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Chapter 646: The young patriarch of the blood shark? kill!

"﹠&﹪%[Emailprotected]*&....⊥∥∠⌒⊙....Water Dragon Wave!" After the blood shark saw that Lofit used the sanctuary magic fire dragon technique, he also quickly used the sea clan The magic of the water system, the magic water dragon wave of the sanctuary water system.

Soon, a huge fire dragon appeared in the sky above Lofit. This fire dragon was at least several hundred kilometers long. Zhu Yuanyuan and the others could feel the hot breath on the boat. This magic is really scary. If you throw it in In a small city, it is estimated that the entire small city will turn into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. This is the magic that can destroy the city!

   Although the blood shark was a step late for Lovett, due to the fact that it was on the sea, the water element was very strong, and soon a water dragon as big as a fire dragon came out.

   "Go!" Lovette exclaimed! The fire dragon rushed towards the blood shark with teeth and claws.

   "Give the labor and management, kill him!" The blood shark's face was filthy, and he controlled the water dragon and rushed toward Lovett.


   Soon, the two water and fire dragons collided together.

   "呲呲......" The two dragons of water and fire entangled and made the sound of fire being extinguished by water.

After entangled for a while, the dragon formed by the two elements suddenly separated.

   "Huh!" The fire dragon breathed fire.

   "Wow!" The water dragon sprayed water.

   "呲呲....." Neither party got cheap, the fire was extinguished by water, the water was evaporated by the fire, and a layer of steam rose on the sea.

   "Blast!" Following Loffitt's order, the fire dragon rushed to the water dragon and made a violent explosion.


   At this moment, the two sanctuary magics were annihilated together.

"The Spear of Destruction!" When Lovett casts Sanctuary magic, he is condensing his own magic power. He doesn't have to chant a spell to use magic. He is in the Holy Territory. After entering the Holy Territory, there is an advantage. Release magic steadily without chanting.

   As Lovett’s wand was raised, a burning flame spear appeared in front of him. This was the God’s Domain Magic Burning Spear, the strongest single fire magic.

"This is the Gun of Destruction? You turned out to be God's Domain!" After seeing Lovett's magic, the blood shark was stunned. He was planning to use his domain, but now he is scared, God's Domain. It turned out that he was looking for death from start to finish. He had already lost when he stood here. God's Domain is invincible in his own domain. Unless both are God's Domain, no matter how many people are, it will be useless.

"Senior, in the Sanctuary of the Lower District, are you not afraid of being said to be bullying the younger?" Although the blood shark is very reckless, but not stupid, he is still very afraid of death in the face of life and death, although he is a sea clan, but It's not that you know you are dead and you rush forward.

   "Hmph! No need to quibble, were you crazy when we were on the boat? You didn't take our humans seriously, why are you now? Take it to death!"

   Speaking of Lovett, he was about to stab the blood shark to death with a shot of the Incineration Spear.

   "Stop! Don't do it, senior. Below is the young patriarch of the blood shark clan. If you kill me, the blood shark clan will not give up with you."

   The blood shark's face was pale, and finally he exposed his true identity and gave a sharp threat.

   "This..." After hearing the words of the blood shark, Lovett hesitated, stopped his movements, and looked at Zhu Yuanyuan and them on the boat.

   "Blood Sharks? Brother Bing, Lord Jin Yuan, have you heard of this race of Sea Clan?"

   Zhu Origin didn't know much about the Bright Continent. Of course, he didn't know much about the various races or types of this sea clan.

"The gold and silver chambers of commerce are the world, I am afraid I know more than me, so let the Lord Jin Yuan come to tell Brother Zhu." Bing Jianyi refused. Originally, his personality was cold. After the wine just passed, now he He looked cold again.

   "Okay, then I will tell Mr. Zhu." Jin Yuan agreed directly.

"Mr. Zhu, the sea clan itself evolved from marine life, so the sea clan is just their general term. The blood shark clan referred to by this blood shark is one of the many sea clan races, and the blood shark clan is still among the sea clan The big clan is equivalent to the top power of our human race, what do you think of it now?

Jin Yuan saw that the blood shark had been captured by Lovett, but after they made up their minds, his expression was also sad. The Sea Clan is not easy to provoke. If you kill the young patriarch of the blood shark here today, It is estimated that their gold and silver chamber of commerce will not have a good life in the future. If they pass by sea, they will definitely be targeted by the blood sharks.

   Not only is this because of the agreement between the Sea Race and the Human Race, their Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce also does business with the Sea Race. There are a lot of precious items in the sea, and they only need to pay a small amount to get a lot of ocean treasures.

   Jin Yuan is also worried that if the blood shark tribe’s young patriarch is killed, the blood shark tribe will find trouble with the gold and silver chamber of commerce, so that Mr. Zhu will be exposed. In that case, can their Jin family still cooperate with Mr. Zhu? It is estimated that after eating Mr. Zhu's heart, let alone cooperation.

"Those who are not from my race will have different hearts! Kill! Lofit, kill him!" Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to gain reputation~www.ltnovel.com~ After killing the young patriarch of the blood shark clan, he will become famous in an instant, and with his reputation, he will always gain some reputation points.

  What did he come to Guangming Continent for? Isn't it just to earn reputation points, but also to collect some treasures? Now, how could Zhu Yuanyuan not want the opportunity presented to the door?

   "Wait..." Jin Yuan just said a word, and there was a scream from the sea.

"Ah! You have to die, the blood sharks won't let you go." The blood shark was ordered by Lovet to penetrate his chest with an incineration spear, and as the flames rose, he issued a final After the screams and threats, nothing was left to be burned by the flames.

   "Master, it has been settled." Lofit doesn't care about the Sea Clan or the Sea Clan, anyway, Zhu Yuan's order is too big.

   "This!" Jin Yuan stared at all this in a daze. He felt his head hurt. How did he feel that Mr. Zhu was a scourge? This is too reckless, and it kills people directly.

   "Interesting!" Bing Jianyi didn't take it seriously either. The Bing Family was not afraid of the Sea Clan. He just felt that Zhu Yuanyuan was very interesting, and he directly killed a blood shark clan leader who was obviously prominent among the Sea Clan. .

"Well, Loffitt did a beautiful job." Zhu Yuanyuan was very satisfied with what Loffitt did. After his order went on, Loffitt executed it immediately. He likes such subordinates the most, um, of course, doing this. It also indirectly eliminated his desire to repent.

"Hey! Mr. Zhu, this blood shark clan will definitely not give up, let's hurry up and get on the road." Jin Yuan is speechless, he doesn't know what to say, this time he will go back to the City of Glory. Cooperation, he has no bottom now.

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