Chapter 299: Magician from Maple Leaf Continent!

   "It's really weird. It's really unaccustomed to put a person in the inventory." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at a middle-aged man in a black robe in the inventory with his eyes closed. He seemed to be asleep.

   All creatures in the inventory are in a deep sleep state, so you don't need to eat or drink to sleep in the inventory.

   After the system is upgraded, the living life purchased can also be directly subjugated to Zhu Yuanyuan's most loyal servant, and there is no need to pay a huge price as before without the upgrade, just spend the same reputation value as random shopping.

   For example, this magician is a level 2 magical civilization. Zhu Yuanyuan wants to conquer him, and it costs 1 million level 2 prestige value, which is fine, unlike before, it needs to spend so much.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan’s current combat power is much higher than this magician. This magician’s combat power is also more than 60,000. His own combat power is more than 1.7 million. He can completely control the fire with the control of the gods. Department of Magician.

   Thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan directly used the God Control Technique to control Lovett in the inventory. Wilde, a magician, he didn't know before, but now he has researched it out. Since he can use mind to take out items from the inventory, he can use the magic control technique, but he doesn't need to take out the inventory to control it.

   After taking control of the Mage Lovett, Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while. Although he was in the office, there was no one here, so he was released.

   "Honorable master, your servant Lovett. Wild, hello to you!"

   Zhu Origin just put Lovett. When Wilde let it go, he bowed down respectfully and bowed to Zhu Yuanyuan. Lovette was not a slave, so he didn't need to kneel and bow to his master.

"Well, get up." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Lovett, who was still stooping, and nodded in satisfaction. Although he didn't care about these etiquettes, as a master, he must have a certain degree of majesty, otherwise his men would Underestimate the master and neglect what the master explained.

   "Thank you, Master!" After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's voice, Lovett replied, and then straightened his body. It seems that the hierarchy in the magical world is very strict.

  Although Zhu Yuanyuan is a bit uncomfortable, he is actually very happy in his heart. A magician who is also a top master in the level 2 magic civilization treats himself with respect.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "Lofit, where are you from, do you remember? Tell me about your affairs." First published https://https://

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the real magician in front of him, and he was a little excited. This was the first human being bought at random, and he was also a magician in the magic world. This made him want to know about the magic world, although He can't travel through the world to the magical world yet, but it's not bad to hear the story.

"When you return to the master, the subordinates remember that they are in the world called Maple Leaf Continent. When the subordinates came over, Maple Leaf Continent was in the midst of war. Thanks to you for bringing your subordinates here, otherwise the subordinates would have died. On the battlefield, thank you Master for his great kindness."

   Lovett said with a respectful and grateful expression on his face.

   "Oh? Is there a war in the Maple Leaf Continent now? Lovett, let me hear you, I like to hear stories the most."

   When Zhu Yuanyuan heard that Lovett was bought by him, they turned out to be in war. He was really curious.

   "Master, this is the case. There are many races on Maple Leaf. The main races are humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, goblins, giants, trolls, and many other races."

   "The human race, the orc race, the elven race are now dominating the Maple Leaf Continent, and the other races survive in the cracks."

   "Maple Leaf Continent also has gods. Each race has many churches that believe in various gods. For example, among the human race, there are the Bright Church, the Magic Guild, the Warrior Guild, the Dark Church, and so on."

"The Church of the Bright believes in the God of Light, and the God of Light is a main **** living in the light world. It has twelve archangels and countless angel legions under him. It is a powerful main god, and the light **** system is also a very powerful **** system. , Not only angels, but also human beings who have cultivated into gods. There are many lower gods, middle gods, and upper gods, all of which are the sphere of influence of the **** of light. Human beings who become gods of the light system will initiate under the command of the **** of light. War of faith."

"And the Magic Guild has a wide range of beliefs. There are those who believe in the **** of water, some in the **** of fire, some in the **** of wind, some in the **** of earth, and some in the **** of life, and so on. All kinds of element gods, so the magic guild is a A very loose organization does not force people to do things they don’t want to do.”

"But recently, the Maple Leaf Continent has been in chaos. The human empire and the orc empire are at war. Not only ordinary people, but the gods are also involved. A magician of my level is completely cannon fodder, and is more advanced than me. There are so many magicians."

   "At the moment when your subordinate is about to be attacked by Forbidden Curse Magic, Master, you saved your subordinate on the battlefield, thank you for your kindness." Lovette said, with deep gratitude in his eyes.

"It turned out to be like this, no thanks, just a hand." Zhu Yuanyuan had a strange expression on his face. He really didn't know that his random shopping turned out to be this way. UU reading www.uukanshu.com saved others. One life, and then others sell their lives to themselves?

Zhu Yuanyuan has always believed that there will be no free lunch in the world. Even if he paid the prestige value, he still felt a little bit less, but now he discovered that the transaction was not paid without payment. It was obviously a person who was dying. The system would save him. If he survived, the person was saved by himself in theory. Zhu Yuanyuan felt that there was no problem if he was loyal to him.

   Through Lovett, Zhu Yuanyuan learned about Maple Leaf Continent. Now Maple Leaf Continent is at war, and the race between humans and orcs has broken out.

   Now on Maple Leaf Continent, in addition to the elves hiding in the jungle, some small races are hiding in remote places on the continent. The only two overlords are the human race and the orc race.

   In order to compete for the territories of the human race, the orcs launched an attack, but such an attack touched the interests of the gods. There are already many believers of the gods on the human territory. The orcs will kill their believers. Can those gods bear it? It must be unbearable, so the gods also participated in this war. This kind of war has become cruel. There have been a large number of holy magicians and warriors on the mainland, and there are countless gods and war gods. It is really holy-class inferior to dogs. , God level walks all over the floor.

   Even the Saint-level and the God-level are inferior to dogs, not to mention that Lovette, who has just over 60,000 combat power, is really cannon fodder.

The Maple Leaf Continent is huge. According to Lovett’s statement, it is estimated that the entire Maple Leaf Continent may be a thousand times larger than the Aquastar, and this is only the Maple Leaf Continent. Lovette heard that there are other continents, but his strength It's too low to go to other continents.


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