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Chapter 823: First arrived in the wizard domain (4)

"Mr. Zhu, this is the secret room, and inside is the teleportation array."

Hua Qingqing took Zhu Yuanyuan and Loffit to the door of a wooden gate. On the wooden gate, there were pieces of carved leaves of the mother tree of life. This is the gate of life.

"Your Majesty, then let's go in."

Zhu Yuanyuan had already felt the aura inside, which belonged to the Nine Dragons Lock Maid Array.


There was also a magic circle above the wooden gate. Hua Qingqing used her mental power and magic power to guide it. A complex magic circle appeared in the green lines above the gate, and then the gate slowly opened towards both sides.

"Mr. Zhu, please!" After Hua Qingqing opened the door, she stretched out her hand and guided.

"Your Majesty, please!" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, and then waved his hand with politeness.

Then Hua Qingqing took Zhu Yuanyuan and the others into the secret room.

"It's really the technique of Nine Dragons vein locking. It's weird. The source of this Nine Dragons vein locking is in the eyes of this teleportation formation. The dragon veins of the entire Bright Continent are locked here. This is really incredible. How can this be done? of?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan walked into the secret room, he saw a huge platform in the center of the secret room at a glance. The secret room was at least hundreds of meters in size. The central platform was also very large, tens of meters. Above this platform is the place where the teleportation array is located. , He also felt the aura of Jiulong Suomai, a great feng shui array, and thought secretly in surprise.

"Mr. Zhu, this is the space teleportation array, which can be directly teleported to the elven realm. There are all gods. Are you sure you want to go? You have to know that in a place full of gods, you have no status at all. , Directly became the lowest level of existence."

Although Hua Qingqing felt it was useless to persuade her, she still asked. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan saved the lives of Hua Nongying and Hua Qiudong. This kind of kindness can no longer be repaid with anything. Under the circumstances, she needs to explain clearly to Mr. Zhu.

"Your Majesty, thank you for the reminder, but when I made the decision, I had already thought very clearly. Although I have not yet reached the strength of the gods, I will soon become gods. Not all those powerful gods are Have you cultivated from a weak point to a strong one? Don't worry, I don't regret this choice!"

These words that Zhu Yuanyuan said are true, and some are deceiving people. In the magic world, he is very safe. If there is danger, he can leave the magic world and return to the water blue star in an instant. In addition, the Bright God Sect has arranged it. , It can be said that there is no worries, even if he leaves the magic world, the Bright God Sect will not stop there, and can still grow and grow outside the Bright Continent, but this time may not be guaranteed.

"This...well, I respect your choice!" Hua Qingqing looked at Zhu Yuanyuan who was unwavering, and she could only respect his choice. After all, it was her own choice.

"Mr. Zhu, this is where the magic core and magic spar are put." Hua Qingqing introduced the teleportation array.

This teleportation array first needs to be filled with magic cores and magic spars, and then it has to wait until the teleportation array is recharged. After the teleportation array is charged, the teleportation can be started. The distance from the Bright Continent to the Elf Realm requires a lot of energy. , So it needs a lot of magic core and magic spar to fill in.

"Okay, then I'll start." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the energy filling location above the teleportation array. It was a hole. As long as you put the magic core and magic spar in, it will automatically slide to the corresponding place for charging. , And after the magic core and magic spar are used up, they will turn into stone powder and be transported out of the secret room to become the fertilizer for the mother tree of life.


Zhu Yuanyuan guided the magic core from the space ring to fill the teleportation array, and while filling it, the lines of the teleportation array began to light up. The light of the teleportation array was a kind of silver light. This is not the power of space. Power is invisible and colorless. This silver light is the brilliance of Mithril.

"Ten thousand... one hundred thousand... one million... five million... 6.8 million!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan filled the 6.8 million magic cores, the silver light of the teleportation array went out, which meant that the teleportation array was full of energy and could be teleported.

Yes, the light of Mithril is on, that is, it is being charged, if it goes out when it is charged, it is that the energy is full.

"Your Majesty, then we will set off."

After seeing the energy of the teleportation array, Zhu Yuanyuan said to Hua Qingqing and the others.

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, since I insist on leaving, then I won't stay, take care all the way, and hope that we can meet again next time."

Hua Qingqing didn't say to retain her this time. Those who want to leave will always leave, and they will not be able to stay.

"Your Majesty, elders, cherish, goodbye!" Zhu Yuanyuan then said goodbye to the queen of the elves and the elders.

"Mr. Zhu, goodbye! Good luck!"

The elves of the elves also said to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Loffett, go, let's go."

Zhu Yuanyuan turned around and took Lovett towards the teleportation array and walked up. After going up, the teleportation array was opened directly. This teleportation array had only one destination, that is, the elven domain, and would not stop in the middle.

"Om! Huh!" The teleportation array lit up with a silver light, and there was a shield covering the entire teleportation array. With a scream, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others disappeared in it.

"Is this the space channel?"

Zhu Yuanyuan watched them appear in a colorful passage. He and Lovett are now in an energy bubble. This is a protective shield to protect them. This bubble is now quickly in the passage. I rushed forward, the distance of this second is not known how many light years away.

"Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

"Nationality: Chinese nationality."

"Age: 26."

"Occupation: Lord of Light (Late 8 Magister late stage, 106,000 combat power)."

"Supernatural power: 106 points. (Magic combat power converted from 10W6.

"Warcraft pet: Silvermoon Wolf King (Little Wolf) (11th-level God's Domain Monster), with a combat power of 616,000."

"Life Skills: Guitar (Level 9), Piano (Level 9), Singing (Level 9), Cooking (Level 9 God Level), Driving (Level 9). Computer Technology (Level 9). Chinese Medicine (Level 9) ( PS: The level here is only the level on the water blue star, and the ninth level is the top.) The thirteen needles (can wake up vegetatives).

"Special Skill: "Five Elements Feng Shui Secret Skill""

"Psychic Ability (Level 3S): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock. Mental realm.”

"Ice type ability (3S level): Manipulate ice and snow to perform powerful ice type alien magic! (PS: immune to all ice elemental attacks below 3S level!

"Magic Weapon: Space Ring (10,000 cubic meters ~www.ltnovel.com~Jinyan Feijian (Level 2 combat power of 120,000.

"Gong Method: Controlling God Skill (Level 8), "Starlight Refining Technique" (Level 7). Soul Devouring Technique (Level 4). Qiankun Jue (1st Level of Foundation Building

"Number of crossings: Level 1 civilization (1 time)."

"Property: 4.380 billion Chinese currency coins."

"Level 1 reputation value: 6,738,88,000 million."

"Level 2 reputation value: 53.434 billion."

"Level 3 reputation value: 562,345 million."

"Aquamarine World Combat Power: 1819280 points."

"Magic world combat power: 408,000 points."

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