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Chapter 553: 10 City Alliance-Antlin Great City! (two)...

"Mr. Zhu, there are two specialties in our big city, one is aquatic fruit, named Linglingguo. The other is West fruit, which grows on trees. I can help you buy these two fruits. ."

   Libai Yisi saw a lot of things along the way, knowing that the caravan would buy some specialty products, she agreed with one bite, and introduced Zhu Yuanyuan to the effects of the two specialty products.

"Okay, Miss Antlin, thank you very much." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded lightly. The young lady of the Antlin family still has a very good temper. She is not a vase in the family, and she does not have the temper of a young lady. A nice woman.


   An hour later, in the big city of Antlin.

   "Husband, the Alliance Knights in the Ten City Alliance are really powerful."

   After entering the city, it didn't take long to see a group of knights on horses. Chen Ziyuan talked to Zhu Yuanyuan on the carriage.

  Don't say it, the knights of the Alliance Knights, that momentum is really not covered, that kind of knightly spirit, fully agrees with integrity, humility, honor, sacrifice, bravery, compassion, honesty, spirit, justice.

Although the knights of the Knights patrol the streets routinely, they are not overbearing at all. Whenever someone and a car pass by, they slow down the speed of the horses and let others pass first. This is in line with the knight’s humble spirit. A determination to cherish the coalition people.

"Indeed, the knights of the Alliance Knights are really good, very powerful, and not domineering, and there is a kind of iron and blood on the team of people. It seems that they are knights who have really gone through the battle on the battlefield. It's not right. Doesn’t this Blue Shrimp star rarely have wars? Why do these people seem to be warriors for the rest of their lives on the battlefield? It's a bit unreasonable!"

Zhu Yuanyuan also saw the members of the alliance knights. Although there were only more than 10 people in the team, they also saw a unique aura from them, as well as the iron-blooded aura that remained after the battlefield. It is the elite among the elite!

"Husband, this is not necessarily a fight with people. Doesn't the Blue Shrimp star often have beasts attacking cities? Maybe they are fighting each other with beasts, plus fighting with rival alliances. That's why there is this kind of iron and blood. The aura and the brutal murderous aura on you."

   What Chen Ziyuan said is really good. There are many things above the Blue Shrimp Star that are unreasonable.

For example, this beast attacked, and there was even a tide of beasts, and these beasts are not the two or three kittens on the Aqua Star, such as lions, tigers, bears, and wolves. They are very common in the Blue Shrimp Star. , They are all in groups, they are social animals.

   The Blue Shrimp Star is much larger than the Earth, so there are many wild animals, including carnivores and herbivores.

And the most important thing is that Blue Shrimp Star has not experienced any dinosaur extinction. On the Blue Shrimp Star, there are still horrible creatures from millions of years ago, including beasts more than ten meters high and dozens of meters long. Counting that, the entire body weighs thousands of tons, and it is a super behemoth. Of course, after the mutation has occurred on the Aqua Blue Star, there are also such behemoths, such as elephants.

Fortunately, such huge beasts are all herbivores, not carnivorous beasts. The size of carnivorous beasts is very small, up to 2-3 meters long. This kind of beast is blue. The city guards of each city on the shrimp star can still deal with it at some price, so the blue shrimp star will be so peaceful.

   "Little Yuan, you are right."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan and said with a smile, his wife, who is now pregnant, really thinks that women have been pregnant for three years? This statement is completely wrong. Even when she was in love, Xiao Yuan’s IQ was still outrageous, and she didn’t have the feeling of being degraded after falling in love, so all those romantic novels and TV series said. It is fake and unreliable.

Maybe some people will faint because of love, some people will be heartbroken, depressed, or even serious suicide, or even kill the person who pried away their boyfriend and girlfriend, and even more extreme will kill their boyfriend and girlfriend Although this extreme love cannot be said to be absent in reality, such things are still rare.

When Zhu Yuanyuan had never crossed to the Aqua Blue Star before, he had seen a woman on the earth. For love, she was so humble that everything she did was very low. Other men dumped her and went with other women. Fooling around, the woman didn't give up, she was still entangled. In the end she was even beaten by the so-called ex-boyfriend and she didn't give up. The woman Zhu Yuanyuan saw at that time had serious mental problems. Go The hospital will definitely be regarded as a neurosis.

  After this incident, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that when dealing with love, one must be cautious, not blindly, and not always paying by oneself. If you pay, you can’t get rewards. Whoever wants to do this kind of love, who will do it, anyway, he will not wait.

Chen Ziyuan is different. When Zhu Yuanyuan first fell in love with her, he did not realize that Xiaoyuan was a young lady from a big family, but thought that Xiaoyuan was a girl born in a commoner family~www.ltnovel.com~ and also It's not the kind of girl who is greedy for vanity, so I like it. Until I know her identity, I realize in vain that the gap between myself and her is a fact that he didn't know until he just graduated.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan also understands Xiaoyuan, knowing the frustration of not revealing her identity when she was in school, and knowing Xiaoyuan’s pain. She must have also known the consequences of the identity gap at the time, but she still had no hesitation. He Zhu Yuan was together, so he was very moved. When there was no system, he decided not to give up Chen Ziyuan anyway.

  Chen Ziyuan is someone he can't forget and can't give up all his life. It is Zhu Yuanyuan's Ni Lin. Whoever wants them to separate is his enemy. He will definitely not give up Xiaoyuan.


   The gate of "Purple Snow Villa".

"Mr. Zhu, this is my private villa, you can rest here, the entire villa, I haven't lived here much, you can live in the entire villa, don't worry, there is no my personal belongings in the villa." .

   After Libai Yisi brought Zhu Yuanyuan and the others to the villa, she introduced them again. This is actually a place for her to rest outside. He is the eldest of the Antlin family, how could he not have his own property?

In the big city of Antlin, Libai Yisi owns a lot of industries, such as some women’s clothing stores, cosmetics stores, and jewelry stores, as well as some villas. Normally, the ladies of the big family are basically There are all these things.

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