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Chapter 597: Bright God Sect (7)

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan recruited believers in Guangming Continent, and then passed them vindictiveness and magic to them. After that, they can wait to harvest high-level reputation points. As long as their strength is high, Zhu Yuanyuan's reputation level is of course The tide is rising.

   "Brother Wang, you will know the function of this token by dropping a drop of blood on it."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Wang Yier holding the token a little at a loss, he reminded him.

This identity token will be the only authentication token of the Shining God Sect in the future, and no one can imitate it. After all, it contains the supernatural power of Zhu Origin, and all tokens are connected to each other, although they cannot communicate with each other temporarily. , But it is also a powerful thing.

"Okay, okay." Wang Yier nodded quickly, then put his finger in his mouth and bit hard without thinking about it, and then dripped the blood that emerged on the token. The token instantly There was a gentle white light, which was not dazzling, and then Wang Yier's information appeared in the token, and the surface of the token also changed slightly.

   First, Wang Yier’s name appeared under the sun emblem on the identity token, and the village where he was located under the name, Qingfeng Empire-Yuehua Village-Bright Church-Bright Knight.

Not only that, the whole token also popped up a virtual projection, but this is not technology, but a kind of bright magic called light and shadow. Zhu Yuanyuan only uses the **** system to arrange the magic of this magic to burn. Into the identity token, and then slightly changed the trigger method, you can accept fighting spirit, you can also accept magic to stimulate this light and shadow technique.

Light and shadow is a level 3 light magic. Zhu Yuanyuan is not strong yet, and can’t cast it. However, he uses the **** system to burn the magic circle, which has nothing to do with strength. In fact, his spiritual power is in the sanctuary. But his divine power is still within the range of a level 1 magician.

After Wang Yier saw the light curtain that popped up in front of him, he was not surprised. After all, he had also been to nearby towns. Sometimes he was curious and went to the mercenary guild. There was such a light curtain inside. All above the curtain are hanging tasks.

   Now that Zhu Yuanyuan has just established the Guangming Church, he has only a few tasks. One task is to preach, and he is responsible for preaching to other places, propagating that the Guangming Church is the only and orthodox Church of the Guangming Lord God, and the Guangming Church is a heresy.

   This missionary mission is a long-term mission. Even if the Bright Continent is completely captured by Zhu Yuanyuan, there are still so many continents outside the Bright Continent, and the more advanced continents are his goal.

   "My lord, is there a task in our religious religion?" Wang Yi'er also saw the information displayed on the light curtain. This light curtain is controlled by mind, which is much more convenient than technology.

"Yes, of course our gods have missions. This identity token not only represents your own identity, but can also receive missions issued by the gods. The task rewards are also received directly from the tokens, and there is no need to go to church to receive the rewards. By the way, there is storage space in this token. This space has 10 cubic meters. When you receive the reward, the gold coins will be automatically deposited in this space, and you can take it out by yourself."

   Zhu Yuanyi introduced Wang Yier. With an identity token, it is simply a must-have for home travel and night murder.

   Not only can you pick up tasks with you, you can also receive rewards with you, and it also has 10 cubic meters of storage space.

   Space props are not rare objects in the Bright Continent. This stuff is the same as the mobile phone in the Aquastar in the Bright Continent. Basically, it can be done by one person.

   One cubic meter of space props is very cheap. You can buy one for about one thousand copper coins. The larger the space, the more expensive.

   The better the mobile phone configuration, the more expensive it is.

   Of course, Aquastar emphasizes brand effect, while Bright Mainland only pays attention to practicality, not practical, and there is no brand effect.

   "Really, thank God Envoy." Wang Yier quickly figured out how to use this identity token.

   "Well, if we figure it out, let's go out. The old village chief outside may be waiting in a hurry."

   Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the old village chief, Wang Dawei, did not come in. It is estimated that he was shocked by the beam of light that had just been transferred.

   Originally, the job transfer actually didn't have a beam of light soaring to the sky. At most, some light elements surround the transferee's body.

  The reason for such special effects is that Zhu Yuanyuan made a ghost. He deliberately changed it into a beam of light rising into the sky. This is a miracle, and only in this way is it shocking!


   "Sir, is the light a miracle just now? Is there any oracle issued by the Lord Guangming? Hey, Xiao Er, where did the armor and sword on your body come from? Did the lord give you the gift?"

   After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them come out, the old village chief quickly leaned forward and asked, but after he finished speaking, he discovered the armor and giant sword on Wang Yier's body.

"It's a miracle, the main **** of Guangming didn't issue an oracle. Let Brother Wang and the old village chief explain it." Zhu Yuanyuan is very clear about the old village chief's thoughts. Although Yuehua Village looks very beautiful, it lives in this way. In remote places, people have never seen the world, so relatively speaking, their thinking is very narrow, and their vision is not long-term. This is not feasible. Therefore, the old village head will seize Zhu Yuanyuan, the new bright **** and god~www. .ltnovel.com~ He wants to make their old Wang family glory again.

   "Oh? Xiao Er, tell me what happened in the church just now? What happened to your armor and sword?"

   The old village chief saw that Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to say much, so he had to ask Wang Yier, who was his grandson, to ask.

   When the old village chief asked, Wang Wu, Wang Fang and the others all gathered around, and they wanted to hear what was going on.

"Grandpa, just now I was changing my job to become a knight of light. The light from the altar was the light from the altar. The **** envoy said that this is because the **** agreed with me to become a knight of light, so miracles will appear. It is a reward given to me by God. I heard from Lord God Envoy that every knight who changes his job will have this set of equipment."

   Wang Yier directly told the old village chief what happened to them.

"Oh? That's the case, you are already a knight of light? And the armor and sword on your body are still bestowed by God? This is a gift from God, God bless my Yuehua Village, God bless my Wang Family! Thank you Lord Guangming. Thank me God!"

   Although Wang Yier's words were plain and plain, as if he had chopped a Chinese cabbage from the ground, the old village chief Wang Dawei became excited after hearing this. .

   "Xiao Er, your outfit is really good. Being a knight of the light has such benefits. I also want to change my job to become a knight of the light, but I have vindictiveness on my body. I belong to the fire attribute.

Wang Wu looked at the armor and sword on Wang Yier's body, and he looked envious. His own armor was not so good. It was just that a few places were made of metal, and the rest were made of leather, which looked like Wang Yi. All of the two body coverings are metal.

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