Random Shopping System

Chapter 779: imitate?

"Lofit, I have been working hard these days, how is the business of our shop? Isn't it still very hot?"

Zhu Yuanyuan was really curious about this. He wanted to see if the Chinese food could continue to be popular after the Elves came.

"Master, when it comes to the food court business, the apparent flow of people has dropped a lot these days, at least half of the flow of people. I'm sorry, Master, I've failed your request."

When Lovett heard Zhu Yuanyuan ask about the business of Huaxia Food Court, he said bitterly on his face.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Have you investigated the specifics? Did the elves just eat one fresh one? I don't like to eat it anymore?" Zhu Yuanyuan appeared on his face after hearing Lovett's words. With a look of surprise, he felt very strange.

Although the pastries and snacks in the Food Court are made in advance, the taste is really not bad. They are all the varieties he researched and improved. They are different from the food on the Aquastar. Speaking of which he researched and improved These varieties are even more delicious. He has only been out for half a month, so are the elves too tired of eating?

It stands to reason that they shouldn’t. There are more than 10 kinds of pastries and snacks. They should be eaten in rotation, and they shouldn’t get tired after eating them for a year. Zhu Yuanyuan couldn’t help wondering if the elves are different, and if the elves eat them once Don't you like it?

"Master, it's not that the elves don't like eating anymore, but we opened a new snack bar on a street next door, which took away most of our business."

When Lovett heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he quickly waved his hand and said with embarrassment.

"What? I heard that right? Loffitt, you mean that a newly opened snack bar almost squeezed our shop? How could it be possible? Could they make more delicious snacks?"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Loffitt with a look of you, don't tease me, and said, Huaxia Food is second to none in the world, how could it be crushed by others, isn't this nonsense?

"Master, that’s not the case. That snack bar is newly opened by the elves. The name is "Micro Green Food Pavilion." All the things they sell in their storefront are imitating the snacks and pastries in our shop. The elves they use The materials in the forest are different from ours, but they are also delicious. This has caused the business in our shops to gradually decrease."

As Loffitt said, his face was also unbelievable. Although he had known it a few days ago, he still couldn't help but marvel that someone could copy the food in their store through the taste.

You must know that most of the food in China requires various seasonings, and the food itself will be processed, so it is completely impossible to see what it is.

Especially snacks and snacks, if you haven't eaten them, you don't know what they are made of. After all, the raw materials are all ruined, and if you haven't eaten them, you really don't know what they are.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Where is their storefront? I'm going to see it. They actually reproduce all the food in our storefront. It's amazing. This is a super genius chef, right? ."

Zhu Yuanyuan was shocked. He really didn’t expect it to be like this. Someone could replicate Huaxia’s pastries and snacks. You must know that some pastries are not exactly the same ingredients, and there are fillings. Some snacks are made too. Very complicated.

Even on Aquastar, some Chinese cuisines are difficult to make, not because of the ingredients, but because the method is very complicated, plus I don’t know what secret recipes, heat, seasonings, ingredients, and even cooking are used. Environment, these things will affect the taste of a delicacy.

The chef of this new elves store can actually reproduce such complex snacks and pastries. This is not a genius. What is a genius?

"Master, it's on the street in front of our shop, and across from this intersection, there is a micro-green food pavilion on that street, and according to the person who came to our shop, is there enough food, this micro-green food pavilion There are shops elsewhere, but the holy city is too big, so there is no time to look for it in the next moment."

Lovett pointed in the direction and said.

"Well, I know about this, don't worry about them, we have a big deal to update some new food."

Zhu Yuanyuan said so, but he was still a little unhappy. This is completely stealing the teacher, and who knows if this micro-green food pavilion also has a store in other cities in the Fairy Forest?

If you open a shop in every city in the Fairy Forest, the benefits will be great.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan itself is just preaching that Chinese cuisine does not mean to make money, but just wants to earn prestige points, after this wizard has learned Chinese cuisine, it is also a kind of cultural input, but it is so much cheaper by others~www .ltnovel.com~ He is very upset.

Moreover, after these elves learn, if they don’t talk about the source and don’t promote their Huaxia Food Pavilion, Zhu Yuanyuan will not be able to get any prestige value. The Weilu Food Pavilion will completely offend him, and he will not let it go. Their.

Of course, the premise is that the micro-green business will really conceal the origins of pastries and snacks. If it is really concealed, then Zhu Yuanyuan will not let this micro-green business go. He doesn't care if they are elves. Great power.

It’s very simple for Zhu Yuanyuan to resolve this matter. After all, he had healed the elves of the elves, Hua Qiudong, and saved the fairy princess Huanyong. There is a relationship here, how can the elves give Zhu Yuanyuan also A little bit of face, even if the micro-green commercial bank’s stores are closed, it will let them promote the source of the food they sell.

Even if they don’t find the Queen of Elves to deal with, Zhu Yuanyuan has a way to make the micro-green commercial firm not worth the loss. For example, it can find a company that competes with the micro-green commercial firm to sell all the food recipes to them, and let them promote the reputation of Huaxia Food Court. As soon as it comes, the micro-green commercial firms will not be able to eat.

The elves really hate the clansmen who lie and deceive. In addition, the micro-green firm is so indifferent, and it is still used in business. .

According to the history of mainland China that Zhu Yuanli understands, the elves are arrogant. The thief and liar they look down on most are the elves and liars. Therefore, among the elves, there are very few elves cheating, and very few elves are thief. There is no good end to them. They are usually expelled from the city or village. If they are serious, they will be imprisoned.

What exactly is going on, Zhu Yuanyuan needs to know about it before he knows. Ordinarily, the elves shouldn't do this. Even if they know someone else's formula, they shouldn't just use it!

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