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Chapter 773: Joint Forbidden Curse (1)!

"Dandan, you command the defense, these orcs seem to be attacking the city." After Hua Tian came to the city wall, she saw the pig head man, the tauren man, the elephant man, all of them were bending five hundred meters away. Picking up the trunks of big trees, she quickly asked Hua Dan to direct the defense.

   "Okay, sweet, I'll go now." Hua Dan agreed and went down to let the elves start to move, and all the archers began to prepare.

   But after the elves were all ready, the orcs did not bring the ladder and the siege cart, which made Hua Tian and the elder elders wonder.

"The archer is ready to... a wave of free throws!" Although the orcs were acting strangely, after seeing the orcs entering the range of 300 meters, Hua Dan still launched their offensive. She didn't care about the orcs thinking. What she wants to do, as long as she enters the attack range, she must organize the elves to resist, and she can kill some orcs more or less, and kill one less.

   "咻咻咻..." A cloud of arrows shot at the orc below who was carrying a tree in one hand and a shield in one hand.

   "Duo Duo..." Most of the arrows were blocked by the orcs with shields.

   "Oh...ah..." A small part of them were shot on the orcs. Some orcs were injured as a result, and some were shot to death on the spot directly in this wave of arrows.

   But in the end the orcs rushed to the wall with a small cost of casualties, and then began their action, building the stone uphill.

In fact, most of the orcs who were killed or injured when they rushed were pig heads, because pig heads did not have decent equipment. The helmets were made of animal skins, the armor was woven with vines, and the shields were made of wood. With such equipment, pig heads can Isn't there serious casualties?

   And the tauren and elephant man?

All of them are metal helmets and armors, and even the shields in their hands are heavy metal shields. With just such a set of equipment, plus their own fighting armor, the arrows of the elves can hardly hurt the tauren and elephant men. .

  It’s no wonder that the pig heads themselves are not very powerful. The tauren and elephant people are the elite group of the orcs, the main force in the war, and the fine equipment is not used on them, can they still be used on the pig heads?

   "The magician came forward, free range magic attack..."

   The magician on the side of the elves started the attack steps that Hua Dan arranged for them.

   "Sweet, what are these orcs doing below? Why did they build those stones on the edge of our city wall?"

   When the orcs rushed to the city wall, Hua Dan was paying attention to the movements of these orcs, and now he discovered that the orcs were arranging the stones neatly one by one, and in a short while, one person was placed high.

   "No, these orcs want to use these stones as stepping stones to climb onto the city wall. No, we can't let them succeed, Dandan, let all the elves attack the orcs below with all their strength and drive them back."

Hua Tian also saw that the orcs below were carrying stones. She didn't know what these orcs were going to do, but when she saw that the orcs had cleared a road leading to the city wall, and then began to play with stones and wood, she understood at once. After coming over, these orcs wanted to build a stone ladder on the edge of the city wall.

   These stone ladders are very difficult to destroy, and because they are piled up, there is no hollow underneath, so even if magic hits these stones, it is useless, and they cannot be destroyed.

   "What? Did these orcs come up with such a way? How is this possible? Although there are many stones below, they still can't be piled as high as the city wall, right?"

   Hua Dan looked at the stones below and found that although there were many, the stones thrown by the orcs were piled up more than ten meters high underneath due to the wide range of the city walls, and they couldn't reach the walls of the city.

   "Dandan, we have to be wary. These stones may not be enough now, but if the orcs use a few days to build, it is really possible to build. In that case, we will have trouble defending the city."

   Hua Tian shook her head. She also knew that the stones below were not enough to build the city wall so high, but if the orcs took multiple days to complete this thing, I am afraid this thing would be very bad.

"Tiantian, I listen to you." Hua Dan was silent for a while after listening. There are so many orcs in the army. I don't know if there are any reinforcements. The situation that Hua Tian said might actually happen, the best. The solution is to stop the stone ladder before the orcs have built it, so that the subsequent defensive plan can proceed.

   "All wood magicians obey orders and use joint forbidden spells on the orcs below to stop them."

Hua Dan’s order was passed down. The combined forbidden spell is a kind of legionary magic. All other magicians of the same department can use this combined forbidden spell together. The magical power of the combined forbidden spell is terrifying, even A group of millions of level 5-6 magicians cast a joint forbidden spell can threaten the life of a demigod powerhouse.

   Although it is said that it is impossible for a demigod-level powerhouse to confront the joint forbidden curse head-on, but how can a demi-god-level powerhouse retreat.

   As the wizards of the elves began to jointly cast the forbidden spell, the powerful fluctuation of magic power shook the world, and all the orcs on the orc side instantly felt this powerful and inexplicable magic fluctuation.

   "No, the elves actually used a joint forbidden curse, come, let all the soldiers who attacked the city retreat!"

After Huyou felt this powerful magic wave ~www.ltnovel.com~, he immediately thought of the joint forbidden curse, and immediately let people inform the soldiers of the siege to withdraw, and only the elves can cast the joint forbidden curse. Magic is created by the elves, and other races have also studied the Forbidden Curse for so many years, and have no clue.

The joint forbidden curse not only requires other magicians of the same department, but also requires these magicians to have no distractions, no distractions, empty thoughts, and unite the magic of all people with the purest thoughts. Only one person's thoughts fluctuate. One moment, it will lead to the total collapse of the joint curse.

According to the saying on the earth, it is “the levee of a thousand miles is destroyed by the ant nest.” If a small ant allows them to develop, it will destroy a levee of a thousand miles in a chain. As long as there is a loophole, it will With this loophole as the basis, it gradually expanded, leading to the collapse of the entire market.

   Putting on the joint forbidden curse, this statement is the same, everyone must relay and cooperate with the mind without distracting thoughts, otherwise the joint forbidden curse will not succeed. .

   There is no difficulty at all as elves. The elves have a pure and clean mind and don't have too many dirty thoughts, so the joint forbidden curse is an easy magic for them to display.

Other races are different. For example, the human race, the human minds in the human race are properly measured, even if their relatives don’t know what they are thinking, it is simply too few to find humans with pure hearts. Zhu Yuanyuan feels that he himself Not a good person, nor a bad person, and his mind is not simple, not as pure and flawless as an elf.

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