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Chapter 309: Family = Parasite

"Oh? Origin, do you mean that this event will enable China to unify Aquastar? Tell me about it."

Grandpa Chen was taken aback, but his expression did not change a bit, and he signaled Zhu Yuanyuan to continue.

"Grandpa, this matter will start from the Mid-Autumn Festival. Wasn't Xiao Yuan attacked by a spy from the Sun Country? And the military base of the Empire was blown up by a spy. I retaliated back on the same day. You see That steel armor is mine."

Zhu originated from Balabala and directly recounted what happened in the Sun Country.

"There was an alien on the flying saucer of the Sun Country. The reason I killed the alien was because he sent out a distress signal. I don’t know when the aliens will send a fleet to Aquastar. So I want to sell steel armor to the empire, so that the empire will have a certain degree of resistance, so that it will not be powerless to fight back."

Zhu Yuanyuan said while observing Grandpa Chen’s face, only to find a flash of shock in Grandpa Chen’s eyes, the expression on his face did not change at all, he sighed in his heart, and it was true that Jiang was still hot. People are different in times of change.

"Grandpa, what do you think of doing this? With this technology, I definitely can't give it to the Empire, I can only cooperate with the Empire."

When Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Grandpa Chen was silent, he continued to add another sentence.

"Origin, it turns out that you did the things in the Sun Country, and the steel armor is also yours. Old man, I was just guessing whether it was related to you. Just as soon as Xiao Yuan'er happened, such a big thing happened in the Sun Country. Don't let the old man doubt me."

"You said it yourself today, the old man, I have confirmed my guess."

"However, Origin, you said you want to cooperate with the Empire and sell it to the Empire Steel Armor. The old man has no objection. This is a good thing. It is beneficial to the development of our Chinese Empire. Even as you said, this is something that can change the entire water blue. It’s a star pattern, but it’s not that simple."

After Grandpa Chen heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he also knew Zhu Yuanyuan's idea, which was to defend against aliens. Otherwise, it is estimated that Zhu Yuanyuan would not be able to take out the steel armor, even for the development of the empire. Things can't be taken out, this is a big killer, something like a nuclear bomb.

"Oh! Origin, that steel armor is your thing. Grandpa is very happy that you can provide it to the empire. However, there are many great families in the empire, and the power is very powerful. It can be said that the roots of the empire are rotten, but for the time being There is also the imperial Long Family suppressing. More than half of the imperial army is in the hands of the Long Family, and this is only on the surface. There must be power in the Long Family secretly, but they are all hidden now. The Long Family doesn’t care, but that’s just the surface."

"With the Dragon Family, the noble families in the empire dare not go too far, but the Long Family will not care whether the empire is rotten or not. They will only stand up when the empire is in distress, so the Huaxia Empire can now be said to be a thousand With sore holes, there are too many powers in the family, and they have been sucking the blood of the empire for so many years, it is already a parasite with a big tail."

"Of course, the old man, as the parent of the Chen family, may not be appropriate to say this, but this is a fact and indisputable."

Grandpa Chen looked at Zhu Yuanyuan’s face with a helpless expression and said, the old man’s ruddy face is not old at all. This is the effect of the enhancer. Now the old man is at least 150 years old and goes up, so young A lot.

"Grandpa, you are serious." Although Zhu Yuanyuan has not experienced the sordidness of those aristocratic families, he has watched many TVs and novels when he was on the earth, and he still knows a little about these things. Among these enemy countries, there is a long history. The aristocratic family cannot be summed up in one sentence, and the aristocratic family has a profound background. As long as it is not targeted by everyone, these aristocratic families can never be destroyed.

It is like the Liu family. Although most of the Liu family in the empire have been cleaned up, there are still some leftovers, especially from abroad, there are still Liu family members, but those people are no longer spies of the Sun Nation. Now they know that after the Liu family’s direct line is contaminated by the spies of the Sun Country, the Liu family themselves are cleaning up those people. The family is not that simple. It used to be deceived. Now that they know it, it must be a thorough Of cleaning.

"It's not serious, the origin. You may not know the dominance and insidiousness of the family. Although you are Lao Zhu's grandson, you did not agree to recognize your ancestor and return to your ancestry. So if you take out this steel armor, it is not appropriate. When sold to the empire, the back foot will be divided by the family and become the foundation of the major families. There are not many things like this."

Old man Chen knows very clearly. After all, the Chen family is a member of the family. Although he is the head of the family, he has to earn some things. If you don’t earn, other families will oppress you, so personal feelings or something. , Should be put aside, the family’s interests are the most important ~www.ltnovel.com~ In this way, the origin, this steel armor, according to the old man, you still have to cooperate with the royal family, it is best to sell to the royal family In this way, the background of the entire empire has also risen. The emperor is also your uncle, and he will not treat you badly. The Long Family is strong, and it is good for you. What do you think? If you want, I will take you to see the boy Long Zhenjun in the afternoon. "

Old man Chen can be said to have taken great pains, it may be true as he meant, but it may also be to ease the relationship between uncle and nephew.

"Uh! Grandpa, if that's the case, that's fine, anyway, as long as it is sold to the empire, the same is true for the royal family. Anyway, the entire empire is theoretically owned by the Long Family."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not dislike it. He thought it was good. The days when this kind of family controlled the entire empire should also change. Although it seems that the ordinary people underneath are doing pretty well now, this is just That's not bad. It hasn't reached the point where ordinary people can eat meat every day. It doesn't mean that they can't afford to eat meat every day, but if they eat meat, why don't they do anything else? For example, don’t you make clothes? Do you not see a doctor to buy medicine? Moreover, young people have to save money to buy a house and get married. It is impossible to rely on their parents alone. .

On the contrary, he thought that it would be better for the Long Family to regain the imperial power. The entire Aqua Star has now been exposed to aliens, and there are too many countries on the Aqua Blue Star. It must be unified, only combining the entire Aqua Star Human power comes into the starry sky, and further development is necessary.

If the Aqua Star is still such a dish of loose sand, Zhu Yuanyuan believes that even if the aliens do not come to invade, it will take a long time to step out of the planet, maybe this time is hundreds of years away.

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