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Chapter 814: Found teleportation array!

   "Light therapy!"

   Zhu Origin first used a magic that can be used in every realm of the Light Element. Of course, he was a magic that was activated with divine power, but he could not purify the devilish energy with magic power.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

This time Zhu Yuanyi directly used half of his divine power in this light therapy technique, so a huge ray of light gushed from him in an instant, directly shining on the trunk of the mother tree of life in front of him, and the entire mother tree of life was in an instant. Exuding a sacred brilliance, this brilliance is different from the light element with its own divinity, which makes people feel sacred and inviolable.


When the power of the light divine power was immersed in the mother tree of life, the negative evil power of devil energy was directly discovered. The light divine power swarmed toward the demon energy under the mother tree of life, and the same thing was that the devil energy discovered the light divine power. After that, they rushed over in the same way. The two sides were natural enemies. Once they were discovered, it was either you disappeared or I was in a posture of monopolizing everything.

"Huh? This devilish energy is really powerful, it's too much, let me disappear!" Zhu Yuanyuan found that this devilish energy was constantly pouring out from under the mother tree of life, and he had no choice but to increase his divine power. Output.

   Divine power and demon energy entangled and counteracted each other. Fortunately, the mother tree of life itself had life energy to protect itself, so the two forces did not harm the mother tree after they fought.

"Huh! No more, the divine power is almost exhausted, and I need to rest." The divine power in Zhu Yuanyuan's body was constantly consumed, making his face pale, and after a secret mutter in his heart, he stopped and continued the magic. maintain.

   But the divine power left in the mother tree of life continues to fight against the devilish energy.

   This is also the origin of Zhu. If you change to a religious envoy, it will definitely not have such a big effect, or it will have a counterproductive effect. It is estimated that the mother tree of life will destroy some of the roots.

"Mr. Zhu, are you okay?" The fairy queen Hua Qingqing who was waiting on the side saw Zhu Yuanyuan's face turn pale, she was also a little uneasy. Although the mother goddess is very important, she doesn't want to let anyone help. Hurt.

  The elves of the elves also looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with concern. They were not only worried about Zhu Yuanyuan, but also worried about the mother tree of life.

   "Your Majesty, I'm fine, but the consumption of magic power is too great, just take a rest."

   Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand and said that he was okay, that is, he had consumed some energy. If he wanted to recover, it was actually very simple, but he also wanted to do it in other people's territory.

   "Mr. Zhu, it's okay. I don't know how the mother **** is?"

Although she felt a few strong energy fluctuations under the root system of the Mother Tree of Life, Hua Qingqing still had to ask whether the mother god’s problem was solved. Of course, she didn’t directly ask whether the treatment was completed, but what the situation was. kind.

   After seeing his majesty inquiring, all the elves of the elves also looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with hope.

   "Your Majesty, elders, don't worry, I can still deal with the situation of the mother tree of life. Some of the devil energy has been consumed. I believe that as long as it continues, the devil energy will be completely purified."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t know why these devil qi ran under the mother tree of life, he discovered that the total amount of the devil qi had been consumed when he stopped inputting his divine power. As long as he continued to use light therapy, If it is treated, this devil qi will be thoroughly purified.

   "It turned out to be like this! Thank you Mr. Zhu, then you can quickly recover. The various elements of the mother **** are richer, and the recovery will be faster. Please rest assured, Mr. Zhu, there will be no outsiders here."

   Hua Qianqian was also happy after hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's words, and she also discovered that after Zhu Yuanyuan used the magic arts, the life energy of the mother tree of life had not weakened.

   Actually, this hasn't diminished, but it is temporary. It is because there is light and divine power in the mother tree of life, and it is fighting with the devil energy, so the devil energy has no time to swallow the life energy of the mother tree of life.

   But as long as the divine power is exhausted, the demon energy will definitely continue to swallow the life energy of the mother tree of life to increase its total amount. This demon energy is very aggressive, and it is impossible to stop swallowing it.

   "Okay, then I will recover." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded in agreement, and then recovered from sitting under the mother tree of life.

No way, now he is in the realm of elves, and he can only recover energy by himself. Fortunately, although Zhu Yuanyuan himself has no way to improve his realm, he can still recover energy. This means that he has a system in his body and cultivates. It is also white practice that cannot increase your strength, but at the same time Zhu Yuanyuan has a technique. Although this technique cannot be practiced to increase his strength, cultivation can restore his own energy.

Restoring energy can be restored instantly with reputation value, but sometimes it is inconvenient to rely on exercises to restore your energy, just like now, now surrounded by elves, Zhu Yuanyuan cannot use reputation value to restore his own energy Energy~www.ltnovel.com~噺⒏⑴The full text of the text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   If Zhu Yuanyuan were to use his reputation to instantly restore his energy, wouldn’t it be shown by the surrounding elves?

   In that case, even if the elves wouldn’t bother Zhu Yuanyuan or peep at his things, they might spread to the gods.

Zhu Yuanyuan does not want to be chased by a large group of gods at that time, he does not want to be so miserable, it has nothing to do with freedom or freedom, carelessness or uneasiness, people are alive, and sometimes what you should do or not do, you must have your own A measure.

   Zhu Yuanyuan believes that sometimes there should be compromises, and sometimes should not be compromised, it all depends on what things are like and cannot be generalized.

It's like a person killed another with a knife, and then the murderer ran away, leaving only a knife, and then the relatives of the victim sued the seller of the knife and even involved the maker of the knife. This is simply nonsense, but there is no way, people are all different, and the relatives of the victim have to mess around.

For example, to make a cup, you can’t let a person make the cup. The process is very complicated. Could the person who make the cup dig out the sand, then burn the glass, and finally use the glass to make the cup? It took too long. .

   If you do it separately, the time required will be shorter. It takes three people to dig the sand, burn the glass, and make the cup, so it only takes a short time.

   So you can't let sand diggers make cups, and others can't. This is called generalization.

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