Random Shopping System

Chapter 829: Purple Thunder Domain (5)

   "Xiao Er, we stay in the store and eat too. First arrange two upper rooms for us, and then arrange a table by the window for dining."

When eating out, Lovett always arranges his speech. After all, he is his subordinate. He can't wait for his master to speak and arrange. Sometimes he speaks first when facing some small people, and in some big scenes, You can’t pretend to speak in front of your own owner or boss. This can be said to be a kind of alternative unspoken rules and survival methods in the workplace.

   "Okay, guest officer, please come down, arrange a place for the guest officer to order a good meal, and then arrange rooms for the two guest officers, what do you think?"

Xiao Er nodded with a smile on his face, and then waved his hand to lead Zhu Yuanyuan and Lowfitt to the restaurant. Xiao Er could also see that the former was the master of Zhu Yuanyuan and Lowfitt, but Xiao Er did not have any intrigue to Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, he is from Yuyuan Restaurant. Behind this restaurant is the Yu family. Of course, Xiao Er does not have a shop to bully customers. Among Yuyuan Restaurant, the most The taboo is to look down on customers, which is absolutely not allowed.

   As for why the people of the Yu family decide that they cannot look down on customers?

   The main reason is that the identities of the guests on the Raiden Continent are not ordinary, and there are other important people from other races who sometimes come to discuss matters with the top human race.

   If this is to offend a big man, even a top family like the Yu family will be overwhelmed. Maybe it will pay a huge price. This is not their original intention of starting a restaurant.

Therefore, the Yu family has laid down several rules that are absolutely not allowed. The first one is not to look down upon others, the second one is that the service attitude must be absolutely enthusiastic, the third is that the hygiene of the restaurant must be kept spotless at all times, and the fourth is that the restaurant. The wines and ingredients must be of the highest grade, not inferior.

   In fact, these rules are easy to do, but greed is the nature of human beings. Even if there are rules laid out here, there are still some people who can’t help their greed and make mistakes.

Yuyuan Restaurant can be said to deal with some people who made mistakes every year, and they will be driven out of the restaurant forever if the circumstances are minor. Although they are also driven out of the restaurant if the circumstances are serious, in fact all these serious people have disappeared. The discerning people know these people. It will never appear again, this is killed by the Yu family.

Yuyuan Restaurant does not only have stores on the Raiden Continent, but also has branches on other continents. Of course, Yuyuan Restaurant’s restaurant is only found in large cities on the continent, but not in small cities. of.

  What is a big city and what is a small city?

  On the Bright Continent, perhaps a city with tens of millions of people can be said to be a big city, and a city with a population of hundreds of millions can be said to be a super city.

But in this continental domain like the Purple Thunder Territory, cities with hundreds of millions of people cannot be called big cities. They can only be regarded as medium cities. Only cities with tens of billions of people can be called big cities. Cities, but still refer to the permanent population, the floating population is not included yet!

   A city with a permanent population of more than 100 billion is called a super city. For example, the Thunder City is a super city, with a permanent population of more than one trillion, that is, trillions.

The digits here are: one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one billion, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion, trillion, ten trillion, trillion, trillion , Trillion, etc.

It can be seen from this that there is also a gap between the super cities. Of course, it is mainly because the Thunder City was built to dominate the thunder. It is a thunderous site, so the place is so big. The entire Thunder and Bright Continent It is more than ten thousand times larger than that.

   In fact, the Thunder Continent was not so big at the beginning, but the Dominant Thunder delayed the integration of many continents and then became bigger.

The rules of the magic world are very strange. If the continent and the continent collide together, they will merge together to form a new continent, and the rules on it will become more and more perfect. For example, the sanctuary on the bright continent can Flying, but when you reach the Thunder Continent, you need a **** above the lower **** to fly. This is the effect produced after the rules are strong.


   "Okay, arrange our meal first."

   After hearing what Xiao Er said, Loffitt agreed.

"Guest officer, please come down." After seeing Lovette's promise, Xiao Er took Zhu Yuanyuan and Lovette directly through the lobby on the first floor, and then up the stairs to the second floor, all the way to the second floor by the window. This is a square table, but it is against the window. If you want to sit, you can only sit for three people.

Zhu Yuanyuan followed Xiaoer all the way up to the second floor, and found that this restaurant was really big, much larger than the five-star hotels on Aquastar, and although many people ate in the lobby, it was not noisy at all. I also discovered that there is a soundproof magic enchantment on each table. This soundproof magic enchantment will prevent the people eating on the table from speaking, thus making the whole restaurant very quiet. Of course, the restaurant is There is music, and soft music rang throughout the restaurant, which makes people feel comfortable.

As for how the people at the dinner table call the Xiao Er service, there is a magic contact device on the top of each dinner table, and you can ask Xiao Er to come to serve you with the guidance of mental power. Of course, you can also order food through this contact device. ,very convenient.

   "Guest, this is the menu. If you want to order something, you can order it through this contact device and it will be directly transmitted to the kitchen."

   Xiaoer first took out a menu from his space ring, and then introduced how to use the magic contact device on the dinner table.

   Lovett: "Okay, thank you, then let's take a look at the menu first."

   Xiao Er: "The guest officer, please order food~www.ltnovel.com~Go and prepare the room for both of you."

   "Master, look, what would you like to eat?"

   Lovett waited until Xiao Er had left, he put the menu in front of Zhu Yuanyuan and asked.

   "No, just order a few signature dishes from restaurants. The cuisine in this magical world is just like that. It depends entirely on the quality of the ingredients themselves. The methods are too monotonous."

Zhu Yuanyuan pushed the menu back to Lovett and asked him to order a few dishes by the way. He has been in the magic world for a while. Although it hasn’t been a few days since he came out from the Bright Continent, he was also in the Fairy Forest. I have seen the delicacies cooked by the elves. Although the ingredients are matched, they still don’t use those strange flavorings.

"Yes, Master." Lovette also expressed his understanding. The cooking in the magical world is actually useless, and it can't increase any strength. The meat of the monsters is at most with some magical elements. After being eaten by people of the same attribute, It will increase some magic power. If you eat it for a long time, it will have certain benefits for the professionals who practice magic and vindictiveness, and make it easier to practice. .

   But this meat of Warcraft is fresh and best to eat. It has nothing to do with cooking methods. Generally, meat of Warcraft is stored in space equipment directly after killing Warcraft, which will prevent the magic elements on the meat from disappearing.

So since it has nothing to do with cooking methods, then this research on culinary arts need not be too complicated. It is not important whether it is delicious or not. The magical world always focuses on practice, and they really don’t care about appetite. , After all, this is a world where the power is respected. If you do something useless for a good bite, it is really unnecessary.

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