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Chapter 746: revenge?

"Yes, your Majesty, since your Majesty has made a decision, his subordinates immediately ordered to go down." After Hujiao heard that his Majesty had a solution, he did not dare to continue inquiring, and quickly agreed to go down and arrange.

   Tiger horns are actually worried that the other races of the orc race will unite together. After all, the tiger race is forced to the upper position, crushed by strength, its status is not very stable at all, if it were not for those races to survive, it would not be so stable at all.


  Kuteng City, a hundred miles outside the city.

   After Zhu Yuanming used the Guangyan technique to deal with the guy who was spying on him, he opened his eyes and saw a group of lions all kneeling on the ground.

"Master Zhu, I would like to thank my lord for his life-saving grace, and I also ask my lord to help Lion Tianlin get revenge for him. If the lord is willing to avenge him, then Lion Tianlin is willing to take the lion clan to be loyal to you and never betray. If you break this oath , Let my lion Tianlin fall into the boundless darkness forever, immortal life can't be beyond life!"

   Lion Tianlin saw Zhu Yuanyuan open his eyes, his face became calm and solemnly swore.

"Oh? Revenge? Hmm..." Zhu Yuanyuan was really moved after hearing Lion Tianlin's oath. He received the inheritance of the main **** of Guangming, and this inheritance became the **** system, representing that he was in magic The upper limit of the world is not only the main god, but can surpass the main god, even reach the dominance level, and may break through the dominance level and ascend to a higher world. It is really necessary to help Lion Tianlin avenge and regain the power that belongs to him. A little thing.

   "Lion Tianlin, I want me to help you, yes! But..." Zhu Yuanyuan first said that he could help Lion Tianlin, and after the joy appeared on Lion Tianlin's face, he said a but.

   "Master Zhu, please also state your terms. No matter what the terms are, you have agreed."

  Lion Tianlin can now say that he doesn't care about everything for revenge. Allegiance to a human is nothing. As long as he can get revenge, he can kill tiger cubs like Tiger Ba, and he can kill Lion Tianlin.

It can be said that Shi Tianlin is now blinded by hatred, and right, the whole family has been killed. If he is still calm, Zhu Yuanyuan will definitely not help such a person, even his relatives can die. Forbearance, such a person Zhu Yuanyuan is unwilling to help. One is too cold-blooded, and the other is that even if Zhu Yuanyuan does not help, such cold-blooded people can finally achieve their goals. It is only a relatively short time, and a relatively short time. It's long.

"Well, you said it yourself. I didn't force you. First, there is a problem with your oath. You Lion Tianlin took the Lion clan to loyal to me. There is nothing wrong with it, but after breaking the oath, you will be punished alone? Your Lion Tianlin is no longer there, is this Lion Clan still loyal to me? Or other Lion Clan members have betrayed me, how does that count? You have to swear in the name of all Lion Clan, and swear to me, I don’t believe the so-called The gods don’t believe in destiny, only in yourself, you just swear to my name."

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan said this is also because there is indeed a loophole. Lion Tianlin vowed that he will never be born again, but it is only limited to Lion Tianlin himself. Zhu Yuanyuan cannot promise such a vow, and if he leaves this After the world, this Lion Tianlin wouldn't be able to do anything for himself for a long time without seeing him.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to waste a place to control the gods, but he also had a way. If he wanted to be loyal to himself, he would swear to himself, so that the source of the oath would go to Zhu Yuanyuan. If Lion Tianlin betrayed, then Zhu After the origin, there are ways to kill him.

In this magical world, Zhu Yuanyuan may not be able to do anything about it, but after leaving and returning to Aquastar, Zhu Yuanyuan can use the cultivation technique. As long as he reaches the level of an immortal, he can preliminarily design cause and effect, especially this one. The cause and effect directly connected to him is the easiest to control. It is not too easy to kill Lion Tianlin.

"Master Zhu, is it that simple?" Lion Tianlin thought it was a terrible condition. It turned out to be the same as he thought. Originally, his plan was to escape into the Elves and ask the Elves to avenge him, but Now that he met Zhu Yuanyi, a strong man, Lion Tianlin changed his original plan. The elves hated their orc tribe. Lion Tianlin knew exactly this. Now this human strong man must also have something behind it. It's impossible for a strong demigod to have a strong power behind him, so Lion Tianlin changed his goal and turned to Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Yes, it's as simple as that. As long as your Lions are all loyal to me, then I and the forces behind can help you defeat the Tigers and regain the status and power that belong to your Lions. How about? Agree or disagree?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at Shi Tianlin, and then said something very tempting.

"Okay, Lord Zhu, I promised." Shi Tianlin agreed in one swoop. The Shifang behind him and other Lions originally wanted to stop their master, but after another thought, now they have nowhere to go. If they don't take refuge in a powerful force, they will only have a dead end, and even the elves will probably not let them go.

"We, Lion Tianlin, represent the Lion tribe and are loyal to Lord Zhu Yuanyuan. As long as Lord Zhu Yuanyuan helps the Lion tribe avenge and regain status, the Lion tribe will always be loyal to Lord Zhu Yuanyuan and never betray! If you break this oath, I am willing to accept it. There will be no remorse for any punishment from Master Zhu Yuanyuan! The oath is finished!"

Lion Tianlin knelt in front of Zhu Yuanyuan and solemnly swears. After he finished his swearing, Shi Tianlin's body changed, and a little golden light appeared from above his head~www.ltnovel.com~ and plunged into Zhu Yuanyuan. Body.

   "Huh? This is? The oath of the soul? Weird!"

   When Zhu Yuanyuan saw a little golden light coming towards him, he wanted to hide, but he didn't realize that there was a threat, so he let the golden light enter his body, and then a message appeared in his mind.

The oath of the soul, swear by the name of Zhu Yuanyuan, will separate a trace of the soul of the person who swears into the ten thousand world system, and then the ten thousand world system will take over this oath, if the swearer violates his oath, he will be taken by the ten thousand world The system discovers and punishes the person who violates the oath. The life of the person who violates the oath will be controlled by Zhu Yuanyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan will let him be born and live, and let him die, and he will not survive the sun rise tomorrow.

   Of course, this soul oath is to swear people willingly, otherwise the system will not be able to accept the swearer's soul. This is another way for Zhu Yuanyuan to see whether his subordinates are loyal. .

"Lion Tianlin, get up! You must have felt it too. Now a trace of your soul is with me. If I help you get revenge and regain your own status in the future, you have to regret betraying me, then I'm afraid I don't need to say more about the end?"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Lion Tianlin who was still kneeling on the ground, and after letting him get up, he continued to say. The words also meant to suppress Lion Tianlin. The orcs, especially the Lion people, were born emperors, but I'm very proud. Maybe now Lion Tianlin is really taking refuge in himself, but after a long time, Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't know if there will be any problems, after all, he can't stay here forever.

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