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Chapter 539: Shadow-blood kill group!

   "Da da da da..."

After leaving Xilin Village, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others set off in the direction of Sanglin City. They walked for several days. In the past few days, they also passed many villages, but they did not stay in these villages for long. I bought some local specialties more or less and left immediately.

   "Zhu Zhi, take a break, in the afternoon we will fight to have dinner in the city of Mulberry."

   Zhu Yuan said to Zhu Zhi who was driving outside in the carriage.

   "Yes, sir, let's find a place to rest." Zhu Zhi answered immediately after hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words.


   "Check Cisco, come over for dinner, stop playing guns."

   The convoy found a flat grass and stopped to have lunch. Zhu Yuanyuan shouted to Chaske, who was still playing around with the Panlong gun not far away.

Yes, it was to check Cisco. In the end, he was followed by Zhu Yuanyuan to fool you, but he only promised to follow Zhu Yuanyuan’s caravan and did not have the idea of ​​joining the Ten Cities Alliance, because after joining the Ten Cities Alliance, he cannot quit. If he quit the Knights, he would be hunted down as a traitor, which conflicted with Chaske's wishes.

So in the end, there was only one choice in front of Chasco. Follow Zhu Yuanyuan’s caravan to get more powerful martial arts, and Zhu Yuanyuan also said that he can follow the caravan. When the caravan goes, he still It is not unacceptable to be able to return to Xilin Village.

And Chaske also asked the mayor of Emok. The journey to the Ten Cities Alliance takes one year at most. As for why not many people go, it’s because the journey is too far and the road is not peaceful. , The most dangerous thing is not the beast, but the human. Those bandits or something will not be soft to the caravan, so if there is no strength, most people will definitely not go to the Ten City Alliance.

   There is no problem with the caravan following Zhu Yuanyuan. Both Chaske and Village Chief Emok believe that the eastern caravan is very powerful. It is a manifestation of their strength to be able to come to their region from the far east.

   "Hey, here comes, here comes."

   After getting along for a few days, Chaske also learned that Zhu Yuanyuan was very easy to get along with, and was approachable, unlike those caravans that went to Xilin Village, so he was used to it, and he was usually carefree.

   "You will be in Sanglin City in the afternoon, check Sike, have you been to Sanglin City?"

It’s been a few days since I left Xilin Village. Actually speaking, it’s actually only a day’s journey from Xilin Village to Sanglin City, but when passing many villages and towns in the middle, Zhu Yuanyuan stopped to rest and buy some local specialties. , So the journey of one day was extended to a few days.

   However, Zhu Yuan originally brought Chen Ziyuan out for his honeymoon. The Blue Shrimp Star is very peculiar. The environment of each village is different. Some villages have their own unique specialties, which are very attractive.

   "Hmm...Mr. Zhu, I have never been to Sanglin City, but some people in Xilin Village have been there. This is the first time I have visited."

Chaske took a piece of grilled meat in his left hand and gobbled it up, and his right hand also took a fork to fork a piece of grilled blue shrimp, while answering Zhu Yuan’s question, ah, this grilled meat is really delicious, this oriental seasoning sprinkled on the grilled meat and blue shrimp The meat is too delicious after it is served, he hasn't been tired of eating it these days, maybe he won't be tired of it forever.

"oh, I see."

   Zhu Yuanyuan didn't ask what he wanted to know, so he didn't ask, and motioned to eat meat and drink.

   Xiaoyuan didn't give such a greasy thing. Instead, he made a few dishes and porridge with the aura of ingredients from the Yunlan Mountains.


   "呛啷..." "Dang 啷..."

   "Miss Antlin, you can't run, surrender. If you surrender, your subordinates will not die, otherwise they will all die!"

   "Fart! You stinky mice in the gutter, even if you die, labor and management will drag you to die together! Miss, don't believe what they say, these people are all from the Shadow Blood Killer group, absolutely can't believe it."

   "Break through! Miss, let's protect you from breaking through!"

   Just as Zhu Yuanyuan and the others were having lunch, there was a business of fighting from the forest in front of them, screams and curses.

   "Huh? I bumped into something terrible again." Zhu Yuanyuan paused for a moment when he was eating, then continued to eat meat and drink, saying without expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhu, what are you talking about? What's the most important thing?" Chaske couldn't hear the previous battle. He has just been taught martial arts by Zhu Yuanyuan, so he still can't hear the sound that is so far away, that stimulates the body's potential. In the case of fighting qi, there is no element or aura on the Blue Shrimp Star, so fighting qi cannot be practiced. You can only practice this kind of martial arts that stimulate your body's potential.

   "There is a battle ahead. It seems that someone is chasing and killing some big man. Are you interested in going ahead and have a look?"

Zhu Yuanyuan squinted his eyes and looked towards the forest in front~www.ltnovel.com~ Now there is still fighting there. The two sides are in a state of focus, but there is a protected woman on one side. The strength of one side is slightly weaker, and if it takes a long time, it is estimated that it will end in a disastrous defeat.

   "Ah, there is a fight, hahahaha, I like it, Mr. Zhu, let's go over and take a look. If the people being chased are good people, we can also save them."

  Checking Cisco now also wants to check his own strength. After learning new martial arts, he hasn't played against anyone yet!

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at this fighting frenzy, a little speechless, but he still agreed: "Well, then you and Zhu Yong will go ahead and rescue others."

   He doesn't plan to save people himself. The ghost knows what's going on with the blue shrimp star. If he saves people by himself and the woman entangles himself, wouldn't it be bad? If Xiao Yuan is jealous, then he will not feel good, especially pregnant women are very suspicious, it is best not to do such troublesome things.

   Let Zhu Yong, a bionic robot, accompany Chasco to save people. Maybe Chasco can get a good marriage! !

"Ah? Okay." Chaske was stunned, but then he thought that this is the person next to Mr. Zhu. It is impossible not to learn martial arts. It must be a powerful person who can use ten people to protect from the east. This strength is already It cannot be said to be strong, but terrifying.

Then Chaske and Zhu Yong ran forward, one by one, and Zhu Yong quickly. They both had weapons in their hands. Because they were in the forest, they didn't use long weapons. Instead, they held Tang knives. Yes, not to mention, Zhu Yuanyuan taught a set for Chaske.

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