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Chapter 570: Phoenix comes to the world!


After the sound of the phoenix yin, first the sun, and then the solar system, gradually spread to the entire Milky Way, a strong red light enveloped the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of thousands or even millions of light years, which is very terrifying, and it is also There was a kind of terrifying coercion, and the noble and unspeakable aura caused all the creatures in the light to lie on the ground and lower their heads. Even the people with advanced wisdom and civilization are now in a state of trembling.

   Had it not been for Zhu Yuanyuan to have a systematic bodyguard, it is estimated that his legs would have trembled and trembled like a looped leg.

   "What is this?" Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes were full of shock. How could there be such a huge enchantment in the solar system? Formation? Or a protective cover?

   Zhu Origin was completely confused, and he didn't even find this thing. There is such a terrifying thing in the sun, which is simply amazing.

"Hiss! This is?" Jiang Wei's expression suddenly became horrified, and then took a breath. The Jiang family originally had recorded data on the water blue star's space-time channel, and now suddenly came this way. Son, he has confirmed that the historical data is true. Doesn't this kind of vision appearing now prove this?

   "Huh? What's the matter with this planetary system? How come there is such a strong fire system energy? There should be no practitioners in this universe, and there should be no special powers, which is really strange."

The commander of the Demon Fleet, Mo Anyi, is also very strange. It is the Demon Race from another world, possessed by a special race. This race is a race called the Double Horn Race with very powerful body. With special physique, they can survive in the universe with their physical bodies, of course, they can't fly.

When Mo'an was in another world, their celestial demons were powerful races that conquered many worlds, and they had seen many worlds. There were also worlds like Xuanhuang Universe, but they had never seen a world that could not be cultivated suddenly. The emergence of such a formation, and there is also a strong fire energy, this is completely something that should not appear in the Xuanhuang universe.

   "Mom, mom... the sky is bleeding!" A 4-5 year old child on Aqua Star looked at the sky that suddenly turned blood red, and his innocent eyes widened and shouted at his mother.

   "Oh my God! What happened to the sun, why did it emit such a dazzling red light?"

   "Ho buy it! God, is this the end of the world?"

   "No, no, no, is the sun going to explode?"

   "It's such a loud voice, isn't there really a golden crow on the sun?"

Above the water blue star, all the people who saw the change went out, feeling a scorching red light, and the noble aura that resembled an abyss, which made everyone feel terrified and fell to the ground. There are countless people.

   When everyone was terrified, suddenly a huge flame rushed out from the sun.


After this flame hovered above the sun, it suddenly grew bigger, and then formed a huge flame bird, but it looked like a phoenix. This phoenix burning with flames enveloped the entire solar system. Then he raised his head with the sound of a phoenix, majestic, noble, and sacred. No language in the world can describe its identity and status.

   "Is this a phoenix?" Zhu Yuanyuan stood on a balcony of the interstellar fort and looked at the phoenix floating above the sun. He recognized it at a glance. This is the phoenix among the phoenixes, that is, the female phoenix. The phoenix is ​​male.

   There are many legends about the phoenix. Many dynasties describe the phoenix as a queen, or a noble woman, but in fact, in the earliest days, the phoenix represented a man and the phoenix was a woman.

   Why did Feng turn into a representative woman later?

Judging from Zhu Yuanyuan’s thinking, it may be because of the conflict between the phoenix and the emperor and the emperor. Since the end of the feminine society, the status of men has been higher than that of women, so huang has become a representative of men, and phoenix has changed. Become a representative of women, this is the trend of the times.

  Why did Zhu Yuanyuan recognize that this is the phoenix at a glance, not the phoenix?

  Because there are also beautiful and unpretty phoenixes, the feathers of phoenixes are longer and more vivid.

   And the feathers of the phoenix are shorter than those of the phoenix, and the color is not as bright as the feathers of the phoenix.

Zhu Yuanyuan recognized it at a glance according to the legends. Of course, these legends were still read from books when he was on the earth. He originally thought that the phoenix was just made up by people, but after the system, he knew Everything in this world has never been fabricated.

  The so-called fantasy and the so-called fabricating are actually a kind of thoughts that are reflected in another world. They are real things that have happened, but people can't understand them, so they take it for granted that all these are their own fantasy.

   The so-called myth is the so-called illusion, but if you know the truth of the world, I am afraid that reality is even more mythical and terrifying than illusion.

   "This...this...this is the phoenix in myths and legends? How is it possible? How can there be phoenixes in this world?"

   "Phoenix... my wife, come out and see Phoenix..."

   "The bird, it turned out to be a bird."

   "Ho buy Karma~www.ltnovel.com~God, this is the sun god!"

   After the people of the Aqua Blue Star saw the phoenix, the people of the China Empire could see it at a glance, and some foreigners saw the phoenix came out of the sun, and they thought it was the incarnation of the sun god.

"This is a phoenix?" Jiang Wei was stunned the moment he saw the phoenix. He never expected that a phoenix would appear in the solar system. Although he had seen records from the records in Jiang's family, many monsters and monsters had appeared. Powerful people of all races, but this legendary creature like the Phoenix appeared for the first time.

   There are also legends about the Phoenix in the Fengshen Empire, or the myths and legends among the water blue stars were originally left by their Fengshen Empire.

   "Huh? Such a powerful energy fluctuation, this is an existence beyond the heavenly demon realm, how can such a powerful existence appear in this universe?"

Mo Anyi’s eyes were full of fear. It was crushed by the pressure of the phoenix and fell on the ground. The Demon Race is a race whose status is based on bloodlines. When encountering a race that is more noble than them, it will be crushed instantly. Of course, there are also reasons for the level of strength.



   After the phoenix completely spread its wings over the solar system and screamed, suddenly its eyes sharpened and looked at the two fleets of the Conferred God Empire and the Heavenly Demon Empire outside the solar system.

"It... it... why is it looking at us? Hong Feng, is this phoenix looking at us? Could we irritate it?" Jiang Wei looked ugly all at once. Why does Phoenix stare at them? Could it be that the energy shock just hit it?

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