Random Shopping System

Chapter 669: Divorce! Kiss and leave!

   "Patriarch, it's not good, our shop in the Red Flame Empire's Yandu was attacked. The news from the Red Flame Empire said it was done by the Bright Knight and Bright Mage."

Before Fang Dongtian could contact the Pope of the Bright Holy See, suddenly another informant rushed into the main courtyard of the Fang family, came to the main courtyard of the main courtyard and shouted anxiously. This happened under the public. It's useless to conceal, things you can't hide.

"What? Yandu's shops were also smashed? How about the loss?" Fang Dongan and the elders of the Fang family are still in the living room now. They did not expect that there would be other shops in the empire that were smashed. It was dropped, and it was done by professionals of the Light Department.

"The great elder, the loss was heavy. Most of the precious treasures were robbed, and the loss was more than one billion gold coins." The reporter saw that all the elders in the hall were family elders, and he did not dare Concealed, he quickly presented the photo-taking stone in his hand to the great elder Fang Dongan, and now I have not seen the Patriarch, so I can only give it to the highest elder first.

   "Damn it! What happened in the Holy See? How could there be professionals from the Light department smash our Fang's shop?" A group of Fang's parents were always afraid and angry.

   "It's not good... Patriarch... Azure Wind Empire... The shop was smashed... 1.3 billion gold coins were lost... Bright Knight..."

   "Report...Dragon Blood Empire...The shop was smashed...The loss of 2 billion gold coins..." 78 Chinese premiere

   "Report...Dwarven Empire...The shop was smashed...Loss 1.1 billion gold coins..."

   "Report...The Elf Empire...The shop was smashed...The loss of 1.8 billion gold coins..."

   "Report... Goblin Empire... The shop was smashed... Lost one billion gold coins..."

   "Report... Orc Alliance... The shop was smashed... 700 million gold coins were lost..."


The elders of the Fang family were completely numb, grief, fear, and despair after hearing the words of the people who reported the letter. So many shops were smashed down, and they appeared at the same time, and they all belonged to the professionals of the light department. Hand, if it was not the Holy See, who did it?

It is estimated that even if the Holy See came out and said that their people did not do it, it is estimated that no one believes except for their own belief. The yellow mud fell out of the crotch and it was not the rice field but also the rice field. Even if they jumped into the Yellow River, they couldn’t clean it. Up.

In the beginning, after a shop was destroyed by professionals of the Light Department, the Fang family thought that maybe it was only a professional of the Light Department who did not join the Holy See. Maybe their competitors blamed the Holy See. For example, Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce.

   But now so many shops have been smashed at the same time, the precious treasures in the shops have been robbed, and the loss is more than tens of billions of gold coins?

   After this time, the reputation of their Fangjia Chamber of Commerce has dropped drastically. Maybe when the caravan walks outside, they will be robbed by the bandits who dare not provoke them.

It’s not just such an impact. Once something like this happens, it might make those forces that cooperate with the Fang’s Chamber of Commerce think that Fang’s strength is not good, and they can’t even hold their own shops. It's difficult, this is the concept of respecting the strong in the Bright Continent.

   You can't even hold your own things, and still expect others to cooperate with you? I’m afraid I’m thinking about fart!


   On the other side, Fang Dongtian, the head of the Fang family, is contacting the Pope of the Holy See of Guangming.

The thing Fang Dongtian uses is called "The Mirror of Shadow", which is a magic item researched by a magician in the Magician Guild. This mirror is a pair to connect remotely, just like the video on Aquastar. The call is similar, but the mirror in Bright Continent is much more expensive. When using it, you need to put energy stones such as monsters in the crystal core. The consumption is also very scary, and the crystal core below level 5 is not good.

   After waiting for a while, Fang Dongtian saw that the other side was connected, and then Pope Huang Ting appeared in the mirror.

   "Fang Dongtian, what's the matter with you?" Huang Ting looked at Fang Dongtian with no expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, the shops of the subordinate families in the imperial capital of the Ocean Blue Empire were smashed, and their things were looted. After the news came back, it was done by professionals of the Light department, and there were even light knights among them. I have come to report to you quickly. Who do you think did this?"

   Fang Dongtian saluted Huang Ting first, and then spoke cautiously. While talking, he looked at Huang Ting’s face, but Huang Ting’s face did not fluctuate at all, and he didn’t know what the Pope was thinking now.

   Just kidding, as the Pope of the Holy See, Huang Ting has experienced more things. How could a little thing move him? Yes, what if Fang's shop was looted? It's just a subordinate family, even if it is the top mainland power, it can't be compared with the Holy See.

Huang Ting was actually worried about the cause of the God of Light during this period. Now that the Holy See and God of Light have broken off, they can’t use the magic arts anymore. Huang Ting is uneasy. He doesn’t know what happened to the God of Light. Yet?

Huang Ting felt that it was not a fall. Otherwise, the religions that believe in other gods on the Bright Continent would definitely attack their Vatican, but it is very peaceful now. Only some small conflicts are still taking place, and there are no major moves at all, which is weird. , Why can’t I get in touch with the God of Guangming? As the closest person to God, God of Guangming will give him oracle every time, but now suddenly he can’t use the magic arts, and I can’t help Huang Ting feel uneasy and upset. .

   "Oh? A light knight robbed your Fang's shop? I really don't know about this~www.ltnovel.com~In this way, I will send someone to the Ocean Blue Empire to investigate and see who is not following the rules."

After Huang Ting heard Fang Dongtian's words, he also had an object of suspicion in his heart, but he did not talk to Fang Dongtian, only that he would send someone to investigate. His words were not perfunctory, this Fang family belonged to Huang Ting himself. , So he decided to give the Fang family an explanation.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty! The subordinates are waiting for your good news." Fang Dongtian quickly thanked him.

After the pope disappeared in the mirror of the shadow, Fang Dongtian's humble expression on Fang Dongtian's face was also put away. In fact, the Fang family is not very respectful to the Holy See. In the past, it was because the Fang family was still very respectful. Weak, but it's different now. Now the Fang family is one of the top forces in the mainland. Although its strength is not as strong as the Holy See, the Fang family is at least one or two of the Holy See in strength.

"This Huang Ting is really an old fox, but it is probably not his hand. Every year, our family provides him with a lot of gold coins and resources. Huang Ting shouldn't kill the chicken that laid the golden eggs, right?" ァ78 Chineseヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

   Although Fang Dongtian hopes this is the case, he still doubts that Huang Ting did it. If it was to beat Fang's house, Huang Ting could really do such a thing.

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