Random Shopping System

Chapter 534: Lively business (2)!

Zhu Yuanyuan interrupted Edsi's refusal and said, "Edes, then we will go back if Zhu Zhi comes to find you."

"Then thank you Mr. Zhu." Edsi saw that Zhu Yuanyuan's attitude was firm, and he certainly couldn't refuse, so he had to agree to talk about it first, and just tell the village chief and them later.


"Dear folks, please be conservative and continue. We will accept all your things and everyone's things. Please don't be crowded."

After lunch at noon, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan were watching what Zhu Zhi and the others bought from the villagers. Fortunately, the people here also used copper, silver, and gold coins as currency, so money is still universal.

The currency of Blue Shrimp Star is a currency jointly minted by the Ten Cities Alliance. The currency is engraved with cities. The front is the ten cities in the Ten Cities Alliance, and the reverse is the four words for the Ten Cities Alliance.

Of course, there are currencies minted in other cities in circulation, but the currency of the Ten-City Alliance is the best to use and can be used anywhere, while the currencies of other cities are only useful in their own sphere of influence.

For example, this time Zhu Yuan was trading in Xilin Village. Xilin Village definitely does not have the currency of the Ten City Alliance. Xilin Village is too remote, and it is normal to not have the currency of the Ten City Alliance.

"Brother, did your caravan really buy these things from us?" a 30-year-old villager in Xilin Village asked Zhu Zhi and their bionic robots.

"Yes, that's right, folks, everyone can rest assured, we have collected all your things. Zhu Yong, you open the box for the folks to see."

While Zhu Zhi was talking, he asked Zhu Yong to open the boxes on the side.

After the box was opened, everyone took a breath, but saw that these large boxes were full of copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

And these coins are all currencies in the Ten Cities Alliance, so where did they come from?

After Zhu Yuanyuan arrived on the Blue Shrimp Star yesterday, he asked Stardust to scan the planet, and naturally knew that the most valuable currency on this planet was the currency of the Ten Cities Alliance.

"Wow! A lot of gold coins."

"The caravan from the east is so rich. Now, our Xilin Village will develop."

"Hey! No, this doesn't seem to be a mulberry coin. The mulberry forest is carved on the mulberry forest. Why is the city carved on this coin? And where is the Ten Cities Alliance?"

"It's not right. This currency seems to belong to another city. Can it be used here?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm afraid it can't be used?"

"No, is this caravan a liar? The currency of this other city can't be spent here at all, and the merchants don't collect it."

"The liar is not good. After all, the money is also real, not fake. Maybe they don't know it."

"That won't work either. Give us the money, and we won't be able to use it!"

"Then what to do?"

"Let’s ask the village chief to come over, and there are other goods in their caravan. There must be things we need. If the money doesn’t work, we can just exchange our own things for them."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

The villagers who are now here are not too old and have little knowledge, so they don't know the currency of these Ten City Alliance.

"Everyone, folks, our currencies are not ordinary currencies. This is the coin of the Ten City Alliance. No matter where it is, this coin will be accepted by merchants. Don't worry."

At this time, Zhu Zhi also discovered that these villagers did not recognize these coins, so he could only stand up and explain.

"Brother, you said that your currency can be used in all places, is there any evidence to prove it? You speak the vernacular, so we can't believe it!"

A person stood up and questioned. This person looked shrewd. He was a white-skinned person. The people in Xilin Village were not only white-skinned, but also had dark-skinned people. This was the cause of intermarriage. After all, Xilin Village used to be a family. After intermarriage within the family for a long time, it was discovered that there would be problems with the marriage of close relatives and children, so there were rules. Intermarriage was not allowed within 4-5 generations.

"This is the currency of the Ten Cities Alliance. You can ask the village chief to come and recognize it. Don't you know? I don't know what this brother is called?

Zhu Zhi glanced at the person who came out and asked.

"Oh, my name is Mond. Puslint, then we will ask the village chief to come and see. He has seen a lot and must know him. Anyway, we don't know what the Ten Cities Alliance is."

Mund, who was the previous shrewd man, was also a member of the Prince Lint family, but now he is a branch, not a direct line of the Prince Lint family.

"Robin, go and call the village chief." Mond glanced around and saw a teenager in his teens, his son.

"Okay, daddy, I'll call the village chief grandpa over." Robin agreed, and ran towards the village chief’s yard. Fortunately, the village chief’s yard is far from Zhu Yuanyuan and the others. The yard is not far away.

"Husband, didn't the old village chief know the Ten Cities Alliance? Why don't these villagers know? Didn't the village chief want them to know?"

Chen Ziyuan is a bit strange. With such a big power in the Ten City Alliance, why doesn't the Chief Emok tell the villagers? And no one knows what happened to the village chief. Those who used to be are probably dead now. No one knows the legend of the old village chief.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you don't want the villagers to be far away?"

Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan are also sitting in the yard looking at the noisy situation outside through the gate. He is also a little puzzled. Why don't you tell the children about the Ten Cities Alliance?

A legendary city like this inaccessible can be completely regarded as a legend. Only a few people in the village know it, and the village chief and Chaske must know it.

Just when Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan were confused ~ www.ltnovel.com~ there was a call from outside.

"Hello village chief!"

"Hello, Grandpa Village Chief!"

"Hello Daddy!"

It turned out that it was the chief of Emok who came.

"Xiao Yuan, there are too many people now, don't go there, I'll go and take a look outside.

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw the mayor of Emoke, he stood up and said to Chen Ziyuan that she was a pregnant woman, and there were so many people outside, he was worried.

"Well, then I'll sit here and wait for you." Chen Ziyuan nodded obediently and agreed.

After Zhu Yuanyuan walked to the door: "Old village chief, I'm going to trouble you again."

After Emok saw Zhu Yuanyuan come out, an old face smiled like Chrysanthemum: "Mr. Zhu is polite, no trouble, thank you for bringing the caravan to our Xilin Village!"

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