Random Shopping System

Chapter 547: Mulberry City (6)

"Brother Zhu, isn't this all about competing with other hotels? My hotel doesn't engage in these things, but if other hotels have them, then this high-end business, I have lost a huge profit. "

Delin smiled bitterly. He didn't want to do that either, but his elder brothers and others, as well as some large chambers of commerce and hotels, all have these things. If he doesn't do it, he will lose some advantages. If this continues, I am afraid It won't take long for the Green Tree Flower Hotel to close down.

"Well, it's true, I don't have it, others have it, so the gap will come out all at once, it's really unfavorable.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to say anything. He didn't care about his business anyway. He didn't like these things. He just wanted to do whatever others wanted. Are there fewer nasty things in this world? It is impossible for him to manage all of them, and to be a woman in this line, not everyone is forced to do so. Many people are voluntary because the money comes quickly.

"Brother Zhu, I don't know who the woman is?" At this time Delin also paid attention to Libai Yisi who was sitting on the other side. After seeing her, Delin was a little confused. This woman is not simple.

Originally, he thought that the guards wearing armors were all Zhu Yuanyuan's guards, but after sitting down, he realized that these guards were all protecting this woman. This shows that the identity of this woman is not simple, so he asked directly. When you get up, it's better to be honest with the friends you just met. It's better to ask directly, don't obscure, and also appear to be very sunny and generous, and that you are not a sinister and cunning person.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, Brother Delin, that is Miss Libai Yisi, who I rescued halfway through. They were being besieged by a group of thieves. After they were rescued, Miss Libai Yisi Follow our caravan. Our caravan is going to the Ten-City Alliance, and Miss Libai Yisi is also going, so we went all the way, and we had mutual support."

These words, Zhu Yuanyuan said, are not false. They only conceal the identity of Libai Yisi. This is also very important. Otherwise, talking about her identity everywhere will cause big trouble.

"Oh? It turned out to be like this." Delin nodded thoughtfully. He didn't believe Zhu Yuanyuan's remarks. The identity of this woman is definitely not simple. Maybe it's from a big power. It's standard, and all of them are made by quenching, which he still has in his eyes.

Although Sanglin City is not a big city in the entire Blue Shrimp Star, as the second young master of the city’s owner, he knows something, especially these weapons and armors. He still has a lot of research and can tell at a glance. The armor on Libai Yisi's guard body was forged.

After a while, all the banquets arranged by Delin were also put up. Now they all have a table for each person. The table is filled with various foods, including blue shrimp meat, and some vegetarian dishes. Of course, barbecue. The meat of the beast is basically the meat of the beast on the blue shrimp star, and things like blue shrimp are still used as a table to make up the number. In the eyes of these distinguished people, the blue shrimp meat is only for ordinary people to eat. Families in the city do not eat blue shrimp meat, and drink at most a variety of wines made from blue shrimp blood.

After all, the blood of blue shrimp is still very good, and the wines brewed after adding various materials have different flavors.

"Come on, Brother Zhu, have a drink." Delin raised the cup. In the cup was Lantianjang from Xilin Village, which is still very popular in Sanglin City.

"Okay, Brother Delin, it's done." Zhu Yuanyuan also raised his cup and drank a glass of wine.

"Brother Zhu, you are a caravan from the East. I wonder if you can tell me something interesting about your East?"

Delin is most interested in the eastern environment and legends.

"Well, since Brother Delin wants to listen, let me talk a little bit."

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuanyuan still felt that it would be good to tell them. Then he casually told a story about China. This story was about Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin. Jing Ke of Yan State wanted to prevent Qin from unifying the entire six kingdoms. , So went to Qin to assassinate King Qin.

"The wind is cold and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return when they go." These words represent Jing Ke's mood at the time. It was a tragic mood. He also knew that he would definitely not turn back when he left. Whether the assassination was a failure or a success, he himself would not survive.

".............. In the end when Jing Ke presented the Yan map, he tried to assassinate King Qin, but he failed. He was finally killed by King Qin's guards. It was really sad and tragic. , This is a warrior who sacrificed himself for Yancheng."

Of course, when Zhu Yuanyuan told this story, he changed a few things. For example, the country of Yan became the city of Yan, and the country of Qin became the city of Qin. After all, this place is actually the West for the East, on this planet. , The direction is not easy to talk about. From the perspective of others, you are Eastern or Western.

For example, on the Aqua Blue Star, people say that the China Empire is the East, but is it really the East? Then there is India in the East of the China Empire. If you turn around, will the Western countries become the Eastern countries of China?

Well, this kind of statement is also possible, after all, the planet is round, and if you change the direction, you can go where you want to go, but it's just far and near.

"Brother Zhu, this Jing Ke is really a warrior. He is so courageous. How can he succeed in assassinating the lord of another city for his own city? Isn't this just looking for death by himself? But his courage to regard death as home , I really appreciate it."

Delin's heart was also surging at this time. Didn't he expect that this Easterner is so iron? To assassinate the city lord, and almost succeeded ~www.ltnovel.com~ is simply incredible.

"Well, although this kind of thing seems to be courageous, they don't advocate such a thing. In fact, they just didn't want the city to be occupied by others, but they could take people away. It's just that the high-level people in Yan State didn't want it. I think I can’t leave. It’s better to leave than to die. Even if I die, I can’t abandon my hometown."

After Zhu Yuanyuan talked about this story, he also sighed a little. The ancient people were really the heads of the world. Why did every imperial family who died in the country refused to leave China? If you hide in a foreign country and develop secretly, or lead the remnant troops to occupy a chassis abroad, wouldn't it be easy?

Why did they refuse to leave Huaxia?

Because the homeland is hard to leave?

In fact, it was because of the stubbornness of the ancients. They stubbornly believed that they had subjugated their country and had no place for them. The stubborn Confucianism corrupted their minds.

Zhu Yuanyuan spurned this point very much. This is completely a fool, leaving his own life behind is better than anything else.

With fate, there will always be new hope.

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