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Chapter 599: Bright God Sect (9)

   "Xiao Er, what was the current situation when you changed your job just now?"

  Wang Wu and the others looked at the altar on which the old village chief was up, and then watched the white light that rushed straight to the clouds, they turned their heads and asked Wang Yitwen.

"Uh, Uncle Wu, I don’t know. After I went up, I didn’t know anything. I just saw that a fighting qi secret book appeared in my mind, as well as a practice route. I waited until I learned how to practice fighting qi. Open your eyes and see nothing."

Wang Yier was standing on the altar and saw nothing. He fell into a state of enlightenment. Well, to be precise, he was transferred by the Divine System system, causing him to fall into learning and wake up. After that, the light element naturally dissipated, so he didn't see the beam of light, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was the first time he saw the beam of light that appeared when he was transferred.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Wang Wu and the others were taken aback when they heard it, and then they nodded together without knowing what they thought. They stopped asking Wang Yier and focused on seeing the old village chief in the altar. The situation is gone.

After a while, a set of white robe suddenly appeared on the old village chief's body. The sleeves and neckline of this robe had gold threads, and there was also a sun-shaped logo on the back, which represents the light because of The sun has light.

   At the same time, a magic wand appeared in the hands of the old village chief. There was a white gem on the top of the magic wand.

  The equipment of the old village chief is different from other pastors who have been transferred. He is a priest. Zhu Yuanyuan designed his clothes. The white robe has gold threads and the sun on the back is also made of gold threads.

  As a priest, of course, it is different from the status of other ordinary priests. It is better for a power to have healthy competition.

   If all are treated the same, then everyone will have no motivation. Only when there is competition, there will be motivation. If everyone in a power is equal, then there will be no self-motivated. What motivation is there?

For example, when Zhu Yuanyuan was on the earth, working in a factory, he basically couldn't learn anything. He would only be a team leader in his entire life, and his salary would be a few hundred more than others. He was also led like a dog every day. , But I still can’t get a job promotion and I can’t learn the real skills, so most people don’t see hope after entering the factory. They are all in mixed time. One day counts as one day, completely in a state of mixed eating and death. What hopes, what ambitions for the future, are all obliterated by reality, how many people really start from scratch? The whole world can count with fingers.

Therefore, whether Zhu Yuanyuan founded the Suiji Group in Shuilanxing or Linlixing’s Qiankun Xianzong, there is healthy competition in it. Those who are capable can be in high positions. Those who are not capable, then. If you obediently ask you to do what you do, of course, people who are incapable can learn. When your own abilities are enhanced, the higher-level will naturally promote your position. It is the same in the Universe Immortal Sect, disciple If the strength of the player becomes stronger, it will naturally be reused, and the resources will be more numerous.

Now that we have come to a magical world like Bright Continent, Zhu Yuan’s concept of superior and superior rank must be more clear. It is impossible to create a world where everyone is equal. This is an impossible world. .

   If everyone is equal, then there is no self-motivated, who will make money? Who still works hard? Who is going to farm hard? Who will work hard to develop technology?

   Anyway, people who don't work are treated the same as people who work, so they don't work hard, they can only wait for death.

Therefore, the ideal Garden of Eden does not exist, unless it is really the same as some novels say, the whole world is food, and the food seeds will take root and grow fruits as soon as they fall. It is really possible that everyone will be Living together equally, but without lack of food and drink, other contradictions will also arise. In short, it is difficult to achieve equality for all people. Wisdom means that contradictions occur.

Well, unless there is only one ruler like the Zerg in "StarCraft", all the worms listen to the ruler's words, let whoever die will die, and the collective spiritual connection means that there is no privacy between all the worms. This is fair Now, if humans are really like Zergs, it is estimated that humans are no longer humans. They have lost themselves. Why are they still alive?


   "Huh? Xiao Er, Xiao Wuzi, what do you guys look at the old man doing?"

At this time, the old village chief also accepted the transfer, and successfully transferred to become a bright pastor. After he woke up, the beam of light disappeared. Seeing Wang Yier and Wang Wu staring at him, the old village chief felt a little baffled. Why don't I change my job and stare at the old man?

"Uncle, there was also a beam of light after you went up just now. We just looked at it here. The robe and magic wand on your body are also pretty good, and your white hair has also turned black. I’m more than years old, thank you for the gift of the Lord Guangming!" Wang Wu was also very excited after seeing all this~www.ltnovel.com~, he didn’t know what kind of equipment he would get, and he had a bright vindictive attitude, but he was better than fire Dou Qi must be rare and powerful.

Wang Wu was right. Light, darkness, ice, thunder, life, death, space, prophecy, time, and destruction are all the top and rarest element attributes. In this magical world, you can easily grasp one. This is a great opportunity.

   In the Bright Continent, the most mainstream attributes are fire, earth, wind, water, wood, light, darkness, ice, thunder, and a summoner who lives spiritually.

   And not only the attributes of fighting spirit and magic, Wang Wu looked at his uncle's appearance of being several decades younger. He was really a little excited and inexplicable. This was an obvious change.


Wang Dawei looked at himself and found that he had a white robe inlaid with gold thread on his body, a magic wand in his hand, and there was a small warm breath in his body, which was stored in his body. The magic of light in.

   "Is the old man younger?" Wang Dawei asked after walking up to Wang Wu and the others. .

"Grandpa, you have indeed become younger. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, we wouldn't believe you are grandpa. Thank you for the gift of the God of Light!" Wang Yier also looked like a ghost, and finished talking with Wang Dawei. After speaking, he turned his head and prayed towards the sun emblem in the center of the hall.

"Really?" The old village chief is still a little suspicious, but Wang Dawei still has wrinkles on his face. In fact, his hair has all turned black and his face has become rosy. Although there are fewer wrinkles, there are still some, but compared to He looked like 80 or 90 years old, now he looks like 50 or 60 years old. Isn't it a few decades younger?

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