Random Shopping System

Chapter 682: Dwarf Empire (5)

   "Ka Ka Ka!" Dong Hao Tie turned the gear on the six-pointed star teleportation array according to the symbol Jin Haoyu told him, and the symbol was quickly aligned.

"Om!" Then he started the teleportation after placing Erguotou on the teleportation array. There was not much movement in this teleportation, but a transparent force fluctuated. In a blink of an eye, the 3 bottles of wine and wine on the teleportation array disappeared. Gone.

Dong Hao Tie saw 3 bottles of wine appearing in the teleportation array in front of Jin Haoyu on the mirror of the shadow transmission. It was the Erguotou he had just placed on the teleportation array. The transmission speed was still very fast, basically in seconds. thing.

"Chairman Dong, is this Erguotou? It looks like water, a transparent wine. This is the first time I have seen it." Jin Haoyu picked up a bottle of Erguotou and looked at it. The liquid inside has no impurities, it is transparent like spring water, and there is no elemental fluctuation. Like most wines, it is just an ordinary wine.

   "Yes, this is Erguotou, the president, you can taste it before making a decision, but it is best to sip it when you taste it. This Erguotou liquor is very powerful."

Dong Hao Tie reminded him kindly. When he first started drinking, even if he took a small sip, he was surprised by the white wine for a long time. It has been an hour since he came back from Zhu Yuanyuan, and his face is still red now. Yes, their dwarves start to drink when they are adults. When it comes to drinking, no one among all races on the continent can drink as much as theirs. Of course, except for the giants, the giants rely on their physical advantages. The body is huge, so it is normal to drink. The dwarves are trained. Remember in one second [щщщ.78zщм] Wonderful novels are free to read without pop-up windows!

"Ding..." After Jin Haoyu heard Donghaotie's words, he directly took out a tall glass, then twisted the lid of the wine bottle and poured a little wine, he lifted the glass and shook it, and the glass instantly The aroma of white wine is released. Seven Eight Chinese First Release www.7*m.7*

   "Well! It really smells like wine. It has a strong aroma and a smell of sorghum. It seems that this wine may be made by adding sorghum."

After Jin Haoyu smelled the aroma of Erguotou wine, he immediately judged the ingredients in the wine. As a sacred magician, he did a little research on alchemy, and he was also the president of the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce. , I have seen a lot of things. Among them, sorghum has been in contact. Among the chambers of commerce, sorghum is sold, but they are all sold for grain. They have never been used for winemaking. Cherish food, and will not waste food, but the ale brewed by the dwarves is an exception, which is also allusive.

The origin of ale is because once wheat fell into the water, then sprouted, and then went through a certain change to produce the effect of fermentation. Later, it was discovered by people. After continuous improvement, it became the dwarf drinker. The ale, which is the beer on the Aquastar.

"Sneez... well, good wine, so powerful." After Jin Hao Yumi took a bite to his stomach, he instantly felt the wine burn in his stomach, and this feeling reached his brain, making him His face turned red in an instant.

"Okay, it's not bad. This wine is really the best in the mainland. President Dong, I promised. After you have negotiated with Mr. Zhu, send the recipe over. I will give you the biggest credit. You are ready to get promoted. Right!"

   Jin Haoyu gave Dong Hao Tie a reassurance while drinking.

   "Yes, President, the subordinates will discuss with Mr. Zhu. Thank you, President!"

   Dong Hao Tie became excited all of a sudden. This is what the president said, he is about to get promoted and make a fortune.

Don’t think that dwarves are not greedy for money. Donghaotie likes to drink good wine and also likes to hit the iron, so there is really not a lot of money in his hand, and he doesn’t play tricks or greedy for money from the Chamber of Commerce, so even though he is red The chairman of the Shicheng branch, but he only took a salary, and at most there was a dividend at the end of the year.

Yes, the president of the branch of the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce pays dividends. Of course, it is only the dividend of the branch. There is a 5% dividend a year, which is quite a lot. The branch of the Redstone City Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce will come down one year. The gold coins earned are hundreds of millions.

However, Donghaotie likes to drink alcohol and iron. In addition to family expenses, other money is spent on buying wine and buying rare minerals, so he has long wanted to be promoted. After promotion, his salary and dividends will definitely be higher. Up.


   Early the next morning.

   Zhu Yuanyuan and Loffitt had finished their breakfast. They planned to go out and buy some specialties from Redstone City. Donghaotie found them at this time.

   "Mr. Zhu, I have already contacted Jin Haoyu, the president of the General Assembly regarding the liquor, and he has agreed, you see..."

   After Donghaotie came, he immediately said his intentions, and then looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with a blank expression.

   "Chairman Dong, of course I won’t go back on what I said, yes, this is the recipe for liquor, just follow the procedure above."

Zhu Yuanyuan had already prepared the recipe for liquor. To be precise, it was the recipe for Erguotou. Kaoliang liquor was still a very good liquor, so he didn’t give a method of making rice wine, but after the recipe for liquor was given. , I believe that the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce will definitely research out other food wines. This method is similar.

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, thank you for continuing to cooperate with the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce. Then we have a happy cooperation." Donghaotie took the small book handed by Zhu Yuanyuan with an excited look on his face. It records the methods of making wine, as well as the tools of wine making. Of course, liquor must be distilled.

   In fact, distillation tools have long existed on the Bright Continent, but they are used elsewhere ~www.ltnovel.com~ and are not used for winemaking.

   Zhu Yuanyuan smiled slightly: "President Dong, happy cooperation!"

"Since the matter has been negotiated, then President Dong, I am going out to see Redstone City now, so I won't accompany it." Zhu Yuanyuan also understands why Donghaotie is excited. A high-level wine is a temptation for the dwarven race. It's huge, like a person walking in the desert sees an oasis.

   "Mr. Zhu, please, please, leave me alone." After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words, Donghaotie reacted instantly and quickly let them be free.

After Zhu Yuanyuan walked out of the Redstone branch, he shook his head amusedly, and then rode a horse prepared for them by Donghaotie with Loffitt and wandered around the city. It would be better to prepare a means of transportation. , You can’t use machinery here, so you can only use mounts. The carriage is not convenient to move around in the city, and it is too big to go to those narrow streets.

"There are still many people from other races in this border city." After Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovett rode around the street for a while, they discovered that there were not only dwarves in this Redstone City, but also elves, humans, and goblins. , But there are no orcs.

  The orcs are the enemies of many races. They have a large population and a savage temperament. They like to grab other people’s food without food, and even eat people of other races, so they are hostile to most races.

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