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Chapter 752: Withdrawal?

   "Gou Huo, Gou Huo, you bastard, wait, if labor and management don't kill you bastard, you dare to cheat my cat clan, labor and management are endless with you!"

Agu Da wanted to understand everything and yelled angrily. He also knew that this time it must be the guy Gou Huo deliberately. He deliberately used a trick to let the Cat Clan attack the city at night, and let the Cat Clan easily. Lost a thousand sanctuary powerhouses.

   "Okay, I'm afraid this matter will never end, Aguda, did Gouhuo let you go alone in the night attack? Was there anyone else present?"

   Chen Jisil stopped Aguda from continuing to curse, then frowned and said.

"Patriarch, at that time there were some generals of kobolds, wolf tribe, pigheads, snakemen... Basically all races in Dusk Canyon had generals present, and during the night attack, their troops were all ten miles away from the city Besides, as long as the city gate is opened, they will soon be able to enter the city. At that time, the subordinates and others were with them, but later, in order to open the city gate, the subordinates and others ventured on the walls of the city of Dry Teng. It's a trap, so the subordinates wait for the talent to plant."

   Aguta recalled it carefully, and said it to everyone who participated in the meeting.

   "Huh! Fortunately, things have not reached the worst point. Okay, Aguta, this time I will lead some people to the Dusk Gorge with you, so that Nagohuo will not sue us in front of Tiger Ba."

Chen Jisil thought for a while and decided to immediately lead some tribesmen to the Dusk Canyon. They had to go. If they didn't go, Gou Huo would make a fuss in front of the new beast king Huba. Huba didn’t see it in Dusk Canyon. Their cat clan will not let them go.


   When the cat tribe re-led some tribesmen to rush to the Dusk Canyon, there was also a scene in the Dusk Canyon that made Zhu Yuanyi laugh or cry.

   "What's the matter with the cats? How come they haven't won the north gate of Dryvine City for so long? Fortunately, they said that they are the top assassin in the entire Bright Continent. Could it be a miss?"

Gouhuo, the real dog-headed sergeant, has been waiting after the cat clan attacked the north gate, but after waiting for an hour, there was still no movement in the city, no signal, and the cat who came to report did not see it. Gou Huo became a little impatient.

   "There must be something wrong with the cat family, Sergeant Gouhuo, let's withdraw to the Dusk Canyon first!"

It was Lang Fantian, the wolf tribe’s general, who was the leader of the wolf tribe this time. He was a strong man in the late period of God’s Domain. The wolf tribe was always known for being calm, cold-blooded and cruel. The clans are high, but also the top clever group of the orcs.

This time, the cats went to the night raid for an hour and there was no signal of success. Lang Fantian felt that things might have changed. Maybe the cats overturned the boat, so Lang Fantian wanted to retreat. The elves didn’t. It's a sneak attack. This time, if it weren't for Gou Huo's order, he wouldn't want to come here for a night attack and waste time.

However, Lang Fantian came, and he didn’t let the wolf clan attack the north gate of Dryvine City to open the city gate. He thought it would be nice to have fun while waiting for the support of the large forces. Anyway, it’s the cat clan who is dead. .

   "No, you can't retreat. Everyone is watching now. If you retreat, it will affect the military's morale."

   Gouhuo rejected Lang Fantian's plan to retreat. It was his decision to attack Dry Teng City by night. If he retreats like this, where would he put Gouhuo's face?

Now Gouhuo is in a dilemma. He also wants to retreat, but if he hasn't done anything and just retreats, then the new Beast Emperor will come to the Dusk Canyon, then his life may be difficult, or he will be accused. , After all, the original order of the New Beast Emperor was to stand still, but Gou Huo himself had to do his best to make a great contribution. As a result, he killed so many people in the cat clan. It would be strange not to be questioned, unless he could capture the city of Withered Teng today. , Otherwise Gouhuo would think that he would peel off if he was immortal.

"Gouhuo, give you face and call you a military strategist, if you don't give you face, call you a pup, the labor-management wolf family will not accompany you, you are going to attack the city as you please, the wolf family children go with the labor and management back to the dusk canyon !"

Lang's eyes widened, he angered Gouhuo directly, and then shouted loudly, riding the giant wolf towards the dusk canyon and then returned. The other soldiers of the wolf clan saw that their general was about to leave, and they all rode in swarms. After the giant wolf followed Lang Fantian and returned to the Dusk Canyon, he ignored the Gou Huo who was screaming frantically behind him.

"Lang Fantian, you white-eyed wolf, you timid werewolf, dare to disobey the military order, you are dead, I tell you, you are dead, you wolf clan are waiting, our military master Gou Huo will not let you feel better. Yes." Gouhuo looked at Lang Fantian who was leading the tribe to leave, and he yelled frantically from behind.

   Gouhuo looked at the face of the wolf clan who had left. He didn't expect that Lang Fantian would turn his face when he turned his face, so that one of his faces would be rubbed and rubbed by Lang Fantian on the ground.

   "Damn wolves, **** Lang Fantian, villain, what a villain."

Gouhuo watched the wolf clan go away~www.ltnovel.com~ They lost the cavalry all of a sudden, this is a siege, just the kobolds, pigheads, and the insidious snakemen, in the dusk valley There are also tauren, like humans, goats, and eagles. These races simply ignore him and are many times stronger than them, so Gouhuo has nothing to do with them.

Originally, the Orcs also had the Ratmen. The Ratmen were actually the most suitable for sneak attacks, but the Ratmen were loyal to the Lions. After the Tigers killed the Lions and the royals, the Ratmen disappeared. They would punch holes. Yes, they can live underground all year round, but the Tiger tribe cannot find them unless the Ratman tribe comes out by themselves.

"Military officer, I'm hungry after waiting for most of the night. When can we enter the city to eat? How about we go back to the Dusk Gorge to eat and wait?" The pig headed general led Zhu Weishi while grunting. The groaning belly said lazily.

   "Eat, eat, you know how to eat all day long. Apart from eating, can you use your brain to think about when you think of how to take down the city of dry vines and when you can go back to eat.".

Gou Huo's face turned dark instantly after hearing what Zhu Weishi said. When is the time, he still wanted to eat. He was speechless to this pig head. After coming to Dusk Canyon, this pig head is too special to eat. Now, five meals a day are small, and what a pig head eats in a day is equivalent to the food of ten kobolds in a day. It is really a bunch of rice buckets.

"General Se, what do you think? Is there any way to break through Withered Vine City?" Gou Huo ignored the pig-heads of Zhu Weishi, and asked Serji Shi, the general of the snake race. The snake race is the most sinister and vicious, although there is no fox race. Smart, but some insidious snakes are best at it.

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