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Chapter 737: Orc Invasion (8)

"This is what happened to the Demon Race. Now that the demonized creatures have invaded the Bright Continent, the devil energy can only be confronted by professionals of the Light Department. After all, there are very few clergy members of other religions who can use divine arts. If our Temple of Light does not If you stand up, I'm afraid that after the demonized creatures destroy the elves, our fate can be foreseen. Pope Jinshan, your speed should be increased, and all the people of the Holy See will be cleaned up, so as not to join the war of the demon. It’s not good to stab a knife in the back."

Why did Zhu Yuanyuan not keep the people of the Holy See against the demonized creatures because they were afraid that they would sap the people on his side in the back, and then let the demon clan read a joke.

"My Lord God Envoy, this demonized creature is so terrifying, can the elves be able to stop it? The Vatican's background is still very strong, and it will take some time if we rely on our Jin family to deal with it."

Jin Shan took a deep breath. He also didn't expect that things would happen to the point where it is now. Some demons appeared. Although the demons have not yet come to the Bright Continent, if the demons defeat the elves, The demons might appear on the mainland.

This is also what Jinshan understood based on Zhu Yuanyi's words. Why would those demonized creatures attack the most powerful race on the Bright Continent for no reason, instead of choosing relatively weaker humans or dwarves? This must be purposeful. Maybe there is something in the Elf race that can break the ban on the gods in the Bright Continent. If the demon race enters the Bright Continent after the ban is broken, all of them will die. Will become a slave, and will be demonized. This is completely the result of losing oneself, and it is no different from extermination.

"Okay, hurry up. There are many strong people on the Elf side. It is certainly not that easy to break through the defense. After you clear the Holy See, I will discuss the assistance plan with the Elf Queen and unite together. Get rid of those demonized creatures."

After Zhu Yuanyuan finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then continued: "Pope Jinshan, remind you that the three-eyed flame lion of your Jin family can also be transferred. After the transfer, the three-eyed flame lion will change. Becoming a three-eyed luminous holy lion, this is similar to evolution, it will improve their strength. You can discuss with them. After the transfer, you may be able to upgrade to the demigod level in the late stage of the gods. Of course, you can also improve your strength. , It depends on talent."

"This..." Jinshan hesitated after hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words, then frowned and said, "My lord, please rest assured that the Holy See will definitely be solved in the next. As for the three-eyed flame lion's matter, in the next meeting I went to discuss with them. They have protected the Jin family for many generations, and they are only a partnership with us, not attached to our Jin family. I hope God will make adults understand."

"Well, you can talk to the Three-Eyed Flame Lion Clan, presumably they will not give up this opportunity to evolve."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t find it strange, on the contrary, this was normal. The Three-eyed Scorching Lion race was ranked in the top ten among the Warcraft on the entire continent, but because it was the only Warcraft group that cooperated with the human family, so They seem to be very special.

"Yes, Lord God Envoy, I know about it here." Jinshan agreed, and he was relieved. Fortunately, Lord God Envoy has a very good personality, unlike those in the Holy See, who is extremely arrogant.

During this time, Jinshan has been ridiculed by the Holy See, and his attitude is still very arrogant.

After the Holy See knew that it was the Jin family who was behind the Shining God Sect that appeared in the human empire, it immediately sent messengers to inquire about the Jin family, and then arrogantly asked the Jin family to immediately close the Guangming God Sect’s churches and temples. How many magic crystal coins and resources are required for Jinshan to compensate the Holy See, and it also has to surrender those professionals of the light system.

These requests made Jinshan listen to the anger. Does the Holy See really think they are still the former Holy See?

In the past, all the strong people of the Holy See were able to use divine arts. This is the foundation of the Holy See standing on top of the mainland's peak power. The Holy See is also the largest power in the mainland other than the elves. No one can question this.

But now Jinshan knew that the main **** of light had abandoned the Holy See. They couldn't use the magic arts anymore. Now they dare to be so arrogant. Jinshan couldn't bear it. He furiously drove out the people sent by the Holy See.

This rush caused trouble. The people sent by the Holy See were very arrogant and very grudges. When they went back, they said bad things about the Jin family, saying that the Jin family didn’t put the Holy See in their eyes at all, and they wanted to replace the Holy See. He even killed Huang Ting, the Pope of Light. He immediately angered Huang Ting. The next day, he announced that he would go to war with the Bright Cult and even the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce, completely driving out the gold and silver Chamber of Commerce in the Guangming Empire. Shops and even the property of the gold and silver chamber of commerce have to be confiscated.

However, Huang Ting’s order was late. Jinshan had secretly transferred all the things from the Bright Empire, leaving only some local hires. The leaders of the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce all secretly left the Bright Empire. At this moment, the Holy See rushed to nothing.

Then the Jin family officially went to war with the Holy See. Outsiders may not know these things.

Of course, even if no one speaks ill of the Jin family, the Holy See will go to war with the Jin family. The Holy See only needs a reason to go to war.


"Jinshan is still very capable as the Pope~www.ltnovel.com~ In just a short time, the arrogance of the Holy See has been suppressed. If time is not for now, it is estimated that within a year, the Holy See It will disappear completely!"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan came out and entered the Fairy Forest, it does not mean that he was blind. Those who changed jobs to become professionals of the Light Department have a trace of his supernatural power. Zhu Yuanyuan can check those anytime and anywhere. The person's whereabouts, he learned what happened on the mainland, as long as he wanted to know, he could almost know now, of course, except for the secrets in those big forces.

In fact, other forces have also sent spies to enter the sect of the Light, but what those forces did not expect is that once they become professionals of the Light Department, they will completely fall into the palm of Zhu Yuanyuan's hands. Was gradually affected by that trace of divine power, and thus truly believed in Zhu Yuanyuan. In this way, these spies were instigated and became spies on Zhu Yuanyuan's side.

Although theoretically none of the strong on Guangming Continent can threaten him, Zhu Yuanyuan still responds to all changes without change. There is no absoluteness in the world, and there will be variables in everything.

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