Random Shopping System

Chapter 654: The Jin Family (2)

This is why Zhu Yuanyuan always said that the system is too bad. Others can cultivate, but he can't cultivate himself. He can only use the reputation value to increase his realm. Even if it is, the reputation value needed is still massive, and others can advance to a big one. The realm is up, he has only upgraded to a small realm, the speed of this strength increase is no one, and it is slow.

After Zhu Yuanyuan came to the Bright Continent and found that most of his abilities could not be used, he could only hold on to it. If he was really annoyed, Zhu Yuanyuan could only throw his nightmare into this magical world. , And then flash people back to Blue Star.

The Nightmare Flower is a terrifying plant with 100 million combat power. It is a plant-like creature in the world of Shen Yuan. It does not move very fast, but it has the ability to illusion. enemy.

Nightmare Flower has a combat power of 100 million, which is equivalent to the distraction period among the cultivators, and the upper **** in the magical world. Of course, this is just a pure combat power data performance, and if you really fight, It's not so simple data.

Nightmare Flower’s horror illusion ability can make all creatures whose mental power is lower than itself fall into illusion. This is terrifying. You must know that Nightmare Flower actually occupies only one percent of the total combat power. In other words, ninety-nine percent of combat power is above spiritual power.

This nightmare flower is too terrifying. Even if it is a magician in the magical world, the combat power is not all in the spiritual power. When the magician cultivates, he also needs to strengthen his body, otherwise he wants to break through to a higher realm. may.

   Even the gods in the magical world are the same, their physical strength occupies half of their own combat power.

  The warrior profession is even more so, the warrior profession is the other way around, the physical combat power accounts for 90%, and the spiritual power accounts for one level. 78 Chinese debut https://https://

   That is to say, the nightmare flower in the magical world can cross at least two big realms against the enemy.

   Nightmare Flower is equivalent to the distraction stage in the realm of cultivation, according to this system.

   Lower God (Yuan Ying Period)

   Middle God (out of orifice period)

   Upper God (distraction period)

   Lord God (conjugation period)

   Supreme God (Passing the Tribulation Period)

   Dominate (Mahayana period)

   This is the realm of strength in the magical world. Zhu Yuanyuan has known this for a long time. After all, all the knowledge of the Lord Guangming is in his mind. Of course, he knows the realm of cultivation of the gods clearly.

   From this point of view, Nightmare Flower can now fight against a Supreme God without falling to the wind. Maybe it can still die of the Supreme God. If you dominate, there is no way. It is not Nightmare Flower that can deal with now.

In fact, this is enough. When Zhu Yuanyuan was in the Bright Continent, he might not have used nightmare flowers. After this thing was released, it would be a scourge. In addition to not eating soil and plants, nightmare flowers would devour everything. Flesh and blood creatures to evolve themselves.

  Why can Nightmare Flower use her abilities in the magic world?

   Zhu's origins have been studied, and he discovered that Nightmare Flower is also a kind of plant in the magical world, but it is different from the magical world like Bright Continent.

   The nightmare flower comes from a magical world higher than the world where the Bright Continent is located, which is equivalent to the contrast between the realm of cultivation and the realm of immortality.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan has always used the nightmare flower as his own last means of escape. This is the hole card, and it is also a Pandora’s box. Don’t let it out easily, otherwise once the nightmare flower is out of control, it will belong to the whole world. Disaster, it is estimated that in the end, except for the nightmare flower, other creatures will be swallowed as the nightmare flower's nutrients. 78 Chinese debut

  Nightmare Flower is not powerful in the world of Shen Yuan, but after reaching the world where the Bright Continent is located in the lower realm, the strength is at the top level, which is the most terrifying thing.


   "Lofit, pay attention these days. Someone is staring at us. It is probably the reason for talking to Jin Yuan at the door of his mansion."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crowd passing by outside the carriage, and felt a little unlucky. This is simply a disaster. Why do these people stare at Jin Yuan, the salted fish? He doesn't understand, and he is not a group of people. This is weird. Is it because someone wants to deal with the Jin family?

   "Yes, Master." Of course Loffitt also discovered this when he was at the door, but didn't the situation at the time be able to talk to Lord Jin Yuan? Then this is too scary, it must not be like this.

   Jin Yuan’s mansion is still some distance away from the Jin family’s old house. Jin Yuan’s mansion is in the outer city, while the Jin’s old house is in the inner city.

   As for why Jin Yuan doesn’t get a mansion in the inner city?

Jin Yuan originally had a yard in the old house of the Jin family. It is not necessary to build a yard in the inner city. It is impossible for the Jin family to give so many resources to a direct line with a talent and a salty character. With the current mansion and monthly salary, it is already on the face of his father Jin Haotian. Otherwise, it is just a salted fish like Jin Yuan. It would be good to have one month's salary. Want the courtyard and Zhuangzi as well as shops? Putting it on others, the Jin family will only say "Go away, let the resources earn it yourself!"

An hour later, Zhu Yuanyuan and their carriage stopped at the gate of a large manor group. The gate was a huge silver archway with two huge gold characters carved on it. Zhu Yuanyuan recognized it at a glance. The two gold letters on it are made of pure gold.

Even this memorial archway is made of silver. This memorial archway spans tens of meters and is hundreds of meters high~www.ltnovel.com~ such a large piece of silver, but it is very valuable. Of course, this is for ordinary people. That said, it's really nothing to the Jin family. After all, they are a business family that has passed on for tens of thousands of years, with a deep heritage, otherwise they would have been swallowed by other forces on the mainland.

   "Mr. Zhu, we are here, you follow me."

   Jin Yuan asked them to park the carriage at the special stable outside the archway, and then told Zhu Yuanyuan and the others.

   Why don’t you just drive in the carriage?

   According to the rules of the Jin family, no one can ride a horse in the old family house, not even a carriage.

   So the carriage can only be parked in the stable outside.


   After agreeing, Zhu Yuanyuan followed Jin Yuan into the Jin family and looked around. He found that the Jin family was not easy. Starting from the archway, there were traces of magic circles everywhere after entering the old Jin family house.

In other words, this entire Jin family has many magic arrays, and judging from the knowledge gained by Zhu Yuanyuan, these magic arrays can even kill the gods, which is terrifying. In the bright continent, these magic arrays are definitely Top, there is no more advanced magic circle than these magic circle.

   Unless you learn the magic circle after becoming a god, then it is a magic circle dedicated to the gods, and you can't arrange it without divine power.

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