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Chapter 729: Elf Queen!

According to the statement in the Aquastar game, the other elves of the elven clan did not use double experience training, while the elves in the palace practiced with plug-ins and directly used a hundred times experience training, can it be unpleasant?

Furthermore, if you practice in the Qi of the Dragon Veins, you don't have to worry about the stability of the cultivation base. The Qi of the Dragon Veins has the effect of maintaining the cultivation base.

"Hey! The location of the Nine-Dragon Treasure Cave is not the palace, but behind the palace. That's... By the way, it's the Mother Tree of Life. The Nine Dragon Treasure Cave must be under the Mother Tree of Life, which is interesting."

When Zhu Yuanyuan used the technique of looking at qi, he subconsciously deduced the dragon-seeking secret technique among the five-element feng shui secret technique. This is a secret technique for finding dragon veins. Under this investigation, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered these nine huge ones. Although the dragon veins are entrenched in the elf palace, the place where the Nine Dragons Treasure is actually located is behind the palace, under the mother tree of life, which is frightening.

He couldn't help but wondered whether this mother tree of life was also a means of some mighty arrangement, or how could it just sit on the Nine Dragons Treasure Cave? To say that it was the instinctive reaction of the mother tree of life, Zhu Yuanwan would not believe it, and the art of locking the veins of the Nine Dragons could never be caused by nature, it could only be man-made.

There is another reason. This Bright Continent belongs to the magical world. There is no concept of dragon aura in the magical world, and they can't detect dragon aura. Dragon aura can only be discovered by monks and Feng Shui masters who have practiced the five elements.

Along the way, Zhu Yuanyuan has seen many small dragon veins. All these dragon veins are without an exception and no one will occupy them. This means that all races on the Bright Continent do not know what dragon energy is.

The mother tree of life exists consciously. If it really knows that there is dragon spirit, it might have moved its position long ago. Why?

The Nine-Dragon Treasure Cave is a good place, but it refers to the fact that the Nine-Dragon Treasure Cave does not breed real dragons. It must be no problem. If consciousness is born for a long time after the confluence of Kowloon, it might give birth to nine claws. Golden Dragon, this is the supreme divine beast in the legend, the emperor among divine beasts, if it is truly bred, even the newly born infant nine-clawed golden dragon is countless times stronger than the master level of the magical world.

The nine-clawed golden dragon has the realm of the immortal in its juvenile period, which is the third realm of the immortal.

As far as the magical world is concerned, the dominance level is equal to the mahayana stage of comprehension. Breaking through the dominance level will truly ascend to a more advanced magical world, which is equivalent to a fairy who has just ascended.

And the realm of immortality, when he first ascended, he was immortal.

The realms of immortals are: fairy-earth fairy-Tianxian-true fairy-Xuanxian-Jinxian-Daluo Jinxian-Xiandi-Xianzun, these nine great realms, each of which is divided into three small realms after junior high school .

Of course, there is a **** realm above the immortal realm. This is not the **** realm in the magical world, but a world higher than the immortal realm.

Calculating this way, if this nine-clawed golden dragon is really born in this Nine Dragon Treasure Lair, the mother tree of life might not need to live, why?

If you have rice that can be eaten for one year in your home, but suddenly someone comes in for no apparent reason and forcibly snatches your rice to eat every day, so that you can eat rice that can be eaten for a year, and you can only eat for half a year or even less. , Then how do you feel?

Of course I have the heart to kill him, but I can't kill him.

If consciousness is really born in this Nine Dragon Treasure, every day watching your own dragon energy is snatched by the mother tree of life, even if the mother tree of life is not intentional, after the birth of this nine-clawed golden dragon, the first one is to find the mother tree of life to settle accounts. .

After all, he could be born earlier, but with the mother tree of life pressed on his head, the date of its birth doubled for no reason. Isn't this a scam?

Of course, all of this is just Zhu Yuan's guess. It is not certain whether consciousness is actually born in the Nine-Dragon Treasure, or whether a nine-clawed golden dragon will be born.

The Jiulong Treasure Cave is against the sky. Relatively speaking, the chance of a real dragon being born is low and pitiful. It is thousands of times more difficult than the chance of winning the lottery on the Aquastar.

"It's really weird, is it the first Nine Dragon Treasure Cave, or the first Mother Tree of Life?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan discovered such a thing, his face showed a very strange expression. This Nine Dragons pulse locking technique cannot be performed by ordinary Feng Shui masters. This master also has the Mahayana period at least, even the Nine Tribulations Sanxian. It is possible to arrange successfully.

The Mahayana period has successfully crossed the calamity, and the body has become a semi-immortal body. As long as all the mana in the body is transformed into immortal power, it can successfully ascend to the immortal world. Therefore, the Mahayana period can completely compare to the Sanxian who is above the United States Three Tribulations.


When Zhu Yuanyuan was still thinking about it in the clouds and mist, suddenly footsteps came from the door of this side hall, which interrupted his thoughts. After hearing the footsteps, he looked towards the door.

The fairy princess Hua Nongying, the manager of Hua Min, and two elves walked into the side hall together. Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a moment, he instantly knew that one of the two strange elves must be the fairy queen.

After seeing a group of people entering the side hall, Zhu Yuanyuan also stood up.

"This is Zhu Yuanyuan, Mr. Zhu? Hello! I am the Elf Queen Hua Qingqing, this is my personal chief Hua Xinying~www.ltnovel.com~ and you already know them, I No more introduction."

The fairy queen Hua Qingqing said hello after seeing Zhu Yuanyuan, then introduced herself, and also introduced Hua Xinying, the chief executive in the palace, and smiled and said something while pointing at Hua Nongying and Hua Min.

"Hello, Your Majesty! This is Zhu Yuanyuan. Hello, Mr. Huaxinying! Your Royal Highness is well, and we meet again."

Zhu Yuanyuan first greeted him next to each other, and then took his gift out of the space ring and said, "Your Majesty, I hurried to the palace and didn’t prepare any good gifts. These foods are part of my shop. Please don’t dislike the well-cooked snacks in China."

"Oh? Some food? Mr. Zhu is interested, then I will accept it." Hua Qingqing looked at the pile of exquisite wooden boxes that Zhu Yuanyi had taken out, and she thought of the cream that Hua Nong Ying had given her. It tastes very good. Now Hua Qingqing eats a creamy fruit cake every day. She thinks that since the cream is so delicious, Zhu Yuanyuan now says it is carefully cooked and the taste is definitely not bad.

"Wow! Mr. Zhu, Queen Sister has gifts. Are there any gifts for me?" After Hua Nongying saw that Zhu Yuanyuan gave Hua Qingqing a gift, she jumped out and said softly.

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