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Chapter 767: Is there an underworld?

"Huh? It seems that this magical world really has an underworld!"

Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly saw souls emerging from the corpses of the previously dead pigheads and cats. These souls did not stay in place for long, and directly floated into the sky. After floating up to the sky, they fluctuated slightly, and then These souls disappeared without a trace.

   These souls all disappeared automatically, instead of the soul being disintegrated on the Bright Continent. The soul can be said to be the origin of human beings. If they suddenly disappear like this, the Bright Continent will not get any benefit.

   At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan did not see the so-called death gods appearing, indicating that these souls were taken over by a underworld similar to the Chinese legend, and the death gods were not used to capture these souls.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan believes that the underworld in the Chinese legend may really exist, but it may not be true to say that the ghosts are sent to capture the dead souls. The souls that usually die naturally, or the souls who die without resentment, are both. They won't become evil spirits, so these souls should be automatically introduced by the indirect.

   And those evil spirits estimated that they need the underworld to send ghost missions to arrest, this should be the truth of the matter.

   The same as in the Chinese legend, this magical world certainly has similar places.

Zhu Yuanyuan got some memories of the God of Light. The God of Light once had a face-to-face with the death **** of the main **** level. The underworld was in another space, but they were all in the magic world, but the magic world had multiple layers. , And the creatures in these spaces are generally never likely to meet.

   The death **** that Guangming God saw at that time came outside through a spatial crack inadvertently. This death **** was the main **** of the underworld.

   The underworld, like the outside world of the Bright Continent, has gods and ordinary creatures. For example, after the soul enters the underworld, it will become a resident of the underworld, but they don’t remember the events of their lives.

   It can be said that death is also a new birth.

   "But it's a bit strange. These orcs and elves don't seem to be able to find these souls. What's the matter? Is it because I have supernatural power? Maybe it's true!"

Zhu Yuanyuan felt a bit shuddered when he saw the souls of the fallen corpses one after another, but the orcs and elves did not seem to have seen them. After thinking about it, he could only see that he had real divine power. To these souls.


   After Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the souls were disappearing, the orcs also began the next wave of offensive. Since the pigheads and cats couldn't attack them, they sent the tauren up.

   At the same time, the ladders were erected far away, slanting like a huge uphill. The tauren held the shield and was followed by a snake man, and ran up quickly toward the ladder.

   "Magic, archer, knock down all those tauren and snake people."

The elves did not let the Tauren and Snakeman land so smoothly. The arrows were like rain, and the range magic of various colors spread on the ladder. Many cloudy ladders were interrupted, and they were attacked by fire magic. The ladder is still burning.

   It’s just that these ladders are made of wood gathered nearby. The orcs have prepared a lot, so after they were destroyed, many ladders were erected.

   At the same time, those pigheads have now retired, and the 50 million pigheads now have only 20 million left, all of which are directed by Hu You to continue mining stones and cutting trees.

   There are now a steady stream of trees and stones being transported to the front of Kauteng City. As for why the stones are transported?

  Huyou found that those wooden ladders really couldn't stand the toss. The elves would pour a large piece of it with a single spell. Even if they fell apart and dragged them back for repairs, they could still be used, but they couldn't do it like that.


All day, Zhu Yuanyuan felt a little bored. The orcs were completely at a disadvantage. None of the elves died, and at most they were injured. The big reason is that the elves have magical defenses. The tribe can't do anything about them, who can make the orcs not magical!

   Even if there are those shamans, the shamans of the orcs can only use totems of some buffs and negative states at most, and they will not attack magic at all.

   For example, if the orcs are sick, or they want to communicate with the beasts, they are all shot by the shaman. At the same time, there are special orcs among the shamans who can predict some misfortunes.

There is also a totem technique that can increase the buffs of the orcs during war, which can more than double the strength of the orcs. Of course, this effect also depends on the strength of the shaman. The higher the strength of the shaman, the increase more.

It doesn’t mean that shamans have no offensive power at all. It depends on their talents. Some shamans have good talents. They can learn to summon some monsters. They can turn monsters into their own pets, thereby enhancing their ability against enemies and protecting them. One's own way.

For example, Huyou, he can summon a six-tailed blood fox from the late stage of God's Domain. Of course, this six-tailed blood fox was not taken over by him, but raised since childhood. It was also one of his trump cards. This six-tailed blood fox was accidentally encountered by Fox You when he was in the fox clan gathering place. At that time, the six-tailed blood fox had only the strength of a level 5-6 beast. You's opponent, with a few negative curse totems, the six-tailed blood fox lay down and let him slaughter, and then the six-tailed blood fox became Fox You's pet, and it has become a monster of the late God's Domain.

The Orcs don’t have a magic army, so it’s very difficult to capture Dryvine City. Basically there is no possibility. If there is a Behemoth here, there may be a little possibility, but now the Orcs don’t have an aerial group. Here, there is no Bimeng giant beast, what will it use to attack Withered Vine City?

"Is this orcs crazy? Even if they collude with the demons, they can only improve their strength slightly. Compared with the elves, they are still too far behind. They are many times stronger than the humans. Why don't the orcs go? When hitting humans and other races, do you want to chew on this hard rock of the elves?"

   Zhu Yuanyi also prepared a rich dinner at this time. The table was full of Chinese delicacies, a table of stir-fried dishes, while eating each time, watching the orcs who retreated after the sky darkened thoughtfully. .

   He felt that the orcs might not want to occupy the territory, otherwise why not beat the humans and other races?

If this is to beat the human race, it is very likely that a border city will be taken under a surprise attack. The strength of the orc race, if the human race is not united, it will not be able to resist it, and it will be easy to be defeated by the orcs. Take down an empire.

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