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Chapter 710: Attracted by the food...!

"That's great, thank you Mr. Zhu." When Hua Nongying heard that Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to send some cream to herself, her delicate little face was full of joy, and she quickly thanked her, she had to say The elves are innocent, and a little thing makes them happy.

"Well, no thanks." Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand, not paying attention to these things.


On the other side suddenly came Lofit's exclamation!

"Lofit, what's the matter?" After hearing Lofit's exclamation, Zhu Yuanyuan turned and looked at Lofit, and found that he had brought out a rectangular iron plate from the oven. This was a Baking pan, put one by one egg tarts inside.

The elves of Hua Nong Ying and the others also felt a little confused, looking at Lovett, wondering what he was screaming.

"Master, just now a shadow snatched a few egg tarts from the baking tray under his subordinate. You see, the two egg tarts here are gone."

After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's question, Lovette quickly put down the baking tray in his hand, and then pointed to the two empty places in the baking tray.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Let me see what is causing the blame." After Zhu Yuanyuan used his mental power to sweep away, he found a little guy.

"Haha! Lovett, it's not a monster, but an elemental elf. She is probably hungry, so she came to **** two egg tarts."

Yes, Zhu Yuanli used mental power to see the situation like this. An elf the size of a palm with a pair of wings was hiding behind a tree not far away, holding two egg tarts gnawing Zhengxiang!

"Your Excellency Zhu Yuanyuan, is it really an Elemental Elf?" Huamin asked Zhu Yuanyuan. After Zhu Yuanyuan nodded to confirm, Huamin exclaimed at Hua Nongying: "My God! Your Royal Highness, it must be Xiaoling. Followed out secretly."

"Huh! It's really the breath of Xiaoling, why did she run out without permission?" When Hua Nongying heard that it was an elemental spirit, she closed her eyes and sensed it, and then she sensed the breath that has something to do with herself Just nearby, she knew it was her partner Hua Xiaoling who had come.

"Xiaoling, come out, I know you are behind the tree." Hua Nongying knew through her breath that Hua Xiaoling was hiding behind a tree, so she looked directly at the tree and shouted.

"Hmm! Xiaoling is not behind the tree!" A soft voice came out from behind the tree, and there was a vague feeling in the voice, as if it was burning radish (a kind of first pickled, The radish, which is dried in a half-dry and then spread in the jar) is talking.

"Uh! Ahem!" Zhu Yuanyuan almost laughed, this little guy is a bit interesting, isn't this place without silver three hundred taels!

"Xiao Ling, if you don't come out, I will hide these foods, and I won't give you any food!"

After Hua Nongying heard Xiao Ling's words, she instantly lost her face. After this Xiao Ling touched the food, she had no resistance at all. Where did her usual cleverness go?

"Ah! No, Xiaoying, I'm out, I'm out, don't hide the delicious ones. The delicious ones are mine."

Hearing that Hua Nongying wanted to hide all the delicious food, the little figure of Hua Xiaoling suddenly appeared in front of Hua Nongying and said anxiously, holding a **** while talking. With.

After seeing this little man, Zhu Yuanyuan muttered in his heart: "I ate an egg **** so quickly, and I don't know where it went."

It is not unreasonable for Zhu Yuanyuan to think that an egg **** is as big as the whole fairy Hua Xiaoling, but the effort to speak is just a egg tart, which is too good to eat.

However, since the elves are also an extraordinary race, and the cultivators themselves can convert food into energy, Zhu Yuanyuan was not too surprised.

"Xiaoling, why did you run out by yourself? It's dangerous outside." Hua Nongying put down the strawberry cake in her hand, and said as she held Hua Xiaoling in front of her with both hands.

"Oh! Xiaoying, you ran out to play by yourself. Without Xiaoling, Xiaoling came to you by yourself. And there are so many delicious foods, you don't have Xiaoling with you. Hmph, you just know to eat. "Hua Xiaoling said coquettishly after putting the egg **** into her mouth and belly.

"Um...Xiaoling, I was wrong. I will take you everywhere in the future. You see, this is a cake. Come and eat some too. It's delicious."

Hua Nong Ying was said by Hua Xiaoling, and then she went to eat strawberry cake with Hua Xiaoling a little dizzy.

"Uh, uh, delicious, Xiaoying is really delicious this cake."

"Well, it's delicious? Eat more. Mr. Zhu said that he would give me some of this cream. We will have to eat it in the future."

"Wow! Who is Mr. Zhu? No matter, is this something called butter? It's so sweet and delicious."

"Yeah, this is cream."

"Um..." Zhu Yuanyuan watched with a black line in his forehead as Hua Nongying took Hua Xiaoling to eat the cake, and there were some sounds that could only be made by food.

"Your Excellency Zhu Yuanyuan, please forgive me. Her Royal Highness is so happy after seeing her partner."

When Hua Min saw that her princess had just left her master aside, she hurriedly told Zhu Yuanyuan a good thing about Hua Nong Ying.

"It's okay. But what is this elemental spirit?" Zhu Yuanyuan is still a little confused now, what's the matter with this elemental spirit?

And Zhu Yuanyuan also felt that this elemental spirit called the flower little spirit is a rare shadow system. Once in the shadow form, the gods are unable to find her existence, and only the demigod-level strong can find her. This is also Luo just now. The reason why Fett held the baking tray in his hand and was snatched by Hua Xiaoling.

"Your Excellency, this elemental fairy Hua Xiaoling is a contract partner of Her Royal Highness Princess, and was born with Her Royal Highness, so there is a trace of connection between them. Hua Xiaoling must have found it based on the breath of Her Royal Highness~www. ltnovel.com~ If she can come earlier, I am afraid that the cat people will not be able to use us in any way, and we will not be hunted down."

Hua Min explained the identity of Hua Xiaoling to Zhu Yuanyuan, and then sighed again.

"It turned out to be so, I know." Zhu Yuanyuan watched Hua Nongying and Hua Xiaoling happily eating cakes and egg tarts. He said if Hua Xiaoling kept following, how could these elves be chased by the cat people? It's so miserable, it turns out that this little guy just got here.

As for why Hua Min and Zhu Yuanyuan said that Hua Xiaoling was present, but the cat people could not use the elves?

Hua Xiaoling is an elemental spirit of the shadow element, plus a contract partner of Huanongying, so the two of them can be integrated. This combination refers to the combination of energy. After the contract, Huanongying has an elemental space. Xiao Ling can enter the elemental space. After entering, Hua Nong Ying can obtain all the abilities of Hua Xiao Ling, and will greatly enhance her strength.

Originally, the Shadow Element was an assassin's supreme qualification. With this ability, Hua Nongying could deal with him even if he killed Aguda, the leader of the undead cat human assassin, and if Hua Xiaoling was present, Hua Qianqian It is absolutely impossible for this powerhouse of God's Domain to be assassinated by Aguda.

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