Random Shopping System

Chapter 685: Dwarf Empire (8)

"An iron inn, interesting." After stopping the carriage at the entrance of an inn, Zhu Yuanyuan and Lowfitt stood at the door and glanced at the inn's plaque. They felt that the names of the dwarves were similar to the names of certain minerals. Either it is the name of something made by a blacksmith, but this is the inheritance of others, and outsiders are not qualified to comment.

   "Please among the two guest officers, I wonder if the two guest officers are eating or staying in a restaurant?"

   Seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovett standing at the door and not coming in, a dwarf Xiaoer in the inn hurriedly greeted them, and then asked with a smile.

   "Prepare a yard for us, and then serve a table of good wine and food. This is money, and the rest will reward you." あ七^八中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7\8z*w.còм

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't speak, Lovett turned his hand and took out a gold coin and threw it into the hands of the dwarf Xiao Er.

"Ah, thank you for your reward. We have leftovers in the inn in the yard, and we will prepare it for you immediately. If you want to eat and drink, please go to the kitchen to urge you. Do you want to eat in the private room or in the lobby? "

After Dwarf Xiaoer took the gold coins, he was instantly ecstatic. A gold coin is a thousand silver coins. His monthly salary is only 5-6 silver coins. Even if someone is lucky sometimes, someone rewards him at most. Only more than 10 silver coins, this is still a high salary, and the waiters in some shops only have 1-2 silver coins a month.

"It's in the hall." At this time, Zhu Yuanyuan looked around and found that many people in this inn were dining in, and not only dwarves, but also elves and humans, and of course, goblins, these people. In fact, they were all merchants, or they came to the dwarves to find master blacksmiths to build equipment. This is quite normal. The dwarves are the most skilled blacksmith masters in the entire Bright Continent, so people of other races often come to ask for weapons and armor. .

And more than half of the people have to bring their own materials. After all, everyone’s needs are different, and the blacksmiths among the dwarves can’t have any materials. Maybe various metal ore dwarves are easy to find here, but some special ones The materials may be gone, and there are special minerals in the range of the dwarves, but some special minerals are extinct among the dwarves.

"Okay, please wait for some tea, the guest officer, then I will urge you to serve food in the kitchen, and then arrange for someone to clean a yard out." The dwarf was very quick and arranged Zhu Yuanyuan to sit in the hall. After they were in a position separated by a screen, they were served tea again, and then they retired and went to arrange the next thing.

   "Lofit, let alone the dwarf's inn is still very styled, and the service attitude is also very good."

Zhu Yuanyuan is very satisfied with this inn. The style of this inn is similar to the uninhibited architectural style of the Tang Dynasty. The whole hall looks very spacious, and each table and chairs are far apart, unlike the modern one. One. At the same time, there is a corridor under the eaves outside. You can sit down on the side of the corridor at any time. Both sides of the corridor are designed with wooden boards 50 cm above the ground. It is beautiful and allows people to sit on it to rest, especially when it is raining. At that time, sitting here to enjoy the rain is the best thing.

   "Yes, master, the style of this inn is indeed very good, it makes people feel very comfortable, and it is very similar to the ancient buildings in the Chinese Empire, and the subordinates also like it very much."

   Lowfit is obviously flattering, but he is also telling the truth. He has lived in Maple Leaf Continent for decades, but the buildings there are very simple and don't have too many tricks.

   After all, the Maple Leaf Continent is a feudal society period, an era of nobility. People already have a hard time living. How can there be any effort to study art?

Even the nobles all like to enjoy beauty, food, and power, but for art, they still don’t see it in their eyes, and art can’t enhance their strength, so they are decorated with things produced by the elves. Therefore, the artwork made by the elves in Maple Leaf Continent is very popular.

After Loffett arrived at Aqua Blue Star, he fell in love with the food of the Chinese Empire, and the architectural style of the Chinese Empire, especially the ancient style, because the ancient Chinese buildings were built close to nature, such as being built on the mountain. The buildings of the city will be integrated into the mountain scenery, and various carvings will be used, which is something that Maple Leaf Continent lacks.

Even for the elves, they dig a hole in the big tree and live in. But the elves do not harm the trees. They will not chop down any trees or pull out any grass. Nature The title of the darling is not a vain name, so it's not that they can't build more beautiful houses, but that they can't bear to hurt the flowers and trees.

   "Guardian, your dishes are here. This is the best ale in our shop. Please taste it."

   After a while, the dwarf Xiaoer came with a group of dwarf waiters who came up with wooden trays, and on these trays were all delicious delicacies full of fragrance.

"Okay, reward." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the dishes placed on the table. Each one seemed to be carefully made. It seems that this lover Xiao Er had specially ordered them, although he felt that these dishes definitely did not have Luo Fei. The special dishes are delicious, but since entering the city, you can’t let Loffett still act as a chef. You can barely make it. The ingredients of these dishes are better than those on the water blue star. The original flavor is very delicious, so Zhu Yuanyuan is very satisfied. uukanshu.com directly let Lovett give a reward. Seven or Eight Chinese is the fastest^ mobile terminal: https:/

   "My son is very satisfied, this is a reward for you, let's go down and divide it." Lovett knew what Zhu Yuan meant, and he directly took out a gold coin and threw it on the tray in the dwarf little secondhand.

   "Thank you for the prize, thank you for the guest!" The dwarf Xiaoer looked at the gold coins shining on the tray, with indescribable excitement on his face, and thanked him again and again.

   "Okay, let's go down, my son is going to have a meal." Lovett waved and let them go down.

"Yes, yes, little ones, let's go down, let the sons and them eat well." The dwarf Xiaoer bowed again and again, and then led the waiters down. It seems that the dwarf Xiaoer is still a little head in this inn. .

"Master, you can eat, there is no problem." Lovette has always been responsible for drug discovery when eating out. Lovette has studied cooking, and of course he will not forget to learn Chinese medicine from the Huaxia Empire, although he has not yet understood Chinese medicine, but he has memorized the herbal medicines in the records. He remembers the effects of each herbal medicine clearly and has tried it, so Lofit is very sensitive to poisonous things now.

   Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan himself is the top Chinese medicine doctor. In fact, he has long seen that the dishes on the table are okay, but Lovette insists on doing this, and he can't help it.

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