Random Shopping System

Chapter 537: Stormy!

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"What? Let me leave the village and go to the Ten Cities Alliance with you? No, absolutely not. I won't leave the village. Otherwise, I will return the Dragon Spear!"

Although a little reluctant, Chaske still handed the Panlong Gun in his hand to Zhu Yuanyuan and prepared to return it to him. Now he knows that this gift is not so easy to collect, the pit is waiting here!

However, although there were pits, he was not fooled. When his father died in battle, he had told himself to protect the village. He could not leave the village, and the village could not do without him.

"Captain Chasco, don't worry, I won't force you. Well, since you don't want to go to the Ten Cities Alliance, how about my marksmanship? Come on, borrow the Panlong Gun." Zhu Yuanyuan said suddenly. After a turn, he switched from wooing Chacco to marksmanship.

"Huh?...Mr. Zhu, if you want to use it, what else do you want to borrow? You gave me the Panlong Spear. If you want to use it, just use it. I will look at you too. How about his marksmanship."

Chaske directly handed the Panlong spear in his hand to Zhu Yuanyuan, just using it. He didn't think Zhu Yuanyuan would take the Panlong spear back.

"Then you are optimistic." After Zhu Yuanyuan took the Panlong Spear, he waved the Panlong Spear with one hand, and then said.

"Storm and rain style! The first style, the rain-covered mountain forest!"

Zhu Yuanyuan shouted, and the Panlong spear pointed directly at the woods on the back mountain.


In the next moment, Zhu Yuanyuan stabbed towards the woods with the Panlong spear. He didn't move. The spear shadows on the Panlong spear took off. The sky full of spear shadows made people seem to be in a storm. In the middle, those gun shadows are as endless as showers. If people are in it, there must be nowhere to hide.


The storm-like gun shadows all blasted into a forest in an instant. Rows of big trees were bombarded by gun shadows and collapsed to the ground, branches and leaves flying wildly, and loess flying up.

Then there was only a piece of ground with fresh dirt left in this wood, which looked terrifying.

"My God! This..."

Chaske was stunned by Zhu Yuanyuan's operation. Is this really marksmanship? Why did you shoot the gun shadow out of thin air, and also destroyed such a large piece of wood in the air, it is simply too terrifying.

"Is this Mr. Zhu a god? This kind of attack is beyond the reach of mortals." There was a look of fear in Chaske's eyes, and such thoughts appeared in his heart instantly. He didn't know what kind of people could make such an attack. The attack can only be explained by gods, but one of them is suspicious. It was said before that he would join the Knights of the Ten Cities Alliance, but now he has shown such a terrifying marksmanship. What is it going to do?

"How about my move? Check Captain Cisco."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chaske with a sharp look in his eyes and said.

What Zhu Yuanyi used just now is actually a fighting technique. This marksmanship is called storm and rain, and there are nine styles in total. Legend has it that using the last storm and rain can make the whole world change color instantly, and a gust of wind can destroy everything before you , Is simply a move that destroys the world, of course, this is what the combat technique says, in fact, it is not so exaggerated.

This storm style is actually only the top combat skill among the level 1 fighting spirit civilization, but this combat skill is still very good, the last one can increase the damage of combat power by at least 10,000 points, of course, this is only the damage increase by 10,000. Some combat power, so it hasn't reached the power to destroy the world.

In the Ten Cities Alliance, Zhu Yuanyi also found similar combat skills. Although there is a slight gap, in fact, Blue Shrimp Star’s combat skills only stimulate the potential of the human body. It’s not the same. Zhu Yuan’s fighting skills are to absorb elemental power, which means that Blue Shrimp Star’s combat skills are similar to the martial arts on Linli Star, and they are only the lowest level of level 1 civilization. The technique can only stimulate the potential in the human body to gain powerful power. It is different from fighting qi combat skills. If the fighting qi combat skills are high, it will definitely destroy the world, and even become a god. .

"Mr. Zhu, you, what is this? What marksmanship is this, how can it be like this?"

Chaske's legs are weak now, this is scared.

"Check Cisco, I use a fighting skill, which is also available in the Ten Cities Alliance, but it is said that only the Alliance Knights are eligible to learn? How about? You don’t want to join the Ten Cities Alliance, then join me Let’s go together, I will teach you fighting skills, and then arrange someone to protect the village in Xilin Village, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the village. Of course, when we go back to the east, you can still go back to the village. Think about it yourself. miss you."

When Zhu Yuanyuan saw Chasco's fear, he directly talked about the situation in the Ten-City Alliance, at least he would not make Chasco afraid. After all, he knew about the Ten-City Alliance since he was a child.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Zhu, I must seriously consider and consider." Chaske now dare not refuse. Such a terrifying marksmanship shocked him so much. Now his heart is trembling, and he heard Shicheng There are such martial skills in the alliance, and he is also very eager in his heart. If he learns such martial skills, how can he worry about those wild beasts attacking the village? How many kills come, OK?

"Well, our caravan will stay in Xilin Village these days, and hope to get your answer when we leave. UU reading www.uukanshu.com don't leave any regrets for yourself."

Zhu Yuanyuan said indifferently, in fact, Chaske didn't agree, and he didn't care. This was just an episode in his long life. In the future, he will spend his life with Xiao Yuan, always sweet!



After Zhu Yuanyuan came back, just sitting on the chair in front of the bed and drinking tea, Xiaoyuan woke up. She didn't sleep for long today, maybe because of the environment. Suddenly, she came to Blue Shrimp Star from the aura of Yunlan Mountains. , It’s normal if you don’t adapt. Even if you have a spirit stone on your body, you don’t have a lot of aura. It's not as strong as the aura in the Yunlan Mountains. After all, the spirit source stone is there.

"Xiaoyuan, how are you awake? Did you sleep well?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked after seeing Xiaoyuan open his eyes.

"Husband, you didn't go shopping, why are you staying with me here?" Chen Ziyuan saw Zhu Yuanyuan sitting by the bed. She thought he had been sitting here to accompany herself. Well, she was still a little moved.

"There is nothing to go shopping in Xilin Village. It is not important to accompany you. In my eyes, you are the most important, and the other things are nothing."

Sometimes when two people are together, it is still necessary to tell some white lies. Zhu Yuanyuan is not a fool. To be honest, it is no good at this time. His wife has been moved. If this move is suddenly dispelled. Even if she is not angry, she will feel a little awkward in her heart. Although it will not destroy the relationship between the two of them, when there are too many such things, it will not be possible. It is best not to do things that do not pay off.

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