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Chapter 733: Orcs Invasion-Dusk Canyon (4)

"The Demon Race is the strongest in the Demon Realm. They are as powerful as the gods. It is impossible for us ordinary people who have not become gods to defeat them, but there are other ordinary races in the Demon Realm, and there are also low-powered races among those races. , These demon races are actually races conquered by demon races from other planes, and they were finally demonized into demon races. Therefore, the best way to encounter a demon race is to find professionals of the light system to fight together. The light element belongs to the demon race. Nemesis, of course, it also depends on the strength of the strength. If the strength of the Demon Race is stronger than the professional of the Light Element, then it might be the other way around."

"Everyone, now there are creatures using the magic power of the Demon Realm in the Bright Continent. This is not good news. If one is not good, the entire Bright Continent will be destroyed."

Having said this, Zhu Yuan’s face is also ugly. Although his strength is able to fight a demi-god, his realm is not high, so he has to stay on the Bright Continent for a while, and wait until his realm is upgraded to a lower god. Only then has the strength to leave Bright Continent and go to other continents.

Originally came to the Fairy Forest, Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to hide from his leisure, and also to prevent the Holy See from looking for him, so that he could stand up and get reputation points. Why did he go desperately?

But what I didn’t expect was that the elves had made such a problem, which endangered the entire Guangming Continent. Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he must have not read the almanac when he went out. Now even if he wants to be lazy, he can’t do it. He is now mmp, The face is also very stiff.

"What? The demons are as powerful as the gods?"

After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words, all the elves present changed their complexions, becoming very ugly, and at the same time exclaimed that they didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

"Yes, the Demon Race is so powerful. They can fight with the gods for so many years without defeat. It is conceivable that the Demon Race is powerful. Your Majesty, I don’t know where Elder Hua Qiudong has gone? Where is he? Have you met someone who can use the magic power of the Demon Realm? Or a creature that has been demonized, please don't hide it. This is a major event related to the safety of the entire Bright Continent."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the elves whose faces had turned pale, and confirmed their thoughts, and then asked Hua Qingqing, where the injured elder Hua Qiudong had gone!

"Where is Mr. Zhu, I didn't intend to hide it. Elder Hua Qiudong was sent by me to arrest the murderer who assassinated Xiaoying in the Cat Human Race in the Orc Alliance, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Hua Qingqing also knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she could only tell the truth. After she knew that Hua Nongying had been assassinated by a cat human assassin among the orcs, she directly dispatched Hua Qiudong, the Supreme Eighteen. The elder went to the orc tribe to capture this assassin, even if it was the patriarch of a certain branch of the cat tribe, so what? Can it stop the demigod-level powerhouse?

But things happened to the scene that Hua Qingqing didn't want to see, and it also involved such a powerful race as the Mozu, which was terrifying.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that the Orc Alliance has colluded with the Demon Race. This matter has been broken by Hua Qiudong. The Orc Alliance will definitely take action against the Elves. You have to be cautious. It is best to contact a place close to the Orc Alliance. Guard, ask if there are orcs gathered at the edge of the Fairy Forest."

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he really couldn't figure out why the orc tribe had colluded with the demon tribe, so why would they come to the elf tribe to assassinate Huanongying? This is totally a contradiction. Will the Elves surrender after catching Hua Nangying? I am afraid it is not that simple.

"Thank you Mr. Zhu for reminding. Hualu, you can contact the spies and treant wise men outside the Fairy Forest, mainly to check if there are any problems in the Dusk Canyon."

Hua Qingqing also reacted now, yes, the main thing now is not to treat Elder Hua Qiudong for his injuries. Since it is clear that the demons did it, they must be careful of the embankment. After Hua Qingqing thanked him, he quickly let Hua Expose this great elder to contact.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll go now." Hualu agreed, and then left the main hall, leaped forward, and flew quickly towards the back of the palace. Their contact point was on the side of the mother tree of life.

Twilight Canyon is a barrier between the Orc Alliance and the Elves. Hua Qingqing didn't need to worry about this place, but after hearing the introduction of the Demon Race, she felt uneasy.

Hua Qingqing thought that the Divine Realm Beast Clan in the Twilight Canyon might not be able to stop the orcs that colluded with the Demon Clan.

In the Twilight Canyon, there is a horrible group of monsters from the Divine Region. A species of demon beasts called the Yellow Patterned Crystal Snake lives in it. The Twilight Canyon is the nest of the Yellow Patterned Crystal Snake. There are countless yellow patterned crystal snakes in it. , Although the Yellow Veined Crystal Snake does not have a Demigod-level powerhouse, there are countless yellow Veined Crystal Snakes at the Gods Domain level. There are at least a few hundred, even thousands of God's Domain-level Yellow Veined Crystal Snakes, which is terrifying.

Huang Wenjing Refined Snake has the strength of Level 5 (Great Mage) or above when it is born~www.ltnovel.com~ As it grows down, within a hundred years, they will be able to reach adulthood, and they will be promoted directly to God's Domain of Warcraft. .

The yellow-stripe crystal snake is a kind of earth-type monster. At the same time, it is born with a petrified poison. As long as the poisoned creatures, the body will slowly petrify. If it is not treated, it will completely turn into a stone statue in an hour, which is very scary. .

The name of the Twilight Canyon is based on the yellow patterned crystal snake. This means that as long as you encounter the yellow patterned crystal snake, it means that the dusk of life is coming. This is not an empty word, basically encountering the yellow patterned crystal snake. None of the snake creatures survived.

Basically, of course there are people who can survive, and powerful people can live.


After a quarter of an hour passed, a shadow flashed in from the entrance of the hall.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. As Mr. Zhu said, the Twilight Canyon outside the Fairy Forest is all of Orcs, and the strange thing is that the yellow-patterned crystal snakes are indifferent, even mixed with Orcs. Actions in the middle, and they are still waiting for someone, gathering in the dusk canyon, it must be against my elves, please make your decision early."

After Hualu hurried over, her face was shocked and anxious, and she spoke quickly. .

"What? Did the orcs act so quickly? The Dusk Gorge fell so quickly, have the gods like the Yellow-stripe Crystal Snake be subdued?

Hua Qingqing and the others were stunned by the flower basket. Although they were prepared, they never expected that the orcs would act so fast, and the yellow-stripe crystal snake is not a simple beast, so difficult to entangle. God's Domain Monster Race has been subdued, which is too terrifying.

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