Random Shopping System

Chapter 666: The little master does not take the pot!

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, please!" Jinshan saw Zhu Yuanyuan's faint look around him, and his heart became serious. It seems that something has happened that caused the divine envoy directly to them. The old house of the Jin family is here.

Jin Haotian and Jin Yuan followed behind. Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t talk to them, but just glanced at them, nodded and greeted them, indicating that he saw you, but now he is talking with Jinshan, and Jinshan is still following A group of old men, Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't talk to Jin Yuan and his son alone.

   Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say anything along the way. Jinshan also understood just now that there must be someone tracking them, but Jinshan didn't notice anyone following them, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only go to the house and talk about other things.

"Mr. Zhu, please come to your seat! Tea!" After Jinshan took Zhu Yuanyuan and the others to the living room, he let Zhu Yuanyuan sit with him on guard. Although he could not call out any divine envoy himself, he still treated Zhu Yuanyuan. Very respectful, a divine envoy of the main god, whether he is the head of the Jin family or not, he is a little in awe. Of course it is not Zhu Yuanyuan who is in awe, but the main **** of Guangming. If Jinshan knew that Zhu Yuanyuan was the main **** of Guangming, he would have legs. Frightened and softened into noodles.

   "Jin Patriarch, it seems that you have already established a temple. I feel the power of light in Jin Yuan and these young people! Have you successfully transferred to a professional of the light department?"

   Zhu Yuanzhi pointed out Jin Yuan and the other young men straightforwardly. He didn't like going around in circles, so it would be nice to be straightforward!

"Haha! Mr. Zhu is so insightful, yes, we have found a large palace in the outer city as the address of the temple, which has been revised according to the drawings given by Mr. Zhu, and what kind of array you gave , It’s really amazing. After the old man in the temple I activated my fighting spirit, magic lines appeared out of thin air, and two altars appeared. This altar is the altar of transfer, Mr. Zhu. Yuan, as well as several of my grandchildren, went up and became Bright Knights and Bright Masters."

   "I also want to thank Mr. Zhu for cooperating with my Jin family to spread the faith for the Lord of Guangming."

   Jinshan also sincerely thanked Zhu Yuanyuan, especially after confirming the authenticity of Zhu Yuanyuan's envoy, the elders of the Jin family were also very excited and grateful for the hope Zhu Yuanyuan had brought to them.

"Patriarch Jin is polite, it's all for the light! Of course, it's also for the long-term life and strong strength." Zhu Yuanyuan's face was solemn, he temporarily appeared as a **** stick, and finally came to a realistic sentence. !

   "Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Zhu is right. For the sake of light!" Jinshan ignored the sentence after Zhu Yuanyuan and directly followed the previous sentence.

   "For the light!"

Hearing that Zhu Yuanyuan, the envoy of the gods, and his own family leader shouted this sentence, and the elders and juniors who were listening to them also shouted at the same time. If this is not respecting the words of the God of Guangming, the ghost knows that God is now Are you not watching them?

They all saw the "miracle" just now, and it is impossible to suspect that Zhu Yuanyuan was deceiving. As far as the junior Jin family changed their jobs to become professionals of the Light Department, no one in the entire Guangming Continent could do it. It's not a mortal's means. What is this not a miracle?

   "Okay, the affairs of the Temple of Light will be handled by the Jin family. I will give you some plans. You only need to build the temple and develop believers, but be careful of the Holy See."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not continue with the **** stick. He didn't want to interfere too much with the temple affairs. Just let the Jin family do it. I believe they will not neglect, and want to rely on the success of the entire nation to ascend to become a **** under the Guangming God. Then they will desperately develop believers.

"Thank you Mr. Zhu for your trust. The Jin family will never let you down. I hope you can say a few words for us in front of the God of Guangming." After Jinshan heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, his expression of joy suddenly covered up. I couldn't help it, and quickly thanked Zhu Yuanyuan. This is really a smoke from the ancestral grave.

"Well! Don’t thank you, we also get what we need. My purpose is to spread the faith to the God of Guangming, and the idea of ​​your Jin family, I also know that I just want a backer, God of Guangming can accept you, I hope you will work harder to develop bright believers."

   Zhu Yuanyi waved his hand. He needs a lot of reputation points, so he can only remind the Patriarch Jinshan a few more words. As long as he has gained a lot of reputation points, he doesn't mind giving the Jin family some huge benefits. 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhu, we will do our best to develop bright believers." Jinshan also knows that all the gods need is faith, and he did not intend to perfunctory. The Jin family can only rely on a **** to have hope, otherwise it will always be Trapped in the Bright Continent, never see the outside scenery, this is not what Jinshan wants.

   "Mr. Zhu, I don't know if there is a sentence, the old man should ask." Jin Shan also changed the subject at this time. He also saw that Zhu Yuanyuan did not want to continue, so he changed the subject.

   "Oh? Jin Patriarch just ask, if I can answer, I won't hide it." Zhu Yuanyuan thought that Jinshan was going to ask about the God of Light, so he asked Jinshan to speak directly.

"Mr. Zhu was carefully looking around at the door~www.ltnovel.com~ as if someone was following you. Is something wrong? Do you need our Jin family to help you solve it." Jinshan felt at the door whether it was Zhu Yuanyuan, the envoy, who caused trouble outside, so he ran to the Jin family’s old house to avoid trouble. 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

"Ahem! Patriarch Jin, this is not something I provoke. This matter has something to do with Master Jin Yuan. You know I came to the City of Glory with Master Jin Yuan, but he ran into Master Jin Yuan on the way. Several waves of people were intercepted and killed. These people were all from the Fang family. After these people were killed by me, the Fang family would definitely not be convinced, so they sent someone to assassinate me."

"Just now we went shopping in the south of the city to buy some special products of the glorious city, and then we were spotted by a dead man from the Fang family. This dead man was a sanctuary assassin. After hiding it, Lofit and I could not find him. Where, there is no way, then I can only come to your old home of the Jin family, otherwise the assassin is in the dark, if he does not show up, then I can't stay trapped in the barrier, so I can only come to you. ."

  Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to be a man of the pot, so he directly confessed the gold dollars. After all, their goal was not themselves at first, but after killing so many of them, the Fang family's goal became Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "It turns out that this is the case. The Fang family's dead man is indeed very powerful. The old man has seen it with his own eyes." Jinshan said after a moment of silence.

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