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Chapter 602: The Light Ruling Knights!

   Zhu Origin happily hunted the beasts in the Purple Moon Forest, collected some medicinal materials, and various rare ores. When capturing the cubs of the beasts, a big event happened in Yuehua Village.


"Da da da......."

When all the people in Yuehua Village gathered at the door of the church and went in to change jobs, suddenly there was the sound of rumbling horses hoofs in the distance, and when looking out from the village, you could see the dusty scene in the distance. This looks like a large number of cavalry rushing towards Yuehua Village.

   "Assemble, assemble, there are enemies."

   Wang Wu's eyes changed all of a sudden. So many cavalrymen are definitely not horse thieves nearby. Horse thieves won't have so many cavalrymen, and they won't be so neat. In this case, they are regular troops.

  In addition, Yuehua Village is on the border of the Azure Wind Empire. Although there is a purple moon forest as a barrier, sometimes foreigners risk passing over from the edge of the purple moon forest.

   "Xiao Wuzi, you have blocked these people at the entrance of the village. I told them not to go up and change jobs first to avoid trouble."

   The old village chief, Wang Dawei, also looked ugly. He didn't know who the cavalry was directed at. Did he spot the skylight in the village, or did he come at the lord?

"Okay uncle, I will take someone to the entrance of the village to stop the people." The armor on Wang Wu has not been taken off. Originally, a group of their guards were the first to change jobs. From morning to afternoon, it is now close. In the evening, the villagers were about to leave the church and go home to cook. I didn't expect such a large group of cavalry to come outside.

   According to Wang Wu’s experience, there are no one thousand cavalry in this group of cavalry outside, but there are as many as eight hundred.

On the contrary, although they have just changed jobs, they also have a thousand light knights, but they have no mounts. Although there are a few horses in the village, they are not war horses. They are definitely not suitable for fighting. Moreover, Wang Wu and the others have just changed jobs to become light knights. Zero, it's better to fight underground.

   "Wang Fang, Wang Hong, you guys took the people to carry the horse-retarding stakes out and put them at the entrance of the village. Don't let these cavalry rush directly, or we can't stop them."

  Wang Wu brought thousands of guards who had been successfully transferred to become the knights of the light. After arriving at the entrance of the village, he looked at the cavalry closer and closer. He quickly arranged the people below.

   "Yes." Wang Fang and the others agreed, then turned their heads and shouted a few times: "Hurry up, bring the horse-riding stake to the entrance of the village."

   "I see, Captain."

After a few people agreed, dozens of guards wearing silver armors rushed to the warehouse near the entrance of the village and carried the horse-rejecting piles inside and placed them at the entrance of the village. Soon several layers of refusal were placed at the entrance of the village. The horse piles, looking at the pointed thorns facing outward, make people feel chills. These horse-stuck piles are not made of wood, but made of stone and steel. The base is stone, and they are slanted to the outside. The spikes are made of steel.

   These are all put inside after they are done. Generally speaking, they are not used. After all, even the entrance of the village has a gate, which can completely resist the sneak attack by the bandits, but the cavalry on the right track will not work.

   "The comer stops!"

  Wang Wu and the others closed the gate of the village entrance, and then stood on the wooden wall of the village and looked at the cavalry who was already in front of them. Wang Wu shouted.


   There are really thousands of cavalrymen who came here, and they all wore black armor and white capes. The horses under the hips were all maroon red. At first glance, they were a Maxima, a good horse.

"Who are you? Why come to my Yuehua Village?" Wang Wu looked at the group of people below, his face suddenly ugly, he felt that the weakest of these people were Silver Warriors, no weaker than Silver Warriors. The people are too scary, who are these people?

"Hello, we are the Light Knights of the Holy See of Light. I am the head Yang Wei. I have completed my mission in your country. After passing by your village, I found that there is a gathering of light elements in your village, so come and have a look. I don’t know if we can Can't enter the village?"

Although Yang Wei is a little impatient in his heart, he shouldn’t bully these weak people casually outside. Otherwise, how would others think of them, the Holy See, or else I’m afraid that Yang Wei’s temperament would have been slashed with a single sword. One percent of his strength is unstoppable.

"What kind of people from the Holy See?" Wang Wu's heart was shocked, and his heart was cold. The Wang Fang next to him was also a little sad. If they were active, they would be calm on the surface. MMP in their heart, why did they just turn around? If you become a knight of light, this person from the Holy See has arrived at the entrance of the village. Isn't this a pitfall?

  Wang Wu and Wang Fang looked at each other a few times, and then made a look to Wang Fang. After seeing Wang Fang nodding slightly, Wang Wucai and Yang Wei spoke.

"It turns out to be the knights of the Holy See of Light, but our Yuehua Village is a village of the Qingfeng Empire, and there are rules in the village, not to accept outsiders, our Yuehua Village does not have much light elements gathering, please find another place. "

  Wang Wu felt that they were a bit unlucky. How could it happen that these knights of the Holy See were nearby?

   "Oh? You don't agree with us entering the village?" Yang Wei's expression was ugly. When can a small village ignore their bright Holy See? It's just shameless!

   "Yes, I do not agree with you to enter the village. Also, we are the village of the Blue Wind Empire~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't mess around."

   After Wang Wu heard Yang Wei's tone, he shook his heart, and the cold sweat on his back came out. It seems that the people who are not good will not come!

At this time, Wang Fang also asked the people below to notify the village chief. The people in the village also began to move to the tunnel. All the old and weak women and children went down from their own tunnel, and then went all the way to the back mountain through the tunnel. Yes, the back mountain is also connected to the Purple Moon Forest, and you can directly enter the Purple Moon Forest over there.

   The tunnel of the Wang family was well dug, and it was directly dug into the Purple Moon Forest. In a valley, there is a cave storing a large amount of food and daily necessities. This is just a reserve left in case.

   What Wang Wu and the others didn't know was that there was a person watching them in the village. This person was Wang Daoyi.

   "No, it's the ruling knights of the Holy See, Yang Wei, and Zhen Xiaoren. Why did these two **** come to Yuehua Village? Could it be that the miracle at the time of the transfer really attracted them?"

Wang Daoyi looked at the knight outside from the gap in the wall of the village, his eyes revealed a kind of hatred, unwilling, but also very anxious in his heart, although he also went to his job just now, and he also became a Bright Master. He has recovered from his previous injuries, but it will take time for his strength to recover. .

   The Holy See's Judgment Knights is an independent law enforcement agency outside the Bright Knights. They specialize in arresting those who betray the Holy See, as well as heretics. After catching them, they may be worse than life.

   The Knights of Judgment belonged to the Guangming Judgment Office, with two red archbishops serving as heads and directors. The archbishops were not only held by the Light Master, but also by the Guangming Knights.

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