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Chapter 622: Li Family (3)

"It's okay, I wonder if the four elders are here now, is the temple ready?"

Zhu Yuanyuan also didn't pay attention to what Li's family had done in the past few days. He went to play around in the past few days and bought a lot of special products from Yucheng, especially various fruits and snacks.

Not to mention, the fruits on the Bright Continent are still very good. They contain various magic elements. After eating them, they are very good for people and can completely extend people’s lifespan. So he bought a lot of them and put them in the space ring. Things can't be found in Aquastar.

"Master Zhu is right. The temple is ready. I wonder if Master Zhu can go to the temple tonight?"

Li Xinen confirmed Zhu Yuanyuan’s guess, and then a little embarrassed to invite Zhu Yuanyuan to go to the temple. They chose to go to the temple at night because they did not want too many people to discover the anomaly in the temple, in case it was discovered by a spy of a certain force. , Then their Li family will be in big trouble.

"Okay, let's go there." Zhu Yuanyuan also knew that the Li family would still be suspicious and give direct evidence so that they would not be suspicious, as long as they were transferred to the divine system, they were not allowed to do so. At his mercy?

"Okay, thank you Zhu Gongzi for your understanding. Then let's hurry up." Li Xinen still attaches great importance to this incident, and if he is anxious, he wants to set off immediately.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say anything but just nodded, and then set off together.

In a short while, they reached the sky above a glorious temple. There was a dark shadow in the dark, but everyone present was not ordinary people, and they could see everything below in the dark.

"Master Zhu, this is the temple we prepared. Can you think it's okay?" Li Xinen and the others have all seen the world. Although the Li family has been away from Yucheng, they have heard people say that religious churches and temples are all Although they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they still saw the temple on the shadow stone, so based on these, and then changed it slightly, and built this temple.

"Yes, the fourth elders, this temple built by the Li family is very good, very magnificent, I am very satisfied." Zhu Yuanyuan was very satisfied after seeing this temple, although the church built in Yuehua Village was not Small, but the overall look is far from the temple built in Yucheng.

On one side, Lovett looked at this temple and was very satisfied, and the temple he had seen on Maple Leaf Continent was nothing more than that.

It is trivial for the Li family to build such a large temple. Although the sanctuary in their family are all warriors, it does not mean that there is no magician in the entire family. Only warriors are because the secrets they inherited are cultivation. There are really not many cheats about magic, and those cheats about magic meditation and magic spells can only be practiced by the Great Mage at most. There is no cultivation method in the sanctuary, so there are very few magicians in the family, but Not without.

With a magician, it is not trivial to build a building, as long as you prepare some interior decorations, the overall structure of the house can be done with magic.

"Master Zhu, you are satisfied, then let's go down. The elders of our family are here now and are waiting for you in the temple."

After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan’s satisfactory answer, Li Xinen was relieved, and then he invited Zhu Yuanyuan to the temple. He couldn’t wait to see the miracle. This was the hope of their Li family, and he didn’t think it. A sacred domain and a suspected sacred person will lie to them.

Zhu Yuanyuan said casually: "Okay."

Then the three of them fell directly on the door of the temple from the air, and then Li Xinen first pushed the door open and entered.

After Zhu Yuanyuan and the three of them entered the temple and closed the gate, Zhu Yuanyuan looked around and found that the interior of the temple was not bad, and it was built according to the style he said, similar to the church in Yuehua Village. There is a round table in the middle. The round table now has nothing. He needs to operate it from the **** system. After adding the magic circle and the altar to the whole temple, this temple is the real temple.

"Come on, Master Zhu, let me introduce to you. This is Li Xinlin, the Supreme Elder of our Li family, and my elder brother. Big Brother, this is Zhu Yuanyuan, Master Zhu."

After Li Xinen took Zhu Yuanyuan and the others to the **** emblem in the center of the entire temple, there were seven people waiting for them. First of all, he introduced Zhu Yuanyuan to these seven people.

"Old man Zhu Xin'en has seen Master Zhu." Li Xinlin looked at the young man in front of him. If it weren't for the early breath of Zhu Yuanyuan's sanctuary that no one could pretend, he would really suspect that now he saw Zhu Yuanyuan himself It was discovered that his fourth brother and fifth elder did not tell lies.

"Zhu Yuanyuan has met the great elder!" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Li Xinlin with a white beard, and he hurriedly responded. This old man is probably older than his two lifetimes combined!

"Master Zhu, this is Li Xincheng, the second elder of our Li family, and my second brother." After Li Xinen saw his elder brother and Zhu Yuanyuan met for a while, he went on to introduce it.

Li Xincheng: "Meet Master Zhu."

Zhu Yuanyuan: "Hello, Second Elder!"

"Master Zhu, this is Li Xinan, the third elder of our Li family, my third brother."

"Good morning three elders." "I have seen Master Zhu!"

"The fourth elder is me, and you know the fifth elder." After Li Xinen introduced the first three, he jokingly pointed at himself and Li Donghao said.

"Haha, I have indeed met." Zhu Yuanyuan smiled faintly.

"The two of them are younger than the five old guys in front of us. They are our next generation. This is the sixth elder Li Tianming, and this is the seventh elder Li Jingfeng~www.ltnovel.com~ and The remaining one is Li Zhenlong, the lord of Yucheng, and Zhenlong is also the head of our Li family, Zhu Gongzi can get close to Zhenlong!"

Li Xinen introduced all the senior leaders of their Li family in one breath. Of course, the people who came to the temple were all decision-makers of the Li family, and there were some ordinary elders who hadn't come. They were still worried about those people.

After Zhu Yuanyuan got to know all the Supreme Elders and Patriarchs of the Li family, he would start to do business.

"Everyone, I'm about to start. You can be here, but don't bother me." Zhu Yuanyuan stood on the round table in the center of the temple, and immediately began to flicker.

"Young Master Zhu, please rest assured, we will never disturb you. You can just call the God of Light." Li Xinlin, the Supreme Elder, directly agreed to Zhu Yuanyuan, and promised that he would never be disturbed.

Then Zhu Yuanyuan stood on the round table and closed his eyes, his body began to emit a little white divine power. In fact, he has turned on the divine system and started the layout of the temple. Some functions of the divine system can be switched on and off. , It was night, and since the Li family let him come at night, obviously they didn't want people to know what they were doing, so Zhu Yuanyuan didn't make it exaggerated like Yuehua Village.

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