Random Shopping System

Chapter 532: Visit Xilin Village (4)

   Fighting along the way, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan came to the pond in Xilin Village sweetly.

"These ponds seem to be very old and they are full of water plants, but there are so many blue prawns and densely packed. This is too exaggerated. They were still drained from the river." Chen Ziyuan stared at the middle of the pond. Zhenghuan's blue shrimp, she was also very happy to see these little creatures.

Zhu Yuanyuan asked the following bionic robot to put a stool with a cotton cushion on the edge of the pond, and then let her sit down, depending on the blue shrimps in these ponds. Pregnant Chen Ziyuan can’t squat, and she can’t squat. Can't sit on a cold chair, so he got a cotton stool and won't be cold.

Actually, Zhu Yuanyuan was too nervous. Chen Ziyuan had his blood in his belly. He was born with a strong physique. It is impossible to be disturbed when he is cold. Even if he actually eats something poisonous, it does not matter. Yes, in terms of the bloodline of Zhu origin, ordinary poisons are immune and cannot be poisoned.

"Well, it is indeed an old pond. I am afraid that the main reason is that there are too many blue prawns, so if you just drain them, these blue prawns will not be a bit less, and the more you catch, the more they grow. There are too many shrimps, which is not conducive to their reproduction, but human fishing has maintained this strange balance."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this kind of ecological balance is very interesting. Although there are still many animals that eat blue shrimp in nature, it is far from the efficiency of human fishing. The large amount of human fishing allows the entire ecological balance to be maintained. Now, this can be said to be a win-win situation, a win-win situation between humans and blue shrimp.

Think about it, if there were no humans, the blue shrimp would multiply unlimitedly in the water. Finally, rivers, lakes, and the sea would all be filled with this stuff. Then they would fill all the waters, so there would be only a dead end. Intelligent creatures, they will not stop reproducing, they are all squeezed in the water, either die, or climb ashore to survive and evolve into new species.

   "Uh, uh. Husband, let's go and see what they do with these blue shrimps."

   After Chen Ziyuan watched for a while, she glanced at the people who were fishing for blue shrimp not far away. She wanted to find out.

   "Okay, Xiaoyuan, let's go and take a look." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the people who were working, and agreed, then led Chen Ziyuan and walked over there.

The people who saw them along the way looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them curiously, but maybe they had some concerns, maybe it was a kind of people who saw them as officials, afraid, so no one talked to them. Just when Zhu Yuanyuan and his wife looked at them, they gave a smile.

   "Wow!" A basket of blue prawns was carried on a cart by the men. There are few carriages in Xilin Village that can be used, so they are generally manual carts.

   "Husband, where did they take the blue shrimps?" Chen Ziyuan watched the trucks of blue shrimps being taken away, she was a little curious.

   I thought that these blue prawns were processed on the spot, but what I did not expect was that these blue prawns were all transported away and not processed on the pond side.

   "I'll know if we go to see it, anyway, we are not here to watch fishing, this is too unlevel, any child can scoop a bunch of blue shrimp in the river with a bucket."

   What Zhu Origin said is true. The blue shrimp salvage really has no technical level. It is just a dustpan in the pond to copy it. It is a dustpan of blue shrimp without any technology.


Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan followed a car, and soon they came to the river downstream. Now they are full of people, and there is a row of wooden dams beside the river downstream. Everyone sits on the wooden boards on the bank. Process blue shrimp.

   "Huh? Jamie, what do the few people over there do?" A person at work asked Chen Ziyuan and them.

   "I don't know, maybe it's a visitor from the village." Jamie glanced at Zhu Yuanyuan and them, and shook his head.

"I do know. The people behind the man and woman are from yesterday's caravan. They may be the caravan from the east. I heard that the caravan will start selling things to our village at noon, and they will also accept ours. Things, wait for noon to see if there is any use, I heard that Eastern Caravan's things are not available here." This person's news is very good.

   "Let’s go check it out at that time. Even if we don’t buy anything, we can sell the things at home, but I don’t know if they will accept blue shrimp."

   "Yeah, yeah, I don't know if they will accept it."

   What this person said is a problem. There are so many blue shrimps that they are totally worthless.

   Actually, Zhu Yuanyuan had anticipated this a long time ago. Since there are ready-made items for sale, he is still preparing to collect everything, whether it is blue shrimp meat or a by-product of blue shrimp.

   "Huh? Mr. Zhu, Madam, how are you, are you here to visit?" The person who spoke was Eds, a militia member of the militia that had been met before.

"You are... Eddes, right? Yes, let's take a look at how this blue shrimp is processed. I am still very interested in this~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan is holding Chen Ziyuan, With a faint smile on his face, he said.

   "Yes, I am Eds, Mr. Zhu, in that case, let me show you! I will introduce you to you."

   Eds is actually not only to be this good guy, he also envied Captain Chaske’s Dragon Spear, and he also has his own marksmanship.

   "Huh? That's OK, I'll trouble you Eds."

   Zhu Origin was taken aback when he heard the words, but he still agreed. Others are so enthusiastic, and there are people who really need to introduce the situation here.

   "No trouble, no trouble. Then you follow me." Eddes said quickly.

   Following Eds, Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them came to the shore alone.

   "Jamie, these two are the owner and wife of the caravan. You know. Did the village chief tell you yesterday? They are coming to visit today."

   Eds greeted Jamie, and then introduced Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan to him.

"Edith, the village chief told us. Mr. Zhu, Madam, how are you, welcome to Xilin Village." Jamie also has a smile on his face, a member of the Eastern Caravan, and he just saw A rich and powerful master, such a person can come to Xilin Village without malice. They welcome it very much. .

   "Mr. Jamie, how are you." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded.

"Mr. Zhu, then I will tell you about this blue shrimp. After we salvage the blue shrimp in Xilin Village, we usually come here to deal with it." Edsi is no more nonsense, and let Jamie continue to work. , He stood on the side and introduced it.

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