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Chapter 673: The religion is exposed?

Although the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce has begun to preach in an all-round way, the Jin family has insufficient manpower. In some places, it is necessary to send the powerhouse of the gods to sit in the town. There are 1-2 gods from the empire, and these gods The strong are all those who ransacked the Fang family. They have changed jobs to become professionals of the Light Department, so the Jin family believes that these people are sitting there to protect the mission from interference.

   This is what the Jin family did to prevent the Holy See from discovering what they did. When necessary, they can even pretend to be the senior members of the Holy See.

In fact, some people now think that the temple built by the Jin family was built by the Holy See, and none of them doubted this. After all, the bright priests and bright knights in the temple are not fake, so they did not arouse people's curiosity, all They all thought that the Holy See had changed sex, and it was really doing real things for people!

   "Finally, I can improve my own strength. I am too frustrated. I have been under someone else's roof for so long."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the rising prestige value, and finally felt that he was about to get out of it. Although using prestige value to increase his strength consumes a lot, it is better than staying in the Jin family so often.

"I am now a level 1 magic apprentice, but it’s the pinnacle. With 1,000 combat power, the Bright Continent is a level 1-3 cultivation civilization, and the level of civilization is different from the realm level. Level 1 magician-level 5 magic A teacher is a level 1 cultivation civilization, a level 6-8 magician is a level 2 cultivation civilization. A level 9-11 magician is a level 3 cultivation civilization."

   "The lower **** is equal to the 4th level of cultivation civilization. The middle **** is equal to the 5th level of cultivation civilization. The upper **** is equal to the 6th level of cultivation civilization. The main **** is equal to the 7th level of cultivation civilization. The highest **** is equal to the 8th level of cultivation civilization. Domination equals to the 9th level of cultivation civilization."

   "The prestige value required for level 1-5 magicians to upgrade is level 1 civilization prestige value, and so on."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the panel and calculated it, he directly used the reputation value to increase it.

   "Whhhhhhh..." Zhu Yuanyuan felt that his mental power had risen slightly, and the divine power in his body had also risen a lot.

"Level 5 Great Mage, 11 thousand points of combat power? It is equivalent to saying that it has 11 points of light power, which is not bad." Zhu Yuanyuan took a look at his combat power, and sure enough, the combat power increased by the magician counted in the spirit. On the power level, this is good, it increased his own strength, and the power of mental abilities also increased.

"After the combat power reaches 16,000, the level 2 reputation value is needed to increase. This is not like the physical combat power with starlight refining to increase combat power. The reputation value required for upgrade is massive. Doubled and increased, And also need 2 reputation points."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt a little bit painful when he thought of this. Although 10 billion level 2 prestige points are needed for every 10,000 combat power increase after level 6 or above, it looks similar to the previous one, but in fact it is far from it. One is level 1 prestige. One is a level 2 reputation value, but not...

In the same way, if this is in the world of Aqua Blue Star, he will definitely be able to quickly rise to the level of God's Domain, but above the Bright Continent, if you want to quickly improve your strength, you need to rely on time to polish it. Spread it out and spread it to the entire continent, so that there will be enough prestige points for Zhu Yuanyuan's strength to continuously improve.


"Patriarch, it's not good. The temple in a small town in the Blue Wind Empire was discovered by the Holy See of Light, and it has been destroyed by the Knights of Ruling. All the churches around that town were destroyed. What should I do? ?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan had improved his strength, he originally planned to take Lowfitt to leave the Jin family. He just sat down with Jin Shan in the living room of the main courtyard. Before he could speak, suddenly Jin Quan, the second elder of the Jin family, broke in. After seeing him, he ignored him, and quickly said that Jin Quan is Jinshan's own brother, the same father and the same mother.

"What? The Blue Wind Empire is not the Bright Empire, and isn't it forbidden to teach by the Bright Holy See? We are so secretive, and we haven't been to the big city, how could we be found by the Judgment Knights? And we also destroyed one. The temple and so many churches, how dare they? Isn’t the Holy See afraid of the God of Light to sin?"

After Jinshan heard his brother’s words, the expression on his face suddenly changed. He did not expect that the people of the Holy See would be so rampant now. You must know that the temples and churches are all things bestowed by the God of Light, and the ruling knights are so Fuck, it is completely blasphemous.

"Is it exposed?" After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Jin Quan's words, his face didn't look surprised. He had long known that the religious affairs could not be hidden for too long, and there could be no permanent secrets in the world, even if they knew the secrets. The people of's are all dead, and there is still a possibility that they will be found out, not to mention the Bright God Sect that is now blooming all over the mainland.

"Patriarch, since things have happened now, then we have to make up for it. We can't wait for the Holy See to destroy the churches and temples we built. Those are for the God of Light to spread the faith, and we must not just be destroyed like this. Now, the money lost is small, but the prestige lost is big."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that Jin Quan was right. If the Jin family refuses to compete with the Holy See in order to avoid the Holy See~www.ltnovel.com~, I am afraid that the prestige of the gods will be greatly reduced in the eyes of those civilians. People will believe in God's teachings.

This is the best manifestation of respect for strength. Only by using strength to keep those churches and temples against the Holy See can it show that the strength of the religion is not lost to the Holy See, nor is it afraid of the Holy See. If this is done, the prestige can be greatly increased. Not hiding and pretending to be a turtle.

"Well, the second elder, I know what you said. Of course, our Jin family can't shrink our heads. Since the Holy See has discovered us now, then we can't sit still. Since the Holy See doesn't know that our Jin family is behind, then we should hurry. The God Realm of the Blue Wind Empire kills the ruling knights and sends...

The Bright Knights of the Gods' Domain went and wiped out the ruling knights, and they could also blame Huang Ting, the Pope, isn't Huang Ting at odds with Zhang Weiguang? Let them continue to pester each other! Second elder, just do it, you go to make arrangements first. "

   In an instant, Jin Shan thought of a temporary solution, explained it, and let Jin Quan go down. .

Zhu Yuanyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, Jiang is still hot. Jinshan is worthy of being the head of this big gold family. This method is unpredictable and kills the people who ruled the Knights. It also left a little evidence to show that it is bright. The knight did it. The archbishop of the ruling house might immediately suspect Huang Ting. Even if Huang Ting did not do it, the ruling archbishop would use this oil to attack Huang Ting.

It is impossible for the archbishop to give up the ruling. He has long wanted the throne of the pope, so even if he knew that he was a gunman, he would rush forward. This is probably the most powerful place in Jinshan. Carving is so simple!

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