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Chapter 573: Follow up!

   "Xiaofeng, come and sit down quickly, your brother-in-law is just about to say!" Chen Ziyuan beckoned to Chen Xiaofeng who ran in and asked him to come and sit down quickly.

   "Hey, here it is. Brother-in-law, what do you want to say? Do you know about Phoenix?"

   After Chen Xiaofeng sat on the sofa, he asked expectantly on his face.

"Yeah. Xiaofeng, you also know something about your brother-in-law. It’s okay to tell you. Your brother-in-law has some space battleships in my hands. Just these few days, a fleet of advanced civilizations came to the solar system and stopped. It’s been a few days outside the solar system, so your brother-in-law, let me see what they want to do."

"This higher civilization is the ninth-level civilized empire of the gods in the universe. The fleet that comes is a big family in this empire, the Jiang family. The purpose of their coming is for the three-headed demons to come, saying it is a different world. An alien beast that invades our universe, so they have to send a fleet to station outside the solar system to prevent these alien beasts from invading again."

"Unexpectedly, your brother-in-law, I just had a good talk with the Jiang family, and another fleet stepped in and attacked the Jiang family's fleet, and then they fought each other, and then this senior Phoenix was alarmed. You will know what comes down."

Zhu Yuanyuan only told them about the Fengshen Empire. He didn't say anything about Hongluan. After all, Hongluan was still on the moon. He didn't dare to talk about her behind his back, otherwise the ghost knew what temper the fire phoenix was. ? If you feel upset and spray a fire at the Aquastar, will the Aquastar still be there?

  The reason why Zhu Yuanyi now tells Chen Xiaofeng is that he actually has his own considerations. He is going to train these relatives. After all, they are his brother-in-law, Xiao Yuan's brothers and brothers. If you can take care of it, you still have to take care of it.

   "Wow! Really? Brother-in-law, you have a space battleship? Cool! It's cool! Brother-in-law, can you lend your space battleship to my brother?"

   Chen Xiaofeng didn't hear anything else, but the space battleship did.

   "........." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Xiaofeng with a black line on his face, Shente borrowed the past to drive, thinking it was driving?

   "Xiaofeng, if you like, I will ask your brother-in-law to send you a boat. What do you think of my husband?"

   Chen Ziyuan still loves her younger brother very much, and directly promised to send a battleship to Chen Xiaofeng.

"Yeah, yes. Since Xiaofeng likes it, you can give him one. You can make up your mind on this trivial matter." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't object either. It's just a Class 2-3 battleship, which is not a big deal. The White Shark can be mass-produced. Increase the horsepower, and even hundreds of them can be produced a day. Of course, the premise is that the materials are sufficient.

"Haha! Thank you brother-in-law, thank you sister! I want to have a space battleship too!" Chen Xiaofeng suddenly felt like crazy, his face flushed like chicken blood, and the old man jumped on the spot. The child was so happy. .

   Chen Ziyuan and Zhu Yuanyuan looked at each other, then looked at Chen Xiaofeng and laughed.

   The reason why Zhu Origin gave Chen Xiaofeng the space battleship is because the situation is different now.

Now all the people of Aquastar have seen Hongluan’s phoenix. If Zhu Yuanyuan doesn’t act on his own, then he won’t be able to earn prestige on Aquastar, even though the Aquastar’s people have not yet come. There are many people in Lei Xing and Blue Shrimp Star, but Aqua Blue Star is already close to level 2 civilization. As long as it takes a crucial step, it will be able to step out of the universe and become a level 2 technological civilization.

   As for becoming a cultivation civilization? Zhu Yuanyuan does not think that the current Aquastar has such potential. He just said that it is very difficult for the people of the Huaxia Empire to learn the exercises. They have to teach them hand-in-hand, and they can’t achieve the same level of martial arts. The purpose of upgrading civilization level must be extraordinary exercises.

   is to practice the cultivation technique, or magic, fighting spirit, or martial cultivation technique, soul cultivation, magic cultivation, etc.

   Wuxiu is different from martial arts. Wuxiu can be said to be an evolutionary version of martial arts, also known as Gaowu. It is a cultivation system that can be matched with the cultivation technique.

These extraordinary cultivation systems require heaven and earth auras, and some systems require more rare energy. These energies are not available in the Xuanhuang universe, or the energy is swallowed by the original will of the Xuanhuang universe, and will not appear at all. Around the world.

Moreover, Aquastar here is different from Linlixing. Aquastar has no basis for cultivation, and Zhu Yuanyuan has so many resources. It is impossible for him to provide billions or tens of billions of people for cultivation alone. realistic.

Unless Zhu Yuanyuan is willing to accept the spirit source stone and directly bury the spirit source stone in the nucleus of the water blue star, then the entire water blue star will become a planet containing aura, and in this way, it can supply the entire planet. People practiced.

   Zhu Origin would not be so stupid, wouldn’t do it, Xuanhuang Universe originally didn’t have the aura of heaven and earth, why bother to change the environment so forcefully?

   Even if the Aqua Star is changed, only Aqua Star has aura. After that, the cultivation base is high, and people still nest on Aqua Star?

   Is it impossible to ascend through cultivation on the Aqua Star? That would be too awkward, it might as well be an honest way to develop science and technology, at least you can wander into the universe.

   So now Zhu Yuanyuan has also changed his strategy. Originally, he planned to let Shui Lanxing develop step by step, but now he has to pull the seedlings to encourage him.


"Qingyan~www.ltnovel.com~ Get ready. Our company officially announces that we will enter the space age when mankind is entered. Our Suiji Group already has its own spacecraft. It will mine from space and establish itself in the solar system. Starry sky base!"

   After Zhu Yuanyi resolved the doubts of the Chen family, he immediately came to a video conference to convene all the senior executives of the Suiji Group and inform them of his decision.

   This sudden attack scared Li Qingyan and the others. Unexpectedly, his boss would send them a nuclear bombing silently, spaceship, my God, how did the boss do it, besides being amazed or amazed!

   "Yes, boss!" Li Qingyan agreed at the first time, and then raised another question.

   "Boss, I don't know if we can take a look at the spaceship first, we can only introduce it to people after we understand it?"

   Li Qingyan was right. They didn't see anything. If the conference was developed, how would they tell the reporters who came? Do you speak the vernacular? In that case, isn't their Suiji Group a joke?

   "Well, don't worry, I will let you get on the spacecraft to feel it in a while, and you can also go to the universe to see.".

   Zhu Yuanyi waved his hand. This is just a trivial matter. It's just a battleship. Now the battleship White Shark is more than tens of thousands?

After allowing Stardust to open up the battleship production line, Mars has now become a battleship factory. Robots are everywhere carrying various materials, and there is a transport ship dragging the smelted metal blocks onto Mars. Smelting is all carried out in space.

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