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Chapter 839: Locked-Journey to the West!

"Master, Chaos Qinglian, Pangu Axe, Good Fortune Jade Plate, Chaos Bead, these four Chaos Supreme Treasures, you can only summon the last two, among which the Good Fortune jade plate is damaged and Chaos Bead is the initial state."

The system quickly answered Zhu Yuanyuan's question, but the news was bad news.

"Why can only the last two be summoned?" Zhu Yuanyuan was a little confused, aren't the first two also treasures? Why can't it be summoned?

Speaking of the most precious treasure in the prehistoric world, what Zhu Yuanyuan wanted most was the chaotic green lotus. As for the other three, they were completely dispensable.

As for why must Chaos Qinglian?

Chaos Qinglian is the most precious treasure that gave birth to the Great God Pangu. It can be said to be on the same level as the Dao. Isn’t Zhu Yuanyuan rare?

"Master, after the chaotic green lotus gave birth to Pangu, three of its immature lotus seeds became the twelfth-grade Buddha light golden lotus, the twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus, and the twelfth-grade black lotus. There was also a mature lotus seed. It became the Jingshi Qinglian. Because the Chaos Avenue could not allow the Jingshi Qinglian to survive, it was transformed into: Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, Hunyuan Whisk, Qingping Sword."

"The five petals of Chaos Qinglian are transformed into: Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag, Qinglian Bao Color Flag, Off-ground Flame Flag, Plain Cloud Boundary Flag, Zhenwu Soap Carving Flag."

"The lotus leaves of the chaotic green lotus are transformed into: the list of the gods, the book of the earth, the book of life and death, the pictures of the mountains and rivers, the book of the river tuluo, and the seven treasures. The gas turned into: Killing Spear."

"So Chaos Qinglian no longer exists in the prehistoric world, and the master has no way to summon. If you want to forcibly trace back the prehistoric world to the time before Chaos opened, the space-time energy collected by the system is not enough, and the master needs to spend it. The prestige value is good, and the prestige value the master currently has cannot be traced back."

"The Pangu axe also shattered after Pangu opened the sky, and its fragments have turned into several treasures: the axe blade has turned into a Pangu flag, the main opening of the world, the derivation of water, fire and wind, and the back of the axe have turned into the Taiji map, the main division of cleaning the mud, and the calming of the ground Water, fire, wind, and axe handles turned into chaos clock masters to suppress Hongmeng and consolidate the prehistoric world."

"Master, the two treasures in front have been broken, so they cannot be summoned."

The system also gives detailed answers Zhu Yuanyuan wants to know.

"It turned out to be like this. What about the jade disc of good fortune? Can't it be a complete one? Why did the Chaos Bead become the initial state?" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded thoughtfully, and he learned about some of the wild worlds. The secret.

"Master, Pangu opens the sky, and wants to become a saint in the Dao, free from the sanctions of chaos, but Pan Gu itself is a chess piece on the Dao, a **** that sanctions the chaotic Qinglian. If the chaotic Qinglian does not give birth to Pangu, the entire chaotic world will be chaotic. Under the control of Qinglian, Chaos Qinglian will surpass the Dao and become the first detachment in the chaos. The Dao does not allow anything that it can't control, so it secretly used a method to let the Chaos Qinglian nurture Pangu."

"And after Pangu was born, Chaos Qinglian really collapsed, and his spiritual wisdom was annihilated, but Pangu itself inherited the spiritual wisdom of Chaos Qinglian. It can be said to be a new life. This is also the result of the battle between Dao and Chaos Qinglian. "

"After Pangu was born, he was unwilling to become a chess piece in the Dao, so Pangu Kaitian appeared. After that, in order to prevent Pangu from opening the sky, the Dao had three thousand innate demons besieging Pangu, but the Dao was blundered. The devil did not block Pangu, but Pangu was blocked by the three thousand innate demon gods, leaving him with no support. Seeing that Kaitian will succeed and cannot fail, Pangu chose to sacrifice himself to pave the way for newcomers to praise. In the end, Pangu's body turned into the mountains and rivers in the wild world, the sun, the moon and the stars."

"And the result of opening the sky also caused the jade disc of good fortune, the chaotic bead, this kind of chaotic treasure is damaged. Fortunately, the chaotic bead only restored the original state, and the jade disc of good fortune was very bad, and it was directly broken. The avenue is half gone."

The system also told Zhu Yuanyuan the truth about Pangu Kaitian, and I don't know why the system said this.

"Fuck, this Pangu Kaitian turned out to be the truth. The young master really thought that Pangu Great God was for the good of the world, so he opened the sky! It turned out to be for freedom, for resistance, um, although this purpose is also very selfish, But I have to say that its goal is great."

Zhu Yuanyuan really felt that this prehistoric world was chaotic, and all kinds of conspiracy calculations were everywhere. Even the birth of a child might be calculated by others. What else is impossible?

"If this is the case, then this prehistoric world cannot be selected. The four great chaos treasures, only the Chaos Orb is good, but it is also the initial state. There is no world in it, and we have to wait for it to evolve slowly. How can it evolve into a chaotic world!"

Yes, the Chaos Orb can theoretically become a Chaos World if it evolves to the top, and the person who owns it is equivalent to the existence of the Dao Saint level.

The Chaos Bead was a mysterious treasure in the prehistoric world. No one has ever owned it before. Its location is a mystery.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan has the opportunity to have Chaos Orbs, he doesn't want them. Chaos Orbs are useless for him now~www.ltnovel.com~ I can’t improve my strength. Don’t say, maybe people will die if they find out that they have Chaos Orbs. There is no burial place.

"Okay, system, I choose Journey to the West, lock it!"

When Zhu Yuanyuan knew that the four Chaos Supreme Treasures could not be summoned, he had already decided that the locked world was the world of Journey to the West.

As for why he chose Journey to the West, there are many reasons. The first one is that he has watched Journey to the West since he was a child on earth. Zhu Yuanyuan has watched it countless times whether it is the original, TV series, or cartoon.

He is very familiar with the various characters, various spells, magic weapons, beasts, and treasures in Journey to the West.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan is not very familiar with the prehistoric world. He only knows some characters and treasures of the prehistoric world. He doesn't know anything else, and is far less impressive than Journey to the West.

"Lock the Journey to the West, master, are you sure to lock it?" The Ten Thousand Realms system repeatedly determined Zhu Yuan's choice, after all, once locked, you can't regret it.

"Ok, just lock in the Westward Journey World."

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the Journey to the West world was not bad, and compared with the prehistoric world, it was actually not bad at all.

"Successfully locked the Journey to the West, please choose to summon creatures or items!" The cold voice of the system reminded Zhu Yuanyuan.

"The powerhouses in Journey to the West, the Seven Great Sages of the Monster Race, the God of Erlang, Nezha, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, are all powerhouses at the level of the Daluo Jinxian. It is really difficult to choose. The Jade Emperor and Maitreya Buddha cannot be summoned by quasi-sage-level powerhouses."

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