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Chapter 732: Orcs invasion-demons! (three)

"Mr. Zhu, Elder Hua Qiudong will trouble you for a treatment, please. After the treatment is completed, Elder Hua Qiudong, I will thank you again." Hua Qingqing feels that Zhu Yuanyuan is really a life-saving straw, although this evil force can drag I don’t live completely, but who knows if there will be any problems after a long time, the earlier the treatment is done, the safer it is.

"Your Majesty is serious. Since I'm a guest at the palace, I won't stand idly by when I encounter such a thing. Elder Hua Qiudong will leave it to me."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not refuse. Hua Qiudong has been surrounded by people. He has not seen people yet, but he also felt the cold and cold breath in the air. However, the light and divine power on his body obviously restrained this breath, so he That's why I agreed with such a big deal.

"All elders, please let Mr. Zhu go in to treat the elders Hua Qiudong!" Hua Qingqing let people go away, and all the elders backed away, no longer surrounding the Hua Qiudong wooden couch.

Zhu Yuanyuan walked over and saw Hua Qiudong at a glance, and his expression suddenly changed: "Hey! This kind of power..."

"Mr. Zhu, what's the matter? Have you seen the evil power in Elder Hua Qiudong?" Hua Qingqing saw the change in the expression on Zhu Yuanyuan's face and his tone of voice, and she instantly guessed that Zhu Yuanyuan must know something, so she Asked.

"Your Majesty, this kind of power is very familiar to me, let me think about it." When Zhu Yuanyuan saw this kind of power, he felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and then recalled it carefully.

"This..." Hua Qingqing and the others watched Zhu Yuanyuan turn around by Hua Qiudong. There was still thinking on his face, and they all waited expectantly.

Hua Qingqing and Hua Nongying have seen Zhu Yuanyi a long time ago, but the other elves have never seen them. Although they don’t have a good impression of the human race, they are the ones brought in by Her Majesty the Queen. There should be no problem, so the elders They all stared at Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Hey! I remember, this is magic!" Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly slapped his hands together, and then shouted loudly. He finally found out what this power is in his memory. This memory is not his own. Memory is the memory of the Lord God of Light, so it took some time to find the memory.

"Um! Mr. Zhu, we all have this magic power, but is this evil power also magic power? Is there such a magic power on the Bright Continent?" Hua Qingqing was taken aback, and then asked suspiciously.

Hua Qingqing and the others are all dumbfounded, what's the magic? Then they all looked at Zhu Yuanyuan, as if you don't tease us.

"Ahem... Your Majesty, this magic power is not the elemental magic power you understand, but the magic power from the demon world. Do you know the demon world?"

When Zhu Yuanyuan heard Hua Qingqing's words, he realized that there was something wrong in his words, and then he quickly explained.

"Devil? I don't know, Mr. Zhu, what is Devil?" Hua Qingqing thought for a while and realized that there was no devil in her memory, and then looked at the surrounding elders with questioning eyes, but they all shook their heads. There is no record of the demon world among the elves.

"Don't you know? Forget it, I will tell you about the Demon Realm in a while. I will treat Hua Qiudong's injuries first. If this magic power is in the body for a long time, maybe he will be given to the Demon. In that case, it won’t be saved."

Zhu Yuanyuan originally planned to talk about the devil world, but after looking at the Hua Qiudong on the wooden couch, he still felt that he should heal others as soon as possible. Otherwise, if this guy is demonized, maybe all the elves present will suffer. Of course. This is under the circumstances that Zhu Yuanyuan did not make a move.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk about the Devildom later, Mr. Zhu should first treat Elder Hua Qiudong." Hua Qingqing also knew that it was not about other things at this time, and quickly asked Zhu Yuanyuan to take action.

"Light therapy!"

Only Hua Qiudong was injured, so Zhu Yuanyuan only used single-body healing magic. Of course, it was a light-type healing magic activated by divine power. In an instant, a sacred brilliance appeared from his hand and then radiated on Hua Qiudong's body. .

"Bah..." After the light therapy came on Hua Qiudong, he made a babble sound as if cold water had encountered a flame. This was a collision between the divine power of light and the magic power of the demon world, and they began to fight each other. .

However, there is the caster Zhu Yuanyuan here. The magic power of the demon world is only left on Hua Qiudong, so within a short time, the magic power of the demon world is wiped out by the light divine power of Zhu Yuanyuan, and Hua Qiudong's wounds that could not heal All of them are healing quickly. The granulation in those wounds grows fast, and they healed as they squirmed. In the end, Hua Qiudong has not woken up yet, but his injuries have healed, leaving only the blood on his body to show that it is true. Was injured.

"Okay, Your Majesty, fulfilled the entrustment. Elder Hua Qiudong's injury has been healed, and within half an hour, Elder Hua Qiudong will wake up."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that Hua Qiudong's injuries healed~www.ltnovel.com~ After the magic power of the demon world was also wiped out, he was also relieved, this guy has a lot of magic power in the demon world, and it took him 18 points to wipe out the magic power. Fortunately, it is estimated that the strength of the people who use this magical power of the demon world is not very good, otherwise I am afraid it will be troublesome.

"Thank you Mr. Zhu for the treatment!" Hua Qingqing glanced at Hua Qiudong, who had no injuries, and quickly thanked.

"Thank you Mr. Zhu for your great kindness!" After seeing the empress thank you, the Elf Elder and Hua Nongying on one side all thanked Zhu Yuanyuan.

"No thanks, no thanks, help!" Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand. Even if he was not a member of the elven race, he would heal people injured by the magic of the demon world. After all, the races of the demon world use evil magic power and light. Divine power is a natural enemy. The main **** of Guangming has fought against the races of the Demon Realm before, so there will be memories of the Demon Realm, but the time is far away.

"Your Majesty, everyone, now Elder Hua Qiudong hasn't woken up yet, then I will tell you about this demon world."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Hua Qiudong, and then felt that it’s not a problem to wait like this, so he was going to start telling the Demon Realm to these elves again, lest they still don’t know who their opponents are. No matter what the race of this Demon Realm is, it’s not a problem for Guangming Continent. None of this is a good thing, so prepare in advance. .

"Mr. Zhu, we'll just listen to you talk about what this demon world is, and what is going on with this evil magic power." Hua Qingqing nodded, she also wanted to know what was going on.

"Everyone, when you talk about the Demon Realm, you have to talk about the races in the Demon Realm. The most powerful race in the Demon Realm is the Demon Race. The Demon Race has double horns, cyan skin and black wings on its back. It looks very evil. , This is the most powerful demon clan in the demon world, and they are natural rivals to gods."

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