Random Shopping System

Chapter 564: virus? Instant kill! (happy New Year!)

(Wish all my friends a happy Chinese New Year! During this time there is that kind of pneumonia, I hope everyone will pay attention to prevention, wear more clothes, don’t catch a cold or fever, and wear a mask when going in and out of public places, but it is best not to go out. There is only one life. Good health is really good! I hope that all doctors and adults can remove this safety hazard as soon as possible, and hope that people in the disease can heal! May the people of the motherland have a long and healthy life!)

   "What? Are you really an aboriginal of Aqua Blue Star? How is this possible? Then where did your battleships and the battleship production lines come from?"

   Jiang Wei's face stiffened all of a sudden, and then he asked with a very wrong face. He never expected that he had misunderstood.

   "Commander Jiang, of course I am from Aqua Blue Star. As for the battleship production line, this is my secret. I am afraid I don't need to tell you?"

   Zhu Origin said faintly, he can also see now that these people seem to have some concerns about the solar system, so they stopped outside the solar system.

At this time, Zhu Yuanyuan also thought that this empire should be a civilization after Atlantis or before. They must know about time and space channels. Maybe it is because Aquamarine is too dangerous, so they chose to leave. In this star field, in this case, everything can make sense, but he still didn't think why these people came to the solar system, and discovered the battleship he made? what is this else?

   Or maybe it was the arrival of those three-headed magic crows, which made this Fengshen Empire discovered, so they came to have a look?

"Huh? You mean these battleship production lines belong to you personally?" Jiang Wei finally discovered that Zhu Yuanyuan's words were wrong. He found that the person who was talking to him had always been talking about himself. It wasn't us, or a certain country, which made him feel very shocked. Aquastar has never had any advanced civilization. How could someone with at least a Tier 3 battleship production line suddenly pop up?

If the civilization is above level 3, this situation is very common, but on Aquastar, this is completely impossible. They have not found that Aquastar has a particularly advanced civilization, except for their Conferred God Empire and Holy Light Empire. In addition, there is no advanced civilization on Aquastar, and it has never crossed the planet. Now that Zhu Origin suddenly appears, doesn't Jiang Wei feel shocked?

  Actually, the Aquastar came out of Atlantis, the Holy Light Empire, the Conferred God Empire, and the three super civilizations, it is not that other civilizations have not appeared.

   Where are those civilizations?

Time and space channels have erupted many times. When Atlantis did not appear, all those civilizations were wiped out by the things that came out of the time and space channels. Some were monsters, some were magical powers, and some were blood-eating lunatics. There is also the power of defending the Tao, born for Tao.

These powerful people who came through time and space channels did not take mortals seriously, because this universe cannot be cultivated, so it is of no use to them, the power of the law, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, none of them, so kill some people It's normal to come to vent your anger, because as you get trapped for more time, even a righteous person can't help but kill. Not everyone is as kind as Goddess Changxi.

"Yes, these production lines are my own." Zhu Yuanyuan did not hide it. After all, even if it is a ninth level civilization, no one can stop him if he wants to go. Besides, as a ninth level civilization, these 3 I am afraid that the production line of Class 1 battleships is not in their eyes, and there is no need to conceal each other.

"I don't know how you call your Excellency?" After Jiang Wei figured out the situation, he was no longer hostile to Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, others don't need to lie, and he doesn't think anyone can escape from his own hands. It's just a third-tier battleship, it's not worth it They value.

"Commander Jiang, my surname is Zhu, and his name originated from the Aquastar China Empire. He is currently the owner of Aquastar Suiji Group. The production lines of these battleships on Mars are my own. No country has built an interstellar battleship. As for my own battleship, it's just a small chance."

   "Commander Jiang, why did your warship come to our small planetary system? And it seems that you are obviously coming to our water blue star, right?"

   Zhu Yuanyi briefly introduced himself, and then asked, he wanted to figure out the purpose of this so-called Fengshen Empire Jiang Family.

   After all, he has to confirm the safety of Aquamarine.

   Just like the new type of coronavirus pneumonia that appeared some time ago, Aquastar is simply martial law.

Countless patients were infected during those months, but fortunately, the people on the Aqua Blue Star had eaten the flesh and blood of the three-headed magic black, and their physique had been greatly enhanced, especially the people in the Chinese Empire used the seasons. The group's gene enhancer has a particularly strong physique, so it has a strong resistance ability, so there is no death.

   Although there were no deaths, countless people were hospitalized.

After Zhu Yuanyuan knew about this incident, he immediately let Stardust study the virus~www.ltnovel.com~ I have to say that artificial intelligence is powerful, especially for artificial intelligence that surpasses ordinary categories like Stardust, which is just short. In one day, the virus was completely broken by Stardust. Then Suiji Group took the lead in releasing a special medicine for pneumonia virus. It was a big sale at a loss. One special medicine for 100 yuan, only a short time after eating. It will kill the virus in the body in an hour. Of course, it is a special medicine specially developed for this pneumonia virus.

In fact, Zhu Yuan has many methods to kill this new virus. For example, the perfect cell can kill this virus. However, Zhu Yuan does not plan to put the perfect cell on the shelves now. After all, humans are still there. The effect of digesting the three-headed magic black and the gene enhancer, at this time, it is obviously inappropriate to put the perfect cell on the sky.

   Speaking of it, this kind of virus is not the first time. When Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan went to play with aliens, there were several virus attacks. These are all hidden dangers left by the three-headed monster.

   After all, the Three-Headed Demon Crow is a foreign species, which brings benefits as well as extremely bad disadvantages.

   Misfortune lies on the blessing, the blessing lies on the misfortune.

   When the three demonic crows struck, it was a bad thing. After they were eliminated, the flesh and blood left behind was a good thing. This is blessing.

   But this time when the virus hits, it has turned this blessing into a disaster.

  Bad things can lead to good results, and good things can lead to bad results. .

   This is the causal cycle!

   But these things are handled by Zhu Yuanyuan, the instigator. If it weren't for him, this series of things would probably not happen.

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