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Chapter 817: Secret (2)

"Elder Hua Lindong, what you said is wrong. Mr. Zhu worked so hard to help my elves save the mother god. We are too late to be grateful. I think I should tell him about this teleportation array, even if I let Mr. Zhu use it once. There is nothing wrong with the teleportation formation. When Mr. Zhu has left the Bright Continent, no one on the mainland will know that Mr. Zhu has left. At that time, no one will know about the teleportation formation. Is this the truth?" ⒏⑴The full text of the original article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

  Hua Dan has always been very capable, and now everyone is arguing, she stood up and spoke up. I said earlier that you can tell Zhu Yuanyuan the secrets of the elves, and I said later, Zhu Yuanyuan may not tell others!

   That Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t tell anyone, when he left the Bright Continent, wouldn’t anyone on the continent know about the teleportation formation?

   Hearing Hua Dan's analysis, all the elves were stunned in an instant, and a sentence came out of their hearts, that is, "Why didn't I think of this!"

   "I think Dandan's words are right, that's it, I agree!" Hua Tian was the first to applaud Hua Dan, and then openly supported.

"Okay, yes, Dandan, what you said is good. In fact, we just need to tell Mr. Zhu that the teleportation formation cannot be spread out. Presumably Mr. Zhu will not blame us. With Mr. Zhu’s character, he will definitely say It's done."

   Hua Qingqing nodded with a satisfied look on her face, feeling that what Hua Dan said was completely correct, as long as she said it to Zhu Yuanyuan in advance, then he would probably not pass it out, so that the secret can be kept?

"My elders, then it's settled. I'll tell Mr. Zhu about this matter. I think no one will object?" Although Hua Qingqing had already decided, she still asked the elven elders present and saw no one. Answered, she knew it was done.


   "The mother tree of life here is really a beautiful place, if you build a house here, and have a little kite and children by your side, you can really live for a lifetime without getting tired!"

   Zhu Yuansi sat under the mother tree of life, his thoughts drifted away, and he thought of Chen Ziyuan and his two children.

   But this idea of ​​his is destined to be just an idea. First of all, this is a forbidden place for the elves. It is impossible for outsiders to live here. Secondly, he cannot stay in the magic world. He still has big things to do!

   Earning prestige points and raising one's strength to be able to deal with level 9 civilization, this is the current major event.

   There is also a goddess on the moon on the water blue star, the ninth-level civilization is eye-catching, and the time and space cracks that may appear on the water blue star at any time. These are crises and need to be resolved by Zhu Yuanyuan.

   But now Zhu Yuanyuan is only in the late stage of the magister, not even the sanctuary, the lower **** is equivalent to level 4 civilization, he is still far short of it!

  The comparison between magic civilization and cultivation civilization and technological civilization:

   The lower god's Yuan Ying stage 4th level cultivation civilization.

   The middle position is out of the orifice stage at level 5.

   The distraction stage of the upper **** is level 6.

  The Lord God Integrate Stage 7th.

   The highest level of God's Crossing Tribulation Period 8.

   dominates the 9th level of the Mahayana period.

   It can be said that Zhu Yuan has a long way to go. Of course, he can't stop on the Bright Continent. He has to go out of the Bright Continent and collect reputation points in other places in the magical world.

"Mr. Zhu...Mr. Zhu." After Hua Qingqing and the others discussed it, they asked Hua Xinying to come over and call Zhu Yuanyuan. After Hua Xinying came over, he saw Zhu Yuanyuan sitting on the lawn and staring blankly in the distance. Something, she yelled a few more words.

   "Ah, it's the chief executive, I wonder if the Queen and the others have discussed it?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan was called back to his soul, and then looked at Hua Xinying and asked.

   "Yes, Mr. Zhu, Your Majesty they called you over!" Hua Xinying nodded and replied.

   "Well, then I will pass."

   Zhu Yuanyi said, and then quickly walked towards Hua Qingqing and the others. At this time, Hua Qingqing and the others had tables and chairs.

   "Your Majesty, elders, don't you know if you have all discussed it?"

   Zhu Origin was not too verbose, so I walked over and asked directly.

   "Mr. Zhu, please sit down." Hua Qingqing did not say the result for the first time, but let Zhu Yuanyuan sit down.

   "Okay, thank you Majesty the Queen." Zhu Yuanyuan said thank you, and then directly sat on a chair next to Hua Qingqing. Only this chair was empty, and it was prepared for him.

   "Mr. Zhu, we have all negotiated. I can tell you this secret, but it is conditional. I wonder if Mr. insists on it?"

   Hua Qingqing asked Zhu Yuanyuan to prepare a drink, and then said.

   "Oh? I don't know what the conditions of Her Majesty the Queen are?" Although Zhu Yuanyuan faintly guessed that this teleportation array had a big secret, he didn't want to make any conditions!

"Mr. Zhu, this is the case. This teleportation formation is the secret of my elves. It is impossible for foreigners to come over, but Mr. Zhu, you saved the mother god, that is my benefactor of the elves. Tell me about this teleportation formation. Mr. Zhu is not impossible, we only have one condition~www.ltnovel.com~ that is the matter of the teleportation array, Mr. Zhu, after you know it, you can’t tell anyone, you can only know it yourself. I don’t know if Mr. Zhu agrees to this condition. Promise "New 81 Chinese Network Update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  Hanaharu's request was also given, even if it was kept secret, she didn't plan to sign any contract or anything. Those things were just a piece of paper, and they were of no use to people like them.

   "Is it confidential? Your Majesty, this condition is very simple. In fact, even if you don't mention it, I won't tell anyone about the Elf Clan to anyone in Guangming Continent. Please rest assured."

   What Zhu Yuanyi said actually contained something. He would only guarantee that the people in Guangming Continent would not know about this. When he returned to the water blue star, it would not matter. Just tell whoever he wanted.

   "Okay, I hope Mr. Zhu remembers what I said today, otherwise my elves will definitely find you."

   There are some threats in Hua Qingqing's words, but don't think that there is no way to get Zhu Origin after leaving the Guangming Continent Elf Clan. There are even more elves outside.

   "Well, I remember it." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded seriously.

   "Well, since Mr. Zhu has agreed, then I will tell you about the teleportation array.".

   Hua Qingqing was also very satisfied with Zhu Yuanyuan's attitude, and immediately began to talk about the teleportation array.

"This teleportation formation was arranged before ancient times. The records of my elves say it was arranged by the Moon God. I don't know what happened. Of course, this teleportation formation has not been broken after so many years. This is also a miracle."

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